Blog posts by Stephanie

  • about 8 min
A Solo Female Traveller's Quest for Self-Discovery and Growth

Meet Wing, a beautiful, free-spirited solo female traveller from Hong Kong who has been exploring the world through Workaway for just over 2 years and a half now! From a beach cleaning stint along the Northern Norway coastline, to exploring, filming and creating inspiring content in Greenland -- Wing has truly embraced slow travel and earned her title as a true Workawayer!

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  • about 6 min
  • 1 Comment
A Couple's Sabbatical Affair with Travel and Photography

Every month, we review our lovely photo competition entrances and are at awe with all the fun and jaw-dropping adventures our Workawayers get up to! In the last few months, there's been a pair of wanderers whose vibrant snapshots and energy have caught our eye - meet Fabian and Eva, the French couple who took a sabbatical year to travel the world and discovered a passion for adventure and photography on the way!

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  • about 5 min
7 Reasons Pet Sitting is the Perfect Gig for Animal Loving Travellers

Step into a world of furry adventures with pet sitting! It's more than just staying in someone else's home; it's about bonding with their beloved four-legged family members. Experience the joy of caring for adorable fur babies while enjoying a complimentary stay in a cosy home. Discover why pet sitting is the perfect way for animal lovers to travel in this paw-some blog!

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  • about 4 min
5 Women Empowerment Projects to Support on International Women's Day

Whether you're a solo female traveller like me, or just someone who believes in the power of women supporting women, I have curated a list of inspirational projects encompassing the true essence of girl power - dedicated to all the bold female adventurers that want to uplift other resilient and influential women around the world!

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  • about 10 min
How to Become a Full-time Traveller and Workawayer

Swapping your boss for your backpack and living life on the road full time seems daunting, expensive, and simply too good to be true. But what if I told you that travelling full-time can actually be fun, affordable and accessible? Achieving a full-time travel lifestyle isn't as distant a dream as it seems! This guide will help you embark on your journey towards a full-time travel lifestyle, providing steps on how to become a full-time traveller on a budget and debunking myths that stop you from travelling long-term.

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  • about 8 min
Travel Buddies Turned Soul Sisters

If you’re feeling any doubts or hesitations to begin your next adventure, or make a new travel companion... workawayers Carmen and Victoria’s inspirational story of connection, growth, and shared adventures is bound to ignite your courage to embark on your own travel escapade and find a travel BFF to gallivant with!

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  • about 8 min
Travelling in Tune: Bonding on the Road through Music

This catchy tune, created by Workawayers Delanie and Tori has been playing on repeat in our minds ever since we first stumbled upon their captivating video! What began as a 30-day challenge blossomed into a fun way for hosts and Workawayers to bond and to stay connected with friends and family back home. Read more for their unique music journey story!

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  • about 9 min
From Office to Wilderness: Quitting My Job to Live Off-Grid in Alaska

Here at Workaway, we have heard so many different stories about people taking huge leaps to discover a different way of life abroad, but one of the most unique stories we discovered is from Workawayer, Florian from Bavaria, Germany, who quit his job to volunteer and travel Alaska! We found Flo so inspiring that we couldn't pass down the opportunity to know more about him and his story.

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  • about 9 min
Voluntourism and the White Saviour Complex: How to Give Back, the Right Way

Avoiding the white saviour complex is an ongoing process that requires self-reflection, active learning, and humility. By taking these 8 steps and being mindful of our privilege while volunteering abroad, we can all work towards being a better ally and contributing to positive social change!

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  • about 8 min
8 Incredible Workaways for Digital Nomads to Make a Difference

Tired of the same old work-from-home routine and looking for a change of scenery while still staying productive? Want to blend work and adventure seamlessly but not sure where to start? You’re in luck! We have rounded up eight incredible Workaway projects that are perfect for digital nomads!

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  • about 13 min
Surf's Up: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Waves through Workaway

Riding waves is the ultimate thrill for any surfer. But what if you could combine that rush with an adventure in a new place? Workaway is your ticket to the ultimate adventure!

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