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Information de voyage
Actuellement, nous sommes
en voyage
I, Jay, was a school teacher for nearly 20 years and half of those I was working at international schools around the world. I paid for university by working construction and I have always maintained an affinity for projects and handy work.
Flo, works full-time online as a remote CPA and needs to continue doing that wherever we go. She is passionate about gardening, yoga, and cooking nutritious vegetarian food.
During Covid (when schools shut down)we built a very successful off-grid, Eco-Tourism, Permaculture project in Costa Rica. We recently sold that and are now looking to help others with a similar passion.
We are both in our early 40's and are mature, responsible and hard-working. We don't smoke and only drink occasionally and in moderation.
We have travelled all over the world and along the way have called home: Albania, United States, South Korea, Singapore, Italy, Costa Rica and now on our way to Spain.Centres d’intérêt
Végétarien ou véganSports d'équipeDev. durableYoga / bien-êtreSoin des plantesAnimaux de compagnieActivités en plein airNatureFilms et téléMontagneLanguesAuto-stopFermeFitnessJardinageRandonnéeHistoireBricolage / artisanatCultureLivresCampingMenuiserieCuisine et alimentationPlageArchitectureAnimauxSports d'aventureLangues parlées
Anglais: Courant
Espagnol: Courant
Albanian: CourantCompétences et connaissances que nous aimerions partager ou apprendre
Nous avons des connaissances :
Bricolage et projets de construction
Entretien général
Aider dans une ferme
Aider à la maison
S’occuper des animaux
Accueil / tourisme
Quelles sont vos compétences ?
Jay- Substantial experience in all things construction, permaculture, management, administration, drivers license, animal lover, accustomed to living and working in foreign countries.
Flo- CPA, yoga instructor, animal lover, healthy living expert, garden guru, accustomed to living and working in foreign countriesÂge
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Autres infos...
Our typical comfort zone is quiet, calm and relaxed. If we are looking for something to do we are most likely to go for a hike, play some cards/board games , or snuggle up to watch a bit of netflix on the laptop. The last time we owned a television smart tv's didnt exist yet and it was only for watching football (soccer) matches.
"Going out" is not something that is particularly interesting and being at fancy restaurants or late nights in the club are definitely not on our agenda...Informations complémentaires
Permis de conduire
Régime alimentaire spécial
Jay is especially talented in all things building and organising. He built a fabulous extension to our chicken coop, fixed so many random things including a pool system, plumbing, and much more. Fjorenca is a skilled gardener… read more
Fantastic location for walking about and lovely animals to keep company.
Jay is especially talented in all things building and organising. He built a fabulous extension to our chicken coop, fixed so many random things including a pool system, plumbing, and much more. Fjorenca is a skilled gardener… read more
Fantastic location for walking about and lovely animals to keep company.