
  • Germany
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Good Workawayer

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  • Travel information

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  • Description

    Hallo ihr Lieben!
    ich bin Manuela aus Österreich....gelernte Köchin- aus Leidenschaft. Durch meine Arbeit hielt ich mich in der Schweiz, Norwegen, Italien und Österreich auf. Neben meiner Muttersprache Deutsch, spreche ich noch Italienisch und Englisch. Die paar Brocken Norwegisch, Spanisch und Französisch müssten wieder aufgewärmt werden.
    20 Jahre lebte ich in Süditalien auf der schönen Insel Ischia, wo ich verheiratet war und meine drei Kinder großgezogen habe.
    Wir sind eine österreichisch - italienische Familie, multikulturell und zweisprachig.
    Zurzeit lebe ich in Berlin in einer gemischten WG. Ich bin aufgeschlossen, unkompliziert , ein fröhliche Charakter, gesellig und tierliebend.
    Am Bauernhof meiner Großeltern und im großen Garten meines Elternhauses konnte ich von Kindheit an Erfahrungen in der Gartenpflege machen. Immer hatten
    und haben wir Obst , Gemüse, Kräuter und Blumen angebaut, geerntet und verwertet. Das ist die zweite Leidenschaft von mir.
    Meine dritte Leidenschaft von mir ist Reisen, Menschen kennenlernen, in andere Kulturen zu schnuppern und verschiedenste Erfahrungen zu sammeln.
    Ich freue mich auf neue Abenteuer, Natur und neue Menschen und vielleicht auch auf neue Rezepte ;)
    Born and raised in upper Austria on the countryside I spent a lot of time with my grandmother taking care of our land and some livestock. I've been taught to work hard and well organized and still I would love getting my hands dirty and dealing with such pure things.
    I also always enjoyed eating and cooking and so I took a degree as cook which I ended with an internship in the sweetest hotel in Norway. It was my first experience abroad on my own and I still have flashbacks of that time.
    Following my curiosity I ended up working in different places around Central Europe, one of them: Klosters, Switzerland.
    In Klosters is where I met my Italian husband, a man with whom I would have 3 children and be married to until few years ago.
    I was in love and I was able to take big decisions. We got married had our three babies and meanwhile we built a house on the island of Ischia in the gulf of Napoli, where my ex-husband is from.
    Unfortunately my husband needed to work abroad pretty much most of the time cause on the island there was no good work opportunities and so I ended up raising 3 children pretty much on my own, took care of a house maintenance and a big garden,.
    The cultural and communicational barriers I managed to overcome. Biting through I ended up learning Italian, making plenty of friends and connections. I gained deep knowledge about a certain southern italian culture and also I learned how to take care of a house with rabits, chickens, dogs and cats and a big garden that I would take care everyday.
    After 20 years on the island I decided to go back to my grandfathers in Upper Austria. I worked in several rather high-class hotels and also in an dorm for students. Generally I would always work as a chef de cuisine cooking with a big team for big amounts of people (sometimes also 400-600 people) so I'm used to cook also distinctevly good food for a big crowd. Working in the dorm I also made a license to teach the profession of cooking to interns and giving cooking classes or explaining is something that I always liked doing and I hope I can do more.
    As my last kid left Austria to go to Ecuador, I decided to move to Berlin and to divorce from my husband and start a whole new chapter of my life, a chapter dedicated to myself unconditionally.
    In Berlin I am working in an hotel and am also doing some food markets once in a while.
    There is nothing i dream more of than to go back to a farm on the countryside and just live day by day taking care of a plantation and of animals. I still have vivid memories of working on the land with my grandma and it fills me with joy and now more than ever after having spent almost 2 years in berlin I want to take a break from cooking in big city hotels.
    I am really flexible when it comes to my work assignments, I would like to do anything that is needed and I am even happier if I could learn something new and share as much as possible during my 'workaway' experience.
    I'm hoping to find a host that welcomes me and appreciates my company and the passion I want to put in my work.
    Looking forward to a pleasent, nourishing time with you!

  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    Babysitting and creative play
    Being an elderly companion
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Life at a Farmstay
    Eco Projects
    Helping around the house
    Animal Care
    Charity Work
  • More details about your skills

    gelernte Köchin aus Leidenschaft , italienische Küche und international, war einige Zeit als Küchenchefin tätig und für Kita und Schulverpflegung, Interesse für gesunde Ernährung! Gartenarbeit (im eigenen Bio Garten) Kinderbetreuung (drei erwachsene Kinder großgezogen) Pflege und Betreuung meiner Eltern , tierlieb (aber auch zur Selbstversorgung aufgezogen) ....bin körperliche Arbeit gewohnt
    Holz hacken, Malerarbeiten , alles was einen Haushalt betrifft


    Professional, passionate cook (Italian and international kitchen). I was working as a kitchen chef for a while and also provided food for kindergardens and schools. I'm very interested in healthy, fresh food!

    I like working in my own (organic) garden, know how to take care of children (I have three of my own), took care of my parents, and like animals a lot. I also know how to do things around the house and garden, like repairing things or chopping wood. To summarize - I'm used to hard work!

  • Age


  • What else ...

    Ich liebe Kunst in ihren verschieden Ausdrucksweisen, Kino, Bücher, Malen
    höre gerne Musik
    Empfinde gemeinsames kochen und essen als sozial relevant und einfach schön...
    vor allem ist es für mich interessant zu wissen woher etwas kommt, wie es entsteht und was man daraus machen kann
    Meine Muttersprache ist Deutsch, durch meinen langjährigen Aufenthalt in Italien - Italienisch und Neapolitanischen Dialekt


    I love art in all its different manifestations, cinema, books, painting and music. Cooking and eating together are not only socially relevant, but also simply beautiful. For me, not only the taste is an important part of cooking, but also the ingredients and origins of the meals.

    My native language is German, but as I lived in Italy for many years, I speak Italian (with a Neapolitan accent).

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements



