Information du profil
Information de voyage
Actuellement, je suis
à la maison
Ma prochaine destination :
Spain - du Nov 2024 au Mai 2025 Voir toutDescription
I want to grow and learn. I want to make new experiences and connect with others souls and with nature.
I just want to be a good human and work on it from day to day.
I am happy about the little things. having a tea in the morning or a yoga session. just go to the forest and watch the leaves moving and listening to the birds.
I want to make the world a better place and I found out, that It always starts with myself and my healing and getting more conscious.
I just love life and want to spread love. Just grateful to be here.Centres d’intérêt
Activités en plein airDev. durableCampingÉcritureSoin des plantesMusiqueFilms et téléPhotographieSports nautiquesMontagneLanguesDev. personnelVoile / bateauVégétarien ou véganYoga / bien-êtreNatureFermeFitnessJardinageRandonnéeÉvénements/vie socialeDessin et peintureDanseCultureCuisine et alimentationLivresPlageArt et designAnimauxSports d'aventureLangues
Langues parlées
Allemand: Courant
Anglais: Courant
Espagnol: DébutantPlus de détails sur les langues qui m'intéressent
I would like to learn Spanish and of course I could offer to teach German or English.Compétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre
Ça m'intéresse :
Travail associatif
Tenir compagnie à une pers. âgée
S’occuper des animaux
Accueil / tourisme
Entretien général
J'ai des connaissances :
Projets artistiques
Bricolage et projets de construction
Aider dans une ferme
Baby-sitting et jeux créatifs
Préparer les repas / cuisiner pour la famille
Aider à la maison
Je peux apprendre aux autres :
Aide informatique / Internet
Quelles sont vos compétences ?
I can work with my hands very good. I can work with tools and also have fun with it.
i have a 4,5 years old daughter so I love kids and know how to care about them.
I love all kind of animals and I love nature.
i also love to work in a garden and with plants and flowers and vegetable.
i am very creative. I like to paint and write poems.
I think I have a good empathy and like to care about people.
i also love to cook and eat healthy and nutritious food.
I have an own tea brand and I work as a coach for self-healing and transformation. I also build a community for men, where we can connect more with our energy and heal our wounds together. being seen and just see the others.
before that I had a little security company and was self employed for years but found out thru pain that it was not what made me happy and fulfilled my soul. before that I worked as a photographer for some time.
now im still on the journey but I know I want to help people and also myself.Âge
Autres infos...
just want to thank you for read my stuff and are interested in me as a person.
maybe we will meet soon in person :-)
much love for you and your familyInformations complémentaires
Permis de conduire
Régime alimentaire spécial
He has a good sense of humor. His calm personality made otherone's also calm and reflective .
Thank you for staying at my house.
I felt like home and Family with her. She mostly Let me made tasks on my own.
She expects you to think about what need to be done and then do it… read more
He has a good sense of humor. His calm personality made otherone's also calm and reflective .
Thank you for staying at my house.
I felt like home and Family with her. She mostly Let me made tasks on my own.
She expects you to think about what need to be done and then do it… read more
I was very deep in touch and connected with nature. Francesco's project and vision is very inspiring. I helped with planting seeds, harvested olives, divided olives and in general tried to support the project on the best way.
it was an honour to be a little part of it. thank you… read more
Unfortunately he had to leave us a bit earlier than… read more
it was a lot of fun to work at the house just with natural materials. was always something different to do. the whole place got a very good energy and I love the whole project..
it's intense to stay there with different people but it's… read more