Help with the garden, walking Jodie our border collie, plus cuddles for her and Cinnamon our cat in Allier, France

  • Enregistré comme favori 3 fois
  • Activité récente : 19 avr. 2023



 Séjour min. souhaité : Pas de minimum



  • Description


    We are Carol and Roy, both English, now living full time in Allier, France, with Jodie our border collie cross and Cinnamon our cat, both rescues from a young age.

    We no longer have a HOUSE CONNECTION

    The house in itself is not huge but adequate to our needs. We have re-organised the interior layout, dividing the bedroom area into a smaller space with seperate TV sitting room and a small sofa bed. This area is heated by a log burner in winter, or chilly periods by a gas heater. A granule (pellet) burner was installed in November 2017 to the main living area of kitchen-diner & lounge - downside that this winter, 2022/23, has seen the 15kg sack prices double 😣!

    Locally we had a young man who climbed up inside the trees to cut back and reduce the height of our 3 Poplars. Now we could do with help to cut back 3 other trees that we do not own but have permission from the land owner to reduce.

    Do you have knowledge of caravan systems/layouts? Our ageing luna delta touring caravan is pitched permanently in the back garden, but due to an undetected leak we are unable to load water supply for shower-room or kitchen. If you have any knowledge/know how that would be a bonus.

    A cellar, accessed directly from the courtyard, has been renovated to use as an additional all year room. Installed a small log burner for the winter usage, which is usually a gathering of friends for a pre Christmas party. We would like help/advice to renovate part of the vaulted ceiling.

    We used to have Satellite connection for Internet, Land Line telephone and TV. Downside was allowance limited, with an extra cost of 20euros to reboot it. If not used it did not carry over so was lost. We cancelled that and now use our mobile contracts, which have sufficient data allowances for all our needs.

    We have hosted visitors from the touring 'Cultures de Monde' event, this comes to Gannat, a nearby village every July. So far we have had visitors from Guyana, Mexico, Tenerife & Bulgaria. This event is at Le Champs de Foire in the centre near to the Tourist Office. Smaller groups tour nearby villages during August, hopefulky this will continue post C-19.

  • Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Types d'aide et opportunités d'apprendre

    Pratique d’une langue
    S’occuper des animaux
    Cuisine/repas pour la famille
    Aide à la maison
    Entretien général
  • Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Echange culturel et opportunités d'apprendre

    Exchange of language. English meals and French from recipes I am learning, show & teach me yours. Exchange of cultural differences "how & where do you live/what do you do/work/study/family etc"

    Back in the uk during school holidays, we would host students. On average they were 11-20 yrs old and all thoroughly enjoyed the exchanges and experiences. One girl that stayed with us was 13, she is now a trained nurse and a mum of 2. She has visited us here in France with her husband and family, itis wonderful to see them again, from time to time,they live in Dijon.

  • Projets impliquant des enfants

    Projets impliquant des enfants

    Ce projet peut impliquer des enfants. Pour en savoir plus, consultez nos directives et conseils ici.

  • Aide


    Help sort and clear contents of barn, too many boxes of 'stuff' ! Keep plants watered and weeded in courtyard & back garden. Grass cut. Jodie walked groomed played with, especially if you're 'home alone'. Join in with cooking, share with us your culinary tastes.

  • Langues

    Langues parlées
    Anglais: Courant
    Français: Intermédiaire

    Cet hôte propose un échange linguistique
    To improve my level of french and to share my native language of English

  • Hébergement


    Accommodation is in the 9m long Caravan; this has a king sized bed with proper bed mattress & 1 small single. Propane Gas bottle connection for heating/cooking & seperate electric supply. Guests share bath room facilities within the house.
    ☆☆Sorry due to changes we can only accommodate singles or a couple, with 1 young child.☆☆

  • Autres infos...

    Autres infos...

    *️️️️️️️ Village Train Station routes connecting to main cities Vichy, Clermont Ferrand or Montlucon
    *️️️️️️️ 2 main Airports within 3 hour drive. There is another more local but has restricted flights, seasonal March- Oct.
    *️️️️️️️ Village Bus costs 2 euro per journey per person (terminates at Vichy train station) aimed at long day visitors or workers.

    If you are a night life person you would need a car as 40ish minute drive to the bigger towns for this.

    2013 the Tour de France passed through a village 20kms away, that was a great day. Various other bike events pass through our local areas inc Paris to Niece. We have basic shops and our own Tourist Office in the village (both young ladies are bi-lingual).

  • Informations complémentaires

    Informations complémentaires

    • Accès Internet

    • Accès Internet limité

      Accès Internet limité

    • Nous avons des animaux

    • Nous sommes fumeurs

    • Familles bienvenues

  • Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?

    Combien de volontaires pouvez-vous accueillir ?


  • ...

    Nombre d'heures attendues

    3-5 hours per day negotiable (max 25 hours)

N° de référence hôte : 889712476123

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