
  • France
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Information du profil

  • Information de voyage

    Actuellement, je suis

    à la maison

    Ma prochaine destination :

    Mongolia - du Jan 2025 au Jun 2025
    Voir tout
  • Description

    Hi ! I'm a twenty-two years-old french musician, passionate about travels. I would love to explore the world, practice my english, and (why not?) learn new languages! I love animals, children (I took care of kids with mental conditions for a year in a specialized institution in France), reading and writing, and to be outside.

  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Anglais: Courant
    Français: Courant
    Espagnol: Débutant

    Plus de détails sur les langues qui m'intéressent
    French is my mother tongue and I am fluent in English. I would love to teach my mother tongue to anyone willing ! (Although I don't have any proper teaching experience, I know how to adapt and some methods I used to learn English).

    Trouver un partenaire de langue

  • Compétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre

    Ça m'intéresse :  

    Aider dans une ferme
    Bricolage et projets de construction
    Accueil / tourisme
    Travail associatif

    J'ai des connaissances :  

    Projets artistiques
    Tenir compagnie à une pers. âgée
    Baby-sitting et jeux créatifs
    S’occuper des animaux

    Je peux apprendre aux autres :  

  • Quelles sont vos compétences ?

    I have a bachelor's degree in musicology, play the flute (and a bit of cello and piano).
    I also have a one-year experience in a IME ("Institut Médico-Educatif", a specialised institution for kids with mental conditions such as Down syndrom, autism, Williams Buren syndrom, etc.). Both of these experiences changed my life, and before I figure out what I want to do with them in the future, I would like to take a chance to discover the world.
    Besides that, I had a bunch of professional experiences in restaurants, theaters and bars.
    I grew up surrounded by animals : cats, dogs, chicken, horses and donkeys - and loved to take care of them.
    I'm very open to learn and do things out of the ordinary !

  • Âge


  • Autres infos...

    I play pool with my mother on a regular basis, so much so that we befriended the owner (and my mother is considering buying his business when he retires in four years). I love going there with her and learned the rules of french pool and snooker as well !
    I have some unusual hobbies too, like puzzles, wood sculpture, role play (my sister loves Vampires : the Mascarade), and some a lot less unusual : hanging out with my friends and family...

  • Informations complémentaires

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