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Badges (3)

Good Workawayer
Email verified

Information du profil

  • Information de voyage

    Actuellement, je suis

    à la maison

    Ma prochaine destination :

    Marrakesh, Morocco - du Sep 2024 au Oct 2024
    Voir tout
  • Description

    Hi im Clara, I'm 25 years old and im currently living in Bolzano, Italy. I am studying art and design here and I am laying my focus on the therapeutic potential of painting and performance art. In my spare time, I love going climbing and go for adventures with my friends or also on solo. I am searching for experiences that invite me to grow and stretch my limitations. And I would like to meet more people who share my interest in alternative ways of living. I also very much believe in the quality of traits, traits of knowledge and philosophies, art and other goods and would love to make more practical experiences with it.

  • Centres d’intérêt

    Dev. durable
    Activités en plein air
    Yoga / bien-être
    Dev. personnel
    Dessin et peinture
    Végétarien ou végan
    Cuisine et alimentation
    Art et design
    Bricolage / artisanat
    Arts du spectacle
  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Allemand: Courant
    Anglais: Courant
    Italien: Débutant

    Plus de détails sur les langues qui m'intéressent
    I would like to practice my Italian and eventually get fluent.

    Trouver un partenaire de langue

  • Compétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre

    J'ai des connaissances :  

    Baby-sitting et jeux créatifs
    Préparer les repas / cuisiner pour la famille
    Aider dans une ferme
    S’occuper des animaux

    Je peux apprendre aux autres :  

    Projets artistiques
    Entretien général
  • Quelles sont vos compétences ?

    German fluent
    English fluent
    Italian A.2.2

    I am quite skilled with my hands. And I love everything crafty and am super motivated to collect new experiences with different mediums. I worked already a lot with wood and textils. Other than that, I love to design or change rooms and places.
    I am good with children and animals and love to spend time with them.
    Otherwise, I cook and bake with much passion and would also like to learn a lot of new things, I'm trying to switch to a vegan diet and am still quite uncreative when it comes to recipes.

  • Âge


  • Informations complémentaires

    • Fumeur

    • Permis de conduire

    • Allergies

    • Régime alimentaire spécial



