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Help with starting super remote off grid in Andalucía, Spain

  • Favourited 382 times
  • Last activity: 1 Jun 2024



 Min stay requested: at least a week



  • Description


    We are a family of 3 loving living in the absolute core of this mountain forest, caressed by the songs and majesty of the eagles and other creatures and by the sweetness, beauty and softness of the cherries, plums, pears, figs, almonds, chestnuts, walnuts, blackberries, olives... We forage what we know and leave the rest for the mare, eat hunt food and all delicious and original and enjoy the gentlest wild cat when he privileges us with his presence. The little boy basques in joining all papa or mama are doing: sawing wood, feeding animals, picking edible wilds, arranging stones... This piece of paradise we now steward since a year had been abandoned for 8, thus still needing help to be fully walkable and more easily liveable. Papa is discovering more and more magical corners and arriving closer to the creeks with his scissors and trimmer in between the brambles, helping the fruit be more reachable with his chainsaw, and all over protecting and beautifying it all by fencing, painting, gardening... plus feeding us amazingly! Mama is preparing to entrepreneur the projects of her dreams: a "no school school" for people 0-100 full of culture, music, science and warmth of heart and fresh air here in nature, no sugar sweets for amazing teeth and bones forever, natural pregnancy, birthing and postpartum care little houses, and further caring for order, gathering, preserving and baking yumminess. And together with you we can build, remake, channel water, use wood, keep cleaning and gently unravel more and more secrets behind the bushes of this Copper Valley, called so for its amazing colors of chestnut leaves in autumn, and thus prepare it all for a yearly non profit music festival to benefit humans who would too like to birth and educate naturally, and the indigenous cultures who are proudly doing all they can to keep their lands and ancient wisdom alive.

    This Genal Valley is a surprisingly green reservoir in the very south of Spain. The views of this piece of earth are breathtaking. The scents awaken the senses so joyfully. The stars infinite. The silence whole.

    We are very remote, thus in a perfect setting for those happy with just us and themselves and nature all around, and some trips to the beach or the city when in the mood to conquer the mountains biggie slopes once again ; )

    Water is still just from rain or village fountain or a little well, so a very precious resource coming sometimes from buckets instead of taps. Permission for a deeper well is on the way. When it arrives be sure to participate of a great party!!!!!

    We are manifesting some amazing families to stay for a whole year or almost or more ; ) And also incredible human beings coming for short term with all their skills and wonderful attitudes towards this precious life.


    Help Spring-Summer 2024 most needed for: CONSTRUCTION, CARPENTRY, PLUMBING and ALL AROUND.


    Hi, I´m María, a Spanish woman who loves untouched indigenous wisdom of ancient hunter gatherer tribes (Lakota, Inuit, Hazda...) regarding child rearing, conception, birth, nourishment (we love Weston A. Price!), laughter, community, music, communion with nature, foraging, hunting, listening to animals (Trust Technique for example), living life as a prayer, honor, dignity, service, empathy, thoroughness, communicating honestly and peacefully for true harmony, joy, inner calmness, creativity for every day challenges, play, zero waste, beauty, order and cleanliness.

    And I am Cris... well, he is Cris. He prefers not to write nor talk much in general ; ) So I can tell you he is an awesome dad and partner and overall man, a wonderful human being whose title could be KINDNESS and LAUGHTER... he makes us laugh so much ; ) And he provides for us all incredibly, so caring-ly. Sensitive and giving. Humble and graceful. Great cook yet often with so many other things to do... so he can very much appreciate some one else taking the lead on that. He is a gardener of profession, and thus a natural great steward of the pieces of nature we are given.

    Together and with boy, who loves doing all we do, water, playing ball and dancing whenever there is a speck of music, we make a great pack : )

    This dream of living in such amazing nature was first born out of the need to prepare a great emotionally and physically safe environment where our children (so far one came!) and the children of others who value this may grow very much in Freedom, learning all they are interested in, following their inner motivation, creating their lives. So one day, not very far from now, I wish this dream will soon come a reality : ) We are so far enjoying a lot the workawayers who come with awesome attitudes towards life, calm and happy souls living their dream... they are the best company and inspiration vibrated around for the little one ; )

    HAVING THE SAME VALUES (the only way to create amazing long time bonds ; ) is a prerequisite for coming here, and also BEING A CALM AND HAPPY HUMAN! : ) That is how we are in general : ) Think that we are far out in the middle of nowhere and you will be a great percentage of our company ; ) Your attitude has a big impact, thus, and these doors can only open for the best in this ; ) For the so ready to add value ever so humbly in this way too.

    We believe in the magic created by different ages together playing and caring for each other. And our way of raising the kid is one as similar to indigenous raising as possible: he is just around adults like a satelite learning by looking, participating, helping : ) ... you may find hints in books such as "Hunt Gather Parent" or "The Continuum Concept"... as well as in any remote ancient culture´s living or books about them ; ) Some details we love from the growing as harmonious beings for a group learnt from them, for example: older kids always give food to younger ones first, so so generously, adults not telling kids what to do or not do, but asking them questions instead (challenge for those who grew up otherwise! yet going for it the best we can ; ), no saying "well done", but instead letting a kid go with his own motivation and rewards from inside, from the feeling that doing something brought in them...

    For us it was an inspiration seen and felt from inside that we have slowly discovered how in fact is the oldest way that works to raise kids ; ) ... and to live, finally... it is a way of living that works for all generations ; )


    Families (musical, unschooling, homeschooling, forest schooling, worldschooling, freeschooling...) are super welcome when both kids and parents are kind and caring towards our animals, kids, adults and things... older children caring for younger ones, grandparents... all such big natural treasures ; )

    PLEASE NOTE: We are a family and parenting in the most present and healthy way we can arrive to intuit. This means that we are cooking from scratch, still breastfeeding, carrying the baby around in a wrap still often while doing many chores, keeping all as clean and tidy as possible, doing our best to be an example in every possible way... All this requires that we follow the baby´s rythm (for example MAMA SLEEPS WHEN BABY SLEEPS ;), quite a lot of silence (especially mama the MORNING MUSE SILENCE : ) to be present, organised and ready, and rest to be able to give (you too) our best ☺️ We feel truly supported by you when you are able to keep your inner and outer balance, calmness and happiness, your wisdom, gentleness and humbleness to maintain all this and the air and energy clean and tidy. We need that you are aware of your needs and able to communicate them calmly as they rise, fully trusting that we are here to serve u too😉 And that u are just as happy to see our needs and help fulfill them. We know all is possible. Let’s make this magic happen😊

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Charity Work
    Art Projects
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    So far workawayers have loved to be part of this responsible, humble, laughter and love bubble family : ) the absolute preciousness and wildness of the place, so intact, full of butterflies... the deep sharing from empathy and the caring for each and everyone's needs together : )

    Also the way we treat food (Weston A. Price Wisdom!), animals and children... and siesta! ha ha! : ) Our no schedule life (with all eating times Spanish... so, late) is quite a change for many and those who decide to merge into it LOVE IT! ; )

    The energy of play that drives us. This means we can be all day long doing "tasks" and be loving it, because we are in our full motivation : ) So in our life there is not so much a fronteer between "work and time off"... because all is wonderful!! so enjoyable : ) ... why would one want to stop having fun and being creative, other than to rest and recharge?😊

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    Awesome attitude being a must (remember you become a great percentage of our human experience here! all the rest are animals, trees, rocks, flowing waters and amazing views ; ) you may come with profound skills in difficult areas or just "you" as a wonderful human ready to help in whatever needed (please specify what you would love to help with when you write us : )

    Some areas that need special attention in the nearby future:

    -NATURAL VETERINARY -Juliette de Bairacli Levi we love ; )
    -WOOD: prune, chop...

    We prefer you stay one month or longer. Less time ok if your great skill and attitude is a dream come true and can be put to use without us having to guide you on it ; ) Super long term stays of many months could make great bondings that feel delicious😊

    Please bring your full focuss and full energy on advancing together here : ) ... you are going to need both ; )

    NO SUBSTANCES ALLOWED. Please respect our vision of keeping this piece of paradise all super aware in a natural state : ) Only sometimes we are having a little wine with meals, which is something cultural in our country.

    We appreciate your ID getting verified on workaway before coming. It can add a lot to the feeling of safety you can provide for our family ☺️ You will be impacting our most treassured people, including the child´s life, animals, nature and dwellings ☺️

    ***HOURS/DAY*** A minimum of 25 hours/week plus the “normal higiene “ chores one would do living anywhere (except if living in a hotel-like-life ; ) like helping cooking, with dishes, cleaning all food related places, picking up after yourself, leaving your used places better than you found them... thus cleaning inside and outside daily basics. Flexibility from your side to synch your rythm to ours is not a must (we understand our Spanish eating times are a bit late for some pople :) ... and we honor your needs) yet a plus which creates a special kind of magic ; )

    Your help hours/days for us are not counted mathematical from our side. It is more of a "task-done with a great calm and happy attitude" what we appreciate. We believe it is all energy, the energy we are pouring into something is part of the result (for example, the food we eat)... making things with utmost love, inspiration, motivation, care and devotion is the only we see makes full sense ; )

    We do expect that if you say you will do something and in a certain timeframe that you do it. Please honor your word. And communicate peacefully and as soon as possible any possible changes that might affect an agreement we have made together.

    ***MEALS*** we provide 3 meals/day for you, one we eat together for sure and we love to share these moments with you (normally lunch at Spanish time, 2 or 3 pm, maybe also dinner, at Spanish time 9-10 pm). We give you the ingredients to cook your breakfast and one other meal on your own when needed. This provides this little family (and you too : ) with free eating times + private and intimacy time and time to recharge in more silence and "cave mode" when needed ; )

    Snacks and alcohol are not included.

    FAMILIES bringing children or people with PARALLEL JOBS to attend: Please propose your different food accommodation agreement if one of the people or both in total need to help us less per week in order to attend your own children/job as needed.

    Know that closest shops here are a minimum of 30 minutes (depending on how skilled you are to drive on dirt mountain up and down roads) far away in the car through mountain dirt roads (if you are afraid of hights, very challenging) or about 2 hours away walking.

    We are on our way to starting a food business and shop so the possibility of getting such things from us for a discount can be discussed if you would prefer such a commodity.

    ***SCHEDULE*** If you need to have and follow a particular schedule please let us know in advance in your communications before coming. We have not one very fixed one in our lives, other than the eating times above (which include a breakfast at around 9-10 am)... yet baby rythm rules and that mama sleeps when baby sleeps is SACRED, please honor that ; ) Can be any time of the day! Further: I (María) am mornings till midday pretty quiet and alone creating or with the boy cleaning, ordering, preparing, in my muse- inspiration time. Cris is earlier, after cleaning up breakfast, out and about. After lunch: we sleep about 40 min-2 hours siesta if possible with baby... So: best for us to share and plan next day tasks in the evenings, normally before dinner, so you may start mornings at your rythm and freedom. There is always A LOT to do here, and it is easy to get carried away! We absolutely honor your recharging time (resting, walking, contemplating a tree, reading... whatever recharging is for you) and you may do that first thing in the day or whenever you like ☺️

    ***MOBILE PHONES*** are expected to be kept away from child and us and in airplane mode. You may use it in your acomodation. This helps stay present : )

    ***DAYS OFF*** A proportion of 2 per week, distributed in bundles useful for both you and us is what works best for us. Meaning one week might be 4, another week 1, another week also 1... then you may do a big travel or relaxing stay here, we may go to visit our far away family or synch with work things from Cris in the coast. Flexibility and attention to our needs too as part of the family while you are here makes our life so much easier and your help feeling ever so much more helpful : )

    If staying in the finca in your days off, unless differently agreed please be mindful of finding out-of-sight resting places so that both you and us all really replenish in focussing on other things while you are taking the time for yourself : )

    Remember slopy mountain dirt road is tricky for some. Many have decided to not leave the finca on their days off by car, only by walking, or to pack several days out in a row, in order to not do the 30-45 min drive continuously.

    ***DURATION OF STAY*** Please be mindful of coming with your batteries charged and in a respectful certainty that we are the super best fit and number one option for you and in keeping your word regarding your minimum length stay, we organise many things around that. We very much value wonderful bonds that get built and the energy and enthusiasm from creating more and more together, with the care for each other and the privilege of being there for each other only increasing with time.

    ***HUMAN AND PET HEALTH*** We are 1 h away from nearest human hospital, 1h 30 min away from nearest veterinary 24/7 clinic. If rainstorm and night this might render further away in time. Please honestly announce as soon as you know (and before you come) any possible health unbalance of yours or contagious circumstance you might be living (example: intestinal worms?), we need to be super strong to fulfill the demands of off grid living at the point in which we are, please respect this. We follow natural health, trusting in how well our bodies are made from the start, so, eating super to be strong and happy (Weston A. Price, no sugar, animals from end to end) and if becoming unbalanced: rest, fasting, cleansing bentonite clay, natural vitamin C, propolis to boost inmune system... We are open to your way of caring for yourself and can offer a "normal official health system" volunteer health insurance for you if you need- please ask.

    ***ZERO WASTE*** food scraps are divided to those for broth, mare and compost. Please ask 😉

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    French: Intermediate
    Turkish: Intermediate
    German: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    For practicality and efficiency: learning-practicing Spanish opportunity for those with an intermediate-advanced level already who help advancing WITH OFFICE STUFF: research, phonecalls, audios, messages... all will provide you a wide variety of interaction with locals and us in written and spoken language while you are a true support for our project too in this task that is the most difficult for us: phone and computer, since we strive to make a life in as much without it for the little boy. I am in fact SUPER OPEN FOR THIS TO BE A VERY LONG TERM EXCHANGE, EVEN IF REMOTE WHEN YOU ARE IN YOUR COUNTRY BEFORE OR AFTER YOU COME. Office stuff is one of the most challenging things to keep up with since being a mum... it can make great advancements in helping us have more animals, or create our entrepreneur project to sustain us further and thus you can really be my angel : )

  • Accommodation


    Depending on how many you are, the weather (autumn and winter has winds that might render not best for tents), what you would love to experience and what you come with we can offer you:

    -LITTLE HOUSE. Only with your huge commitment to leave it cleaner and all round better than it was, and only while still available, since we are preparing it to be a pregnancy, birthing and postpartum home for families :)
    -SLEEPING BAG AND MAT OR HAMMOCK (for the "million stars hotel" ; )
    -PARKING SPOT (for your home-van)
    -BIG WHITE CANVAS 5M DIAMETER SIBLEY TENT. Only for stays longer than 1 month. You´d need to make the wooden deck for it first and commit to cleaning it with antimold borax treatment and wrapping it up tidily before you leave.

    To keep all carefully upholstered (and no machine wash) furnitures clean: please no sitting with dirty or possibly dirty pants on an uncovered with cloth couch, or putting a backpack or anything that was on the floor on any not-floor surface or material/cloths... For rugs: no shoes unless differently stated please. For mattresses and bed blankets: always only the washable sheets touching your body. Grandma says: the cleanest one is the one who makes less things dirty!😊


    Very much looking forward to hearing from you,


    PS: when you write us first please include, along with your wonderful inspiration 🌟

    1. the accommodations you could be happy with from our options
    2. what in particular you would love to help with from our specific needs,
    3. that you have understood that we are remote remote (dirt roads included) and if you are ok with that☺️
    4. your happiness about our water situation -maybe no running water depending on date! (0=not happy, 5= super happy)
    5. how acquainted are you with being flexible with your time? (0= not flexible, 5=very flexible)
    6. how clean are you? (0=not clean, 5=5 star hotel clean, your self and all you use and leave behind)
    7. how able are you to communicate happily (talking and listening) about all side´s needs and being open to the magic of having ALL fulfilled, no compromises? It´s possible! ;) (0=unable, 5=that is how you live already)
    8. why we are your first prefered option, what made you "fall in love" with our project ; )

    Subject password: partnership with you and nature 😉

    Before you come let us know a shopping list of prefered foods and amounts for a week. Remember there is no shop near by, we need to organise this in one of our trips to “civilization” in advance 😉

    Let´s make the magic happen! ; )

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Like mentioned days off will sometimes be suggested by us and sometimes by you. Be mindful of letting know in advance of several days so we may all organise together accordingly : )

    Initially you can have time off each day whenever you want as long as you get the tasks and foods and other things organized and done when necessary.

    So, there is flexibility if you would prefer to go somewhere in the weekend or during weekdays... or in the morning or evening, as long as things are caringly done and in advance prepared for the days you will not be there. Also you might prefer to take a full week off, or each week 2 days... you say and propose how to organize it so that it works for all.

    In your time off you can be in nature in that land or walking on beautiful trails around, visit nearby cultural places -there are those that teach how things were made in the old days: the making of blankets, of olive oil, of goat cheese...

    Ronda is a beautiful city.

    You can go down to the beach in Costal del Sol, or if you like beaches wilder: to Bolonia or Tarifa in Cádiz (2 hours away by car).

    Please be mindful of the fact that we have to drive a lot -many hours- already weekly to work, get food, get water, get packages... and do not expect us to drive you to or from anywhere. Be resourceful.

    If you are coming in your own car: be ready for Spanish dirt road terrain. A 4x4 is not necessary, all normal cars could make it so far no problem, yet carefully and slowly on the sometimes bumpy curves.

    Public transportation to and from here is tricky... there is just only one bus to and from Ronda to the nearest village and only 3 days a week and that is it. Nearest village is 30 min away from home in car or 2 + hours walking up an down the mountains -if afraid of hights you will face a challenge. Therefore far away trips are best done in your own vehicle, hiking or hitch-hicking. So far people liked and prefered to stay here and around in walking distance quite a lot every single day... they found it really pretty and varied and magical here... and so do we ; )

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    We have got a 4G router that can be plugged wherever and that I use personally and can share with you. It is off most of the day since we prefer a no-waves environment. In general need to have it available for me mornings and nights.

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    SUPER WELCOME. You may stay in the finca with amazing views in a very private place for you just a few minutes away from us walking : )

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    If you come in your campervan or stay camping with your tent or in your hammock or fully outdoors under the stars: as long as you feel there can be peace between your animals() and all of our food and all of us, including the baby, the mare, the male uncut cat, the 3 month old female uncut dog, who are all loose and to be found pretty much wherever: CERTAINLY. Unless differently specified, animals are not allowed in any of the dwellings of ours, yours or ours, please help us keep them all tidy, whole and allergens free for further visitors.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 676777112562

Feedback (6)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (4.8)

Communication: (5.0)

Permaculture in a biodynamic garden and language exchange in Extremadura, Spain
Come and help us in garden, forest and house in Galicia, Spain