Luke & Katie

  • United Kingdom
  • Login to see last activity

Badges (2)

Good Workawayer

Profile information

  • Travel information

    We are currently


  • Description

    Hi there, I'm Luke! Having recently graduated from university, I've found myself not quite ready to delve into a career of any kind... Instead, I want to travel around, meeting like-minded people who share my passion for the natural world and finding our place in it. This means I'm largely looking for eco-projects and sustainable living placements which can teach me something new and inspiring, but I also believe that people - more than places - are really what make travel worthwhile. I can't wait to get started :)

    Hi, I'm Katie. I've also just graduated after from university in England and I'm now choosing to continue learning by travelling for the next year. Through travelling I hope to immerse myself in some of the many beautiful landscapes around the world and experience life in harmony with nature. I would love to meet a variety of people on the way who can teach me new perspectives as well as sharing my own. I don't see travelling as a tick-list activity where you try to visit as many countries as possible or do countless thrill seeking activities. To me, it is more about having a journey and living slowly.

  • Interests

    Drawing & painting
    Charity work
    Movies & TV
    Plant care
    Water sports
    Yoga / Wellness
    Vegetarian or vegan
    Outdoor activities
    Cooking & food
  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Beginner
    French: Beginner

  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    Eco Projects
    Animal Care
    DIY and building projects

    Some knowledge of:  

    Charity Work
  • More details about your skills

    Previous experience and skills that we've developed include:

    Independence - we both moved out at 18 and have planned and gone on multiple trips by ourselves.
    Gardening/farming - both grew up helping our parents in the garden as well as growing vegetables at an allotment.
    Cooking - we love to make meals from scratch as well as trying out new recipes.
    Cleaning - we've both volunteered in a hostel for a number of weeks, cleaning and doing housekeeping work
    DIY/crafting - some of our hobbies involve being hands on and creative such as drawing and sewing, as well as experience putting together furniture.
    Volunteering - we've both volunteered in the past, either for charities or local organisations so we understand some of the challenges involved and the fulfilment you can get from it.

    Aside from these, the best recommendation we can give ourselves is that we are open to any kind of new work and motivated to learn new skills. Our shared mindset is that working outdoors is the most natural and fulfilling work there is, and we want to experience that through whatever hosts can offer us :)

  • Age

    22 & 22

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements
      We're both vegetarian but are happy to provide our own meat substitutes if necessary :)


