Posts tagged with: "senior"

  • about 4 min
5 Reasons to do a Workaway when you are retired

Travel and volunteering have no expiry date, so here are 5 little reasons why you should consider using Workaway when you are living in the ‘golden years’ after you’ve retired.

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  • about 7 min
Why it’s never too late for a grown up gap year

Life is too precious to be wishing it away for retirement when we’ll have the “time” to travel. Now more than ever, we have the time to plan, time to find your perfect host and to research our dream destinations... so why not use this time to plan your grown up gap year?

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  • about 5 min
It’s never too late to pursue your dreams of travelling the world

Well, we felt it’s not always the things in life that you do that you sometimes regret, it’s the things that you don’t do. If there’s something that you really want to do, just take a chance! You can always go home if it doesn’t work out. It was a bit scary thinking about it and we talked about travelling for about a year before we realised that the only thing stopping us, was us.

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  • about 6 min
Taking a gap year in your 50’s

Not young enough for workaway? Never! Read about our “Workawayer of the month”, Sue and Adrian’s adventure, who are in their 50’s and finally fulfilling their dream of travelling and volunteering around the world…

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