Homestays, Volunteering & Working Holidays in Molise, Italy

Important information about visiting: Italy
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  • Sustainable project
    Sustainable project
  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
Help out on an organic farm along the banks of the Biferno River, Italy
Our farm is a centuries-old organic farm in the inland hills of the middle Molise, along the banks of the Biferno River, halfway from the Adriatic Sea and the Matese mountains, where we often go hiking. The bioregion is made up of arable and ......


  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Help us with olive picking in San Martino in Pensilis, Molise, Italy
Hi. Charlie and I are British and we moved here to San Martino in Pensilis from Brighton, England 3 years ago. We lived in our 5th wheel caravan while we built our house which we moved into in August this year. Set in 2 and a half acres with over a ......


  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Help with garden maintenance (harvesting olives and fruit) on a little property in the small village of Fornelli, Italy
Hi all, I am Martina (originally from Germany) and currently am renovating a small stone house in a beautiful little village in the National Park of Cilento, 5 km from the Mediterannean. The property around the house is 4000 m2 with 2 wells, a lot ......


  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Help us with maintenance on our olive grove near the coast in Molise, Italy
Hello, we are Erig and Giuseppe, have been living in Molise since 2023. In retirement, we still want to carry out projects that bring us pleasure, and meet people to share moments of conviviality. Our house, which is named because of our attachment ......


  • Sustainable project
    Sustainable project
  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Help us around our land and animals and learn how to bake bread in Tavenna, Italy
I greet all the travellers, my partner and I are looking for young foreigners with whom we can make new friends and create a network, we have a small piece of land available where we have already started growing vegetables and planting trees. We ......


  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Language exchange with our family in Termoli, Italy
Hi, we are Nadia Nico and Samuel 9 years old, we live in Italy in Termoli, a small and delightful town on the Adriatic Sea. We live in a house in the countryside surrounded by a vineyard, about 6 km from the centre. Im working in tourism department, ......


  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Spend time at the seaside and help our two girls with English in Petacciato, Italy
Hi, we are a family of four Antonio, Patty and our two girls Stella aged 8 and Selene aged 6, we live in Molise in Petacciato, a small village close to the sea, we would like to host, during the school closure period (roughly from 15 June to ......


  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Help me with DIY and experience life in Toro, Italy
I live in the middle of a town surrounded by hills and mountains, with an incredible landscape. 20 minutes from the train station and the city. Here we make homemade wine and enjoy nature. Now I bought a new house and I am restructuring it, I would ......


  • Sustainable project
    Sustainable project
  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Come and help on our farm in Sant'Elia a Pianisi, Italy
We are a couple in our early sixties who moved from Milan and our careers to be in our personal heaven on earth in the hills of Molise. Since the mid-90s we have played with the idea to move to one of the remotest valleys of Central Asia where we ......


  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Help us with childcare in Apricena, Italy
our family is made up of mother and two children, three years old Chiara and ten years old Vincenzo, we work with both parents and we ask for help to care for the children in the afternoon. la nostra famiglia è composta da madre padre e 2 bambini ......