Posts tagged with: "new friends"

  • about 9 min
How to find the perfect travel buddy for your next trip

While travelling solo can be an enlightening experience, it can get lonely at times, and you might want to find a travel buddy you can rely on. Your travel companion can make or break your trip, so it’s vital you get it right! Before we dive into how to find a travel buddy, let’s cover my three top tips to ensure you find the perfect candidate for the role.

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  • about 3 min
  • 1 Comment
Workaway news: Plan your travels and explore new places with a travel buddy

Whether you are craving some companionship after a solo soul-searching journey, or you prefer to explore the world alongside somebody else…this is the perfect tool for you. Perhaps you want to find a buddy to visit hosts together with, or just to explore the local area during your days off? Either way, we hope you can find wonderful friendships through Workaway that will go beyond Workaway!

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