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Experience a traditional rural life and cultural exchange close to Chitwan National Park, Nepal

  • 632 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad : 19 sept 2024



 Estancia mínima:  Al menos una semana



  • Descripción


    Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.
    Let's celebrate our greatest festival dashain and Diwali festival of lights together in September or October with us.
    Currently, we are really in need of volunteers who can run a school English language class for community children from ages six to fifteen years. The class will consist of your choice of games and activities aimed to engage the local children while learning to speak conversational English as well as build upon their English language skills they are learning in school. The children are very happy to meet volunteers and will show you a lot of love for the work you are doing.

    Are you looking for family environment? You can spend your time here with us and get amazing experience.. Very beauty typical Nepali countryside. My village is flooded with wonderful nature, culture and traditions. My family is only four members : me, my wife and our two kids (14 and 18 years old). We are always happy to host volunteers in our home. Make your visit unforgettable by coming and exchanging cultures with us! We enjoy getting to know individuals from all over the world and are always excited to meet new friends!

    There are several tasks you can help me with. You can help me in my school, where students are very weak in English and also want English environment, in my farm (gardening, organic vegetables, buffaloes…), learning how to cook traditional Nepali food with food grown in our garden, or in other ongoing projects.

    People who are interested in indoor and outdoor games can pay games such as chess, badminton, ping pong at the house and games like football can be played in a local ground with kids from the around villages.

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Trabajo de caridad
    Proyectos artísticos
    Ayuda en proyectos ecológicos
    Construcción y bricolaje
    Cuidado de animales
    Ayuda en una granja
    Cuidado de niños y juegos creativos
    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Ayuda doméstica
    Ayuda informática
  • Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de las NU
    Fin de la pobreza
    Hambre cero
    Salud y bienestar
    Educación de calidad
    Igualdad de género
    Agua limpia y saneamiento
    Energía asequible y no contaminante
    Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
    Industria, innovación e infraestructura
    Reducción de las desigualdades
    Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
    Producción y consumo responsables
    Acción por el clima
    Vida submarina
    Vida de ecosistemas terrestres
    Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas
    Alianzas para lograr los objetivos
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    My place is flooded with natural beauties I think it's good for natural lovers. There are many animals throughout the village such as goats, buffaloes, cows, chickens, cats and dogs. Dog name is oscar he some time aggressive if there is food near by so be careful food near by. People of my village are helpful and honest, you can share your feelings, cultural activities and many other things with them. You can enjoy beautiful sunsets from meeting point of two rivers Rapti and Narayani. And you can get information about Annapurna trekking as well as other treks and trekking guide contacts. For those interested you can also get a chance to see Tharu culture program. Around five kilometers away is the Community Forest where you can take a tour through the jungle and see animals such as rhinos, bears, tigers, peacocks, crocodiles, monkeys and more. I am also able to help you schedule a trip to Chitwan National Park where you can do walking tours, Jeep safaris, canoe trips and overnight stays.

  • Proyectos con niños

    Proyectos con niños

    En este proyecto podría haber niños. Para obtener más información, consulta nuestras directrices y consejos aquí.

  • Ayuda


    Volunteers can choose where they want to help: in the vegetable farm, at the school or both! At the school, you can help paint murals to make the school more beautiful and help with the student's classes. Before school, local children come to my home for one hour in order to get extra English language experience and spend time with our lovely volunteers. Depending on the season and the ongoing projects, you could also give help in building construction, painting and drawing our home, feeding our buffaloes, etc …

  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Inglés: Fluido
    Español: Principiante

    Este anfitrión ofrece intercambio de idiomas
    Este anfitrión ha indicado que está interesado en compartir su idioma o aprender otro.
    Ponte en contacto con él para obtener más información.

  • Alojamiento


    We have a big house with 13 comfortable and separate rooms, you will get special private bathroom for volunteers with a western toilet. Three total bathrooms with one toilet near the farm. There is also a small outdoor cottage for resting and morning classes. WiFi is also available in the house. We also have a laundry machine which is a rare accommodation in this area. If You will get a healthy lunch and dinner with homemade Nepali food made with produce from our garden or from neighbor's gardens. If you need extra food then you can go to local shops or the city center of Chanauli which is about a 15 minute bike ride. The small shops in the village are within a 5 minute walk. We also have a nice rooftop from which we can see Himalaya in the morning time, or amazing falling stars in the night.

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    You are heartly welcome from every different corner of the world and from different occupation. Here you can enjoy jungle safari by walking in the forest or riding elephant, .... I can help you to go Annapurna himal trekking in Pokhara also. We have a nice rooftop from which we can see Himalaya in the morning time, or amazing falling stars in the night. If you are interested to trek Himalayan like Annapurna, Everest, Lamtana, Mardi, Manaslu I can manage from here my home with very fair charge with guide with excellent services. If you want cycling in community or to River side also possible.

    🏠 How to get here ? 🏠
    My place is located near the village of Bhimnagar near Chanauli which is around 17 km from Bharatpur city, west from Bharatpur.

    1. From Kathmandu (200 km) : Take the bus to Bharatpur Chitwan and get off in Bharatpur at Paras Bus Park, then take another bus from bus park to bhimnagar and get off exactly front of honda motorbike showroom. I will meet you there.
    2. From Pokhara (170km) : Take the buss to Bharatpur Chitwan and get off in Bharatpur at paras bus park then take another bus from bus park to bhimnagar infront of honda motorbike showroom and I will meet you there.
    3. From Sonauli (Indian border) (136km) : Take the bus to Bharatpur Chitwan and get off in Bharatpur paras bus park, then take another bus from Bus park to bhimnagar infront of honda motorbike showroom and I will meet you there.
    And if you wanna come by flight please book air ticket from Kathmandu or pokhara to bharatpur. And from bharatpur at chaubiskoti you need to catch bus to bhimnagar and got off bhimnagar infront of Honda show room.where i will meet you.

    If you have any further questions, please contact me (call me or message me)
    I hope to hear from you soon !


  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    Good internet connection throughout the whole home.

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    Más de dos

  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    4-5 hours per day 5 days in a week.

  • ...

    Este anfitrión cobra una tarífa

    leer más
Número de referencia de anfitrión: 485482633687

Comentarios (194)



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Intercambio cultural:


Join our local schools' improvement project in the ancient city of Bhaktapur, Nepal
Experience a simple farm style life with a friendly family in Kathmandu, Nepal