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  • Travel information

    I am currently


    My next destination:

    Peru - from Apr 2024 until Jul 2024
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  • Description

    Hajimemashite (Nice to meet you) , I’m MAKI - meaning of “true sunflower” and this’s my life goal as a person.
    Since I spent two years in Kenya in my childhood, I’m so much into knowing different culture, people with different background and various perspectives.

    I’ve been in Tourism Industry and worked in UAE Dubai, US Florida for 3 years each, studied in Canada Medicine Hat and Spain Barcelona, travelled almost 35 countries, I think, (Caribbean and Latin America are my favorite) and I speak Japanese, English, and Spanish (getting a bit rusty though..), I can sing in Swahili too :)

    Through these experiences and living with multinational roommates (cannot even count..), I can adapt myself to new atmosphere and environment easily.
    I assume myself as a good listener too.

    I am open-minded, hard worker, respectful, empathetic, curious, hungry, punctual, careful, love to act crazy, and happiness finder in daily little things.

    My travel style changed after staying at a house of local Cuban family through “casa particular”. “We are not rich but we want you to feel the real Cuba.”
    They showed me the way they live as it is, and I learnt different definition for happiness.

    From January - April 2023, I was workawaying in Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia and volunteered in 5 places. To see and feel the world more, now I am ready to embark on another Workawayer trip for longer term.

    You're more than welcome to peek my 1st Workawayer trip
    → IG @maki_bailando_en_el_mundo

  • Interests

    Adventure sports
    Yoga / Wellness
    Vegetarian or vegan
    Self development
    Outdoor activities
    Fashion or beauty
    DIY & crafts

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  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Japanese: Fluent
    Spanish: Intermediate

    More details about my language interests
    I'd like to improve and know more about natural (native) expression of English and Spanish.In terms of Spanish, I'm curious about different accent and expressions in each country.

    Find a language buddy

  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    I'm interested in:  

    Eco Projects
    Charity Work
    Animal Care
    General Maintenance
    DIY and building projects

    Some knowledge of:  

    Being an elderly companion
    Life at a Farmstay
    Helping around the house
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Art Projects

    Able to teach about:  

  • More details about your skills

    As of today I have almost 17 years of experience in Tourism Industry, and especially I enjoyed assisting people (all generation and physically challenged people) as a guide and guest relations, even without words I communicate through body language.

    Through my first trip as a Workawayer (Jan - Apr 2023), I was blessed with volunteering in ..
    Chile : Organic farm, Cafeteria and Backpacker hostel
    Argentina : Backpacker hostel
    Bolivia : Eco-Lodge & Camping

    Cleaning, washing, organizing, harvesting, watering, cooking, taking care of guests etc..
    I got to do whatever required.
    When I looked back, I realized that "Dance, Photos, Massage, Drawing" are little spices I sprinkled to bring smile for people I met.

    Even in the same category "hostel / accommodation" each host has different aspect and interaction with guests and staffs, and I truly enjoyed sharing thoughts and ideas with them especially "Japanese style" seemed something unique to them.

    I'm willing to deepen the level of hospitality that I learnt throughout my career and gain various skills. From hosts, other volunteers or people I get to be involved, I'd love to learn whatever I can for my personal growth.

    I’m very open to try out new things and I can be helpful for…

    - Organizing and cleaning up spaces/things
    - Photograph (Some hosts use my photos for their promotion)
    - Giving ideas to make surprises… whatever for people by using my creativity
     (like I enjoyed it in one of the magical places in US Florida :)
    - Cooking, simple and health-conscious, love to learn about your cuisine!
    (currently I’m trying with what I have in a fridge to reduce food waste)
    - Sharing my knowledge about nutrition and massage
    - Sewing
    - Sharing Japanese culture

    And.. BIG part of me, I’m Salsera wherever I hear Salsa, Bachata, Chachacha etc, I will step at least in my head (yet, I am not a party person. Normally listening to Jazz..).
    Let me know if you get bored, I used to assist Salsa lessons overseas too.

    There will be tasks totally new to me but with your instructions, I’ll use my energy to meet your expectation. Also, I like to think of effective and productive way to make things easier and get the most out of my brain.
    I will be very thankful to you for giving me chances to grow and learn your culture.

  • Age


  • What else ...

    What I love…

    - Travelling (¿cómo no?)
    - Taking photos
    (many friends and some hosts use the pics that I took as their profile picture)
    - Walking
    - Work out
    - Yoga
    - Looking up in the sky (if there's a plane, epic!)
    - Sharing what I found beautiful (words, phrases, scenery, moments, taste, people)
    - Making my life simple (diet, thoughts, whatever relationship etc.) and being ECO friendly

    Favorite quote “People who live long know a lot but who travel know more.”
    (Original in Arabic so this isn’t an accurate translation)

    Perhaps, I look very calm and quiet but my heart is burning with curiosity to meet people and to gain knowledge and skills. I want to break of my standard and be more flexible, handy and funny.
    Since I’ve joined you, I’ve added “going back to Kenya as a Workawayer!” on my bucket list!

    Arigato very mucho for reading till the end, I’m looking forward to discovering the beauty of this world through this opportunity with you all.
    Asante sana!

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements



