Volunteers to help as receptionists in the Amazonas, brazil

  • Favourited 31 times
  • Last activity : 30 Jul 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 1 month



  • Description


    We need volunteers to act as receptionists at our jungle hotel to perform the following activities:

    • Welcoming guests upon arrival
    • Perform Check-in and Check-out
    • Assist them in filling out the registration form (FNRH)
    • Review briefing of the stay
    • Accompany them to their rooms and introduce them to hotel accommodations
    • Motivates them to post photos on the hotel's social networks
    • When accompanying them on the tours, take videos and photos for digital media
    • At the hotel, give all the attention to the clients about the schedules of the activities, inform everyone about their previous schedule and stay with the clients after meals.

    Some guidelines for the proper functioning of our partnership:

    • A lot of attention with the mandatory items to be used in canoes and hiking
    • Wear the life jacket for all activities, including routes to and from the Lodge.
    • Everyone must wear leggings for protection on the trails.
    • Take personal items like a towel. Linens will be provided by our staff.
    • Keep clean and smelling throughout the stay, giving an excellent image to customers.
    • Smoking only away from customers and outside the hotel. Throw the butts in a suitable place, that is, in the trash.

    The volunteer through this agreement, agrees with the activities that have been proposed.


    Precisamos de voluntários para atuar como recepcionistas em nosso Hotel de selva para executar as seguintes atividades:

    • Recepcionar os hóspedes na chegada
    • Efetuar Check-in e Check-out
    • Auxilia-los no preenchimento de ficha cadastral (FNRH)
    • Repassar briefing da estadia
    • Acompanha-los até os quartos e apresentar-lhes as acomodações do hotel
    • Motiva-los a publicarem fotos nas redes sociais do hotel
    • Ao acompanha-los nos passeios tirar vídeos e fotos para mídias digitais
    • No hotel dar toda a atenção aos clientes sobre horários das atividades, informar programação prévia a todos e permanecer um pouco com os clientes após as refeições.

    Orientações para o bom funcionamento da nossa parceria:

    • Muita atenção com os itens obrigatórios a serem usados nas canoas e caminhada
    • Usar o colete salva vidas em todas as atividades, inclusive trajetos de chegada e saída do Lodge.
    • Todos devem usar perneiras para proteção nas trilhas.
    • Levar objetos pessoais como toalha. Lençóis serão fornecidos pela nossa equipe.
    • Manter limpo e cheiroso durante toda a estadia passando uma excelente imagem aos clientes.
    • Fumar somente longe dos clientes e fora das dependências do hotel. Jogar as bitucas em local adequado, ou seja, na lixeira.

    O voluntário através deste acordo, concorda com as atividades que foram propostas.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Help with Eco Projects
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    At the lodge you will get to experience the traditional way of life in the Amazon, get in contact with the jungle in your spare time

  • Help


    Welcoming guests upon arrival
    • Perform Check-in and Check-out
    • Assist them in filling out the registration form (FNRH)
    • Review briefing of the stay
    • Accompany them to their rooms and introduce them to hotel accommodations
    • Motivates them to post photos on the hotel's social networks
    • When accompanying them on the tours, take videos and photos for digital media
    • At the hotel, give all the attention to the clients about the schedules of the activities, inform everyone about their previous schedule and stay with the clients after meals.

    The volunteer through this agreement, assigns the copyright to our hotel, which will use the videos and photos for an indefinite period on our platforms.

  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    French: Fluent
    Portuguese: Fluent

  • Accommodation


    Bed at the Staff room.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 637649832271

Feedback (3)



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