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Come and experience family life while helping us to look after our kids in Milan, Italy

  • Bisher 126 mal gespeichert
  • Letzte Aktivität : 20 Sept. 2024



 Geforderte Mindest-Aufenthaltsdauer:  mindestens 1 Monat oder mehr



  • Beschreibung


    +++ at the moment we are looking for someone who could speak English with our kids (not necessarily a native English speaker but someone with a very good English and maybe some teaching expertise) and help us around the house. Cooking skills are a very appreciated plus!!

    Check our calendar, we can start to host again since half September! :)

    The kids asked to host a boy, but Lucia would be happy to host a girl, so if you are female but think you can handle a couple of male teenagers write us anyway!

    ATTENTION PLEASE: we have 2 cats now :)

    The person we are looking for should have a legal permit/visa and very good English as our purpose is that our children improve it. For this reason, we would like to host a proactive person who plays and does things with them, as we think this is the best way to learn, so, for example, playing drums (or any instrument) and/or D&D or Warhammer is a plus!

    We also like very much to host people who like to travel and bring the world to our home :)
    So, if you would like a long stay in a wonderful city allowing you to easily travel all around Italy and Europe, please write us!

    We are a friendly (and messy and noisy :P) family of 4 living near the center of Milan, who need somebody speaking English with the kids and help us with the housechores :)
    The little lovely rascals are both males: Giorgio (15 years old) needs to chat in English with an older friend :) and Enea (12 years old) needs someone to improve his basic language skills.
    We already hosted 24 aupairs/workawayers (you can see some of them in the pictures with us), and we really loved the cultural exchange!

    Lucia likes to cook and is very happy to make you some typical Italian dishes, and we would love to try the cuisine of your country, if you want to :)
    We speak Italian, of course, and English. Giorgio is fluent while Enea English skills are still limited but he’s picking it up quickly thanks to our au pairs, so we'd love to have you continue to improve their language skills.

    As the kids are growing older, our needs have changed. We don't need a babysitter anymore (bringing them to activities etc.)
    On the other side, it is more difficult to engage them so you need to find something to share with them :)
    About the schedule, we basically need someone who prepares lunch for them after school and chat with them when they are around; we also ask to stay with them one evening every week while we adults are at our dance class :P
    We also ask sometimes to help with the cats if we can't.

    Milan is a great city with a bustling cultural and nightlife scene, convenient access to other attractive locations in Italy and Europe, and excellent transportation options (it's well connected by both train and planes), and from which you can easily go and visit other beautiful places in Italy and Europe. We merely request that you follow the COVID-19 regulations at all times.
    We have a single room available, with a bathroom.

  • Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Arten von Hilfe und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Betreuung von Tieren
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
  • Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    Kultureller Austausch und Lernmöglichkeiten

    You will live the life of a true italian family, a little bit overwhelmed :P
    You will be welcomed with open arms if you have any questions about Italian language classes or getting around Italy, and will get to experience the everyday life of a real Italian family (maybe with a touch of culture shock!).

  • Projekte mit Kindern

    Projekte mit Kindern

    Dieses Projekt schließt möglicherweise den Umgang mit Kindern ein. Mehr Informationen findest du in unseren Verhaltensregeln und Tipps hier.

  • Arbeit


    We are looking for a reliable, trustworthy, lovely and caring person to love our kids :D and stay with them for a few hours each weekday after school, talking with them in English, and to help us with household tasks.

    We are looking for someone who can stay with us for a long period (at least 3 months).

  • Sprachen

    Gesprochene Sprachen
    Englisch: Fließend
    Italienisch: Fließend

    Dieser Gastgeber bietet Sprachaustausch an
    Dieser Gastgeber gibt an, dass er dir gern seine Muttersprache beibringt oder selbst eine Sprache lernen möchte.
    Bitte wende dich direkt an ihn, um weitere Auskünfte zu erhalten.

  • Unterkunft


    Single room and bathroom.

  • Was noch ...

    Was noch ...

    We live close to Milan city center, just across the street from a nice park and from the underground connecting to train stations and airports. It's a well connected area, with a lot of shops, cinemas and other hangout spots for young people (nearby Navigli) - and an Australian pub that holds English-speaking nights, that one workawayer we hosted discovered for us :DDD

  • Etwas mehr Information

    Etwas mehr Information

    • Internet Zugang

    • Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

      Eingeschränkter Internet Zugang

    • Wir besitzen Tiere

    • Wir sind Raucher

    • Familien möglich

  • Kann Digital Nomads unterbringen

    Kann Digital Nomads unterbringen

    We have very good Internet access and the workawayer's room is perfect for working online with it's own comfortable desk.

  • Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal

    Kapazität - wie viele Workawayer maximal


  • ...


    2 - 4 hours a day, 5 days a week

Gastgeber Ref-Nr.: 951416144655

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Kultureller Austausch:


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