Alojamiento con familias, voluntariado y vacaciones trabajando en San Vicente y Granadinas

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San Vicente y Granadinas

 San Vicente y Granadinas

Any RUGBY enthusiasts, or CHEFS read on.. Also possibility to help out with our yacht, gardening & maintenance on St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Eastern Caribbean
We are a small family run business located in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Eastern Caribbean. We have rental cottages, boats and gardens all ready for volunteers! We also run the SVG Rugby Union so any sporting enthusiasts are welcome to be ......

 San Vicente y Granadinas

  • Intercambio cultural Intercambio cultural
Help a family on a mountaintop of St.Vincent & The Grenadines
On mountaintop. Great view. On a small Caribbean island of Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, just south of Saint Lucia. Plantain and wax apple farm. Building in construction. I live with my 3 kids. 1 German Shepherd, 2 Doberman, in the unfinished ......