
  • Alemania
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  • Información de viaje

    Ahora estoy

    en casa

    Mi próximo destino:

    Ireland - Desde May 2024 Hasta Jun 2024
    Ver todos
  • Descripción

    “Hello” or as we say in Bavaria “Servus”,

    My name is Simon and i just graduated from Highschool this Summer. Unfortunately i am caught in cluelessness regarding my future career, so i thought taking a GAP Year with work away would be a great way to get inspired, making new experiences, meeting new people and in the end hopefully know what i want to do in Future ;)

    My passions are sport, cooking and reading, even though they got neglected the last few months by me. I want do discover our beautiful continent Europe and the different cultures and languages of it.
    I love working with people and also want to connect deeper with nature and the simple things in life.

  • Intereses

    Navegar / barcos
    Eventos y sociedad
    Deportes de aventura
    Política / justicia social
    Deportes acuáticos
    Actividades al aire libre
    Cocina y alimentación
    Bricolaje y manualidades
    Cuidado de plantas
  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Alemán: Fluido
    Inglés: Fluido
    Francés: Principiante

    Más información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
    I am currently learning Czech and i would love to learn some Italian/Spanish or refresh my French. Also, if somebody wants to learn German hit me up ;)

    Buscar un colega de idioma

  • Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender

    Me interesa:  

    Proyectos de construcción y bricolaje
    Cuidado de animales
    Vida en una granja
    Proyectos ecológicos
    Mantenimiento general

    Ciertos conocimientos de:  

    Cocinar para toda la familia
  • Que habilidades tienes?

    I really like working with people. In the last couple of months i even made an internship in a hospital, where i gained a lot of important experiences and skills regarding the interaction and care with people. I also worked in a kindergarten, so i already had the chance to discover the mentality of the little ones.
    Furthermore i have huge knowledge about sport and the science of it, not only because I’ve been practicing it since i am two years old, also because i got advanced P.E. Lessons in school over the past two years. So if anyone got questions about this topic, especially basketball, which is my favourite sport by the way, i would love to help :)
    My experience regarding more practical things, like gardening or renovating isn’t really much, but i know some basics, which i learned when i helped my Grandpa in the garden and at the balcony. I’m curious to learn more about it :)
    I’m looking forward to exchange my knowledge!

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