
  • Italy
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  • Travel information

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  • Description

    Hi dear reader!

    My name is Caterina, I'm 31 years old and I'm from Italy. During the year I am an elementary school teacher and during summer time a tireless traveler: I love my job as much as I love discovering new cultures! In particular, I am fascinated by the American culture and I dream of having an experience in the US.

    In my free time I love taking long walks into the nature, reading books, but above all cooking sweets and desserts. Obviously, as a good Italian, it will be a pleasure to cook some Italian delicacies for you!

    I consider myself as a curious introvert human being: I may seem shy at first, but I am a very sunny person and a great company. Also, my English level is basic, but I am very determined to learn and overcome this obstacle and teach some Italian

  • Interests

    Art & design
    Yoga / Wellness
    Cooking & food
    Outdoor activities
  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Italian: Fluent
    English: Beginner

    More details about my language interests
    I'm interested in improving my English and I can teach you Italian if you want.

    Find a language buddy

  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    I'm interested in:  

    Eco Projects
    Helping around the house
    Animal Care

    Some knowledge of:  

    Babysitting and creative play

    Able to teach about:  

    Creating/ Cooking family meals
  • More details about your skills

    Since I am a teacher, my major skills regards this area. In particular:

    - Languages: I'm Italian native speaker, and since I'm graduated in Education, I can easily teach it.
    - Children: I have been a summer camp assistant for many years, taking responsibility for a group of 20-30 children at a time. Occasionally, I volunteer at a children's schools assisting kids in projects/crafts. Though I love teaching children, I constantly learn from them as well ;)
    - Cleaning/Household Tasks: Self-explanatory, but I can handle myself in the kitchen and enjoy keeping clean environments.
    - Cooking: as a good Italian, I love to eat and to cook tasty and healthy recipes with a few simple ingredients. My specialty? Desserts. No one who can resist my fruit tart!
    - Photography: I'm no professional, but I know my way around a camera. I am confident with editing and make creative projects
    - Manual activities: I am passionate about manual skills and I enjoy giving objects a second life. I believe in the philosophy of recycling and I think that every object deserves one second life!

  • Age


  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements



