& Cristina

  • España
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Información de perfil

  • Información de viaje

    Ahora estamos

    en casa

    Actividades que nos interesan:

    Laura: hiking, learning japanese, cooking, agriculture, automation and robotization of agriculture.
    Cristina: culture, history, chinese mandarin, sailing, environment, new forms of water management.

    Nuestro próximo destino:

    Japan - Desde Sep 2023 Hasta Sep 2024
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  • Descripción

    As holders of a Japanese working holiday visa for 12 months, we are eager to immerse ourselves in Japanese culture, particularly in the rural areas, and contribute to the local community.

    Despite our different academic backgrounds - Laura in industrial engineering and Cristina in civil engineering - we both have a keen interest in computer science and its potential to contribute to ecological projects and cultural exchange.

    Laura's POV: I love hiking, languages, cooking, and engineering has driven my interest in new ways of agriculture and sustainability.
    Cristina's POV: My interests are within history, culture, and new forms of water management have motivated me to explore the potential of technology to create sustainable solutions.

    We have participated in social volunteering for many years during our time as young students, have a friendly and open-minded profile with a consistently positive perception. We view our upcoming workaway experience in Japan as a chance to continue our personal and professional development while contributing to a greater cause. We strongly believe that our passion, enthusiasm, and open-mindedness will enable us to make significant contributions to any team or community, especially those that share our interests in ecological projects and cultural exchange.

    We have been fortunate enough to have Japanese friends who have shown us the beauty of Japan, but we understand that there is much more to learn and experience beyond what the tourist trail offers. We are excited to learn firsthand what it's like to live in Japan, to experience its unique customs and traditions, and to understand the challenges and opportunities that come with living in a different culture.

  • Intereses

    Eventos y sociedad
    Cocina y alimentación
    Actividades al aire libre
    Cuidado de plantas
    Navegar / barcos
    Yoga / bienestar
    Política / justicia social

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  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Catalan: Fluido
    Inglés: Fluido
    Español: Fluido
    Alemán: Principiante
    Italiano: Principiante
    Japonés: Principiante
    Chino (mandarín): Principiante

    Más información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
    Laura: I speak Spanish and English fluently and I am focused on learning and improving my Japanese skills. Cristina: I speak Spanish and English fluently. I have studied Chinese for 4 years and I am eager to learn Japanese as well. Although we do not hold any official language-education title at the moment, we do have passed the TOEFL language certificate (C1). We have experiencing teaching high school students during our university years all type of subjects. We also can teach english and Spanish to begginer to intermediate level. And we can teach in Spanish and in English other disciplines, such physics or even small projects with electronics, robotics, etc. Both of us currently have beginner-level proficiency in Japanese. In addition, we have studied German and French in the past. Laura also has a background in Italian due to her Italian family heritage.

    Buscar un colega de idioma

  • Habilidades y conocimientos que queremos compartir o aprender

    Nos interesa:  

    Trabajo de caridad
    Proyectos artísticos
    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Ayuda doméstica
    Vida en una granja
    Cuidado de animales
    Cuidado de niños y juegos creativos

    Ciertos conocimientos de:  

    Proyectos ecológicos
    Proyectos de construcción y bricolaje
    Mantenimiento general

    Podemos enseñar:  

    Ayuda con ordenadores/Internet
  • Que habilidades tienes?

    Professional skills:

    We have skills in civil engineering (Cristina) and industrial engineering (Laura), which include design, construction, maintenance, and optimization of systems for maximum efficiency. We are both currently studying computer science (we are in our last year already), which provides us with skills in programming, data analysis, and problem-solving.

    We believe that our educational backgrounds are made for creating a positive impact on the world. We are highly motivated to apply our skills and knowledge to sustainable projects, and to continue learning and growing as professionals in our respective fields after this experiences.

    We have the capability to provide aid in any IT-related domain, including but not limited to website development, software installation and infrastructure management.

    In addition to our technical skills, we are deeply committed to learning about sustainable lifestyles and alternative ways of living. We believe in the importance of community-based approaches to problem-solving and are eager to collaborate with local communities to create sustainable solutions that benefit everyone.

    Our motivation to work for the community and learn from the community is rooted in our belief that collective growth is the key to creating positive change. We are excited to contribute our skills and knowledge to projects that have a meaningful impact on the communities we work with, and to continue learning and growing alongside our peers.

    Personal skills:
    We both are motivated by music and both of us can play instruments. Laura can play the Piano and Viola and Cristina the Oboe.

    As educators, we bring up to five years of experience in instructing undergraduate students in diverse fields, such as languages, scientific, and technical subjects.

    Cristina has the PER title, which is the title of driving recreational boats, that allows her to drive boats of length of up to 12 meters. She often sails during summer in the Mediterranean Sea. Additionally, she holds an international driver's license.

  • Edad

    29 & 29

  • Algo más...

    We met each other in university through a mutual group of friends, and have remained close ever since. Last March, we had the opportunity to travel together to Japan to visit one of our dearest friends who is Japanese. During our trip, we fell in love with Japan and its culture, and we are now eager to learn as much as we can within the 12 months that our visa allows.

    Our shared passion for sustainable living and community-based approaches to problem-solving has led us to seek out opportunities to contribute to projects that align with these values. We believe that our time in Japan will provide us with the chance to learn from local communities and contribute to projects that have a positive impact on society.

    We are excited to immerse ourselves in Japanese culture and to learn more about sustainable living practices in Japan. Our hope is to use this experience to grow both personally and professionally, while also making a meaningful contribution to the communities we work with.

    we are open to many kind of projects and lifestyles as that is the whole point of the workaway. We are young and full of curiosity, kindness and positive energy.

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