Come enjoy our lake, go for a walk or meditate in the hills of Aljezur, Portugal

  • 20 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad : 6 may 2024



 Estancia mínima:  Al menos 2 semanas



  • Descripción


    ##Please only react if you really plan to come, we don’t mind spending time to reply but only if it’s not in vain!##

    We are a Dutch family with two home-schooled children. In summer 2017 we bought a piece of land near Aljezur where we want to realise our dream; a little paradise where we can live from the land. We first took our time to get to know the land and now it is time to feed the land, before the land can feed us…
    So, there is a lot of work to do and we need your help!

    We have a lot of projects to work on from big and intensive to small and ‘just in between jobs’. For instance

    - cleaning / taking care of the land
    - making more comfortable spaces on our camping field
    - build the outside kitchen / shower on the camping field
    - build or improve (pet) houses
    - rebuild or improve the swing (bigger!)
    - taking care of the vegetable garden / fruit trees
    - taking care of the donkies
    - help with (or take over) the cooking
    - build the greenhouse
    - repair the well

    A lot has already been done on our land, and a lot is still waiting for you! You will have quite a bit of freedom in how you want to spend your time. We do expect a certain amount of communication on what you (and we) are doing, we can do a lot together, but you are also able to a lot on your own just when you want to do it.

    We live in our self-sufficient bus and need you to be independent to. We use our own water (lake and well) and electricity (solar) and thus you need to be able to live life aware, simple and ecological.

    In your free time you can enjoy our lake, go for a walk or meditation in the nature we live in, visit other interesting people living close by, bike or (hitch)hike to Aljezur or beaches. You can always join us to visit local markets, gatherings, shops or, at certain times, just share a beer or conversation with us, play a game, bike, run or jump on the trampoline with our kids.

    You can stay and help on projects for a maximum of a month, but after two or tree days we want to talk about the feelings/experiences of all involved ones, so we can decide together how to continue and on which projects.

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Construcción y bricolaje
    Mantenimiento general
    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Ayuda en proyectos ecológicos
    Cuidado de animales
    Práctica de idiomas
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    We're happy to share our experience in (solar)electricity, cars/machines, building, gardening, yoga & meditation and teaching. And we are open to learn more and get inspired by new ideas.
    We also like to learn the Portuguese language (or other languages) in A natural way.

  • Proyectos con niños

    Proyectos con niños

    En este proyecto podría haber niños. Para obtener más información, consulta nuestras directrices y consejos aquí.

  • Ayuda


    We need you to be self sufficient/independent, willing to work hard; together or alone, positive in and aware of our family-dynamic and natures rhythm.

    We need to work on the base and infrastructure of the land. That means mowing, sowing seeds, cleaning in between the trees and bushes, cutting trees and collecting wood, making cleaning-fires (if permitted), digging holes for planting trees, etc.

    Together we also work in the garden we already created. Cleaning, making an irrigation-system, taking care of the vegetables and herbs, seeding new plants in the greenhouse, and expanding the garden with those, etc. We like to work and build according the thoughts of permaculture.

    Apart from tasks on the land, we also need a person to do the lunch-cooking for all of us, with food from the garden or local market.

  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Alemán: Fluido
    Inglés: Fluido
    Holandés: Fluido
    Francés: Intermedio
    Portugués: Principiante

    Este anfitrión ofrece intercambio de idiomas
    Este anfitrión ha indicado que está interesado en compartir su idioma o aprender otro.
    Ponte en contacto con él para obtener más información.

  • Alojamiento


    When its available we can offer you a ruin which we are transforming into an apartment. It has beds to sleep in (maximum of 4), a wood-heater and a simple kitchen.

    You are also welcome with your own (cara)van or tent on our camper-field.
    We are working there on an outside kitchen, shower and toilet to share. For now
    we have a compost-toilet and a big lake to refresh yourself in. A warm shower can sometimes be available at our bus, depending on the weather and sunshine.

    We use our own water and electricity, so you need to be able to live life simple and economical.

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    living off-grid, holistic way of living, un-schooling, arts, children, ecological balance, building, attachment parenting, permaculture, non-violent communication, self-sufficient living, animals, healthy food, pioneer adventure, living with natures rhythm, honesty, challenges and opportunities, ..

    If you feel connection with at least some of these words, in any order, we invite you to contact us...

    We especially welcome couples or families because we, as a family, need some time to be together on a daily base and expect you to take care of yourselves at those moments. Singles capable of doing this obviously are more then welcome too!

  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Este anfitrión puede proporcionar un sitio para autocaravanas.

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    Más de dos

  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    maximum of 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 645716435211

Comentarios (5)
