Marco & Damaris

  • Germany
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  • Travel information

    We are currently

    At home

  • Description

    Hey Hosts :)
    We are Damaris and Marco from Germany.
    *First of all, you will probably wonder why there's a feedback by someone about me (Marco) and my friend Lars. That's because we travelled together at that time but not anymore and we are living quite far away from each other now. Anyways I thought I could still make use of this account and share it together with my current girlfriend Damaris, so we can both benefit from the advantages of workaway.*

    All right. Now about us:
    Damaris is 28 years old and a nursery school teacher here in Germany. At least she is until the end of 2023. After that she wants to have a little restart and what's better than first travelling to South America? :D
    She is a lovely person. She laughs a lot, can make you laugh, is learning Spanish currently, enjoys crocheting, reading and just relaxing after work as well. And when there's time she likes it to practise some sport outside. So I would say you'd be lucky to have her because she is encouraged to help you as best as she can and also to share own experiences of her live, like living in the U.S. for about 2 years and many more...
    And now about me, Marco.
    I already used Workaway back in 2020 after my graduation from high school. I still have wonderful memories of my 2 months in Sweden and therefore I'd love to experience that again. But how can I be helpful? Here in Germany I currently study Chemistry and English and I want to become a teacher! While doing so I also work as a waiter in two cafes and I think I can make a really good coffee. I got some experience as a postman as well but don't really have time for that anymore. I like playing the guitar, also learning Spanish, practising some sports, learning to dance Salsa, reading from time to time and cooking as well :). Maybe I could convince you of me by being helpful. I will definitely try to get the best out of a stay at your farm/house/hostel or whatever and maybe I can be an enrichment for you as well.
    So if you took your time to read that text, thank you, and we both are gladly looking forward to hear from you.

    Best wishes from Germany

  • Interests

    Vegetarian or vegan
  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Beginner

    More details about my language interests
    This workawayer has indicated that they would be interested in sharing their language(s) or learning a new language. You can contact them directly to discuss this.

    Find a language buddy

  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    General Maintenance
    Life at a Farmstay
    Eco Projects

    Some knowledge of:  

    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Helping around the house
    Animal Care
  • More details about your skills

    Damaris: works in a kindergarten in Germany, likes to crochet, going for a run, read, watching shows

    waiter, student , postman, table tennis, soccer, also going for a run sometimes, riding the bike, playing the guitar, scout

    All in all we both cannot really say that we have special skills but at least one of us has a full-time job here in Germany. Damaris, who is a nursery school teacher. I, Marco only have experiences in delivering mail and serving Tables in a cafe. Anyway we are motivated to work and will try our best being good workawayers.

  • Age

    22 & 29

  • What else ...

    We are excited for the food in Colombia ;)

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements
      Vegeterain if possible



