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Badges (3)

Good Workawayer
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Information du profil

  • Information de voyage

    Actuellement, je suis

    à la maison

  • Description

    I'm 53 and I'm married with two children. I live in the countryside of Tuscany. I'm a botanist, graduated in 1997 at the University of Florence in Natural Science. I've been working at the University of Florence since 2000 and I've been the curator of the Botanical Garden of the University of Florence for 2 years.
    I want to travel to improve my English because I think it's very useful expecially in my job.
    Plants are my passion and I enjoy hiking in the mountains and explore the nature that surrounds me.

  • Centres d’intérêt

    Dev. personnel
    Dev. durable
    Films et télé
    Activités en plein air
    Soin des plantes
  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Italien: Courant
    Anglais: Débutant

    Plus de détails sur les langues qui m'intéressent
    I'd like to improve my English. I can teach you Italian if you are interested.

    Trouver un partenaire de langue

  • Compétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre

    Ça m'intéresse :  

    S’occuper des animaux
    Aider dans une ferme

    J'ai des connaissances :  

    Bricolage et projets de construction
    Aide informatique / Internet

    Je peux apprendre aux autres :  

    Aider à la maison
    Entretien général
  • Quelles sont vos compétences ?

    I've been in a boy-scout group for many years and I've learned to adapt well to any situation and go through life with a practical view of things. I'm quite expert when it comes to house keeping since I live with my wife and chidren and there's always something to do! I am also skilled in building and fixing furniture and small objects and repairing minor damages. Thanks to my work in the botanical field I'm able to do garden maintenance and horticoltural work.

  • Âge


  • Autres infos...

    Cooking is not my biggest passion but I can teach you some italian dish if you'd like. I love trying new foods!
    I like playing the guitar although I'm not the best musician!
    I can adapt easily to both the kitchen and the living situations and any of the tasks required.

  • Informations complémentaires

    • Fumeur

    • Permis de conduire

    • Allergies

    • Régime alimentaire spécial



