& Alexandra

  • Sweden
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  • Travel information

    We are currently


    Our next destination:

    Spain - from Dec 2023
    View all
  • Description

    Scott is a 35 years old. He joined the Workaway experience in 2016 riding solo going to different parts of the Europe. It is then he met Alexandra (Alex). And we are excited to do workaway together!

    Scott has developed an interest in woodwork, having just finished completed converting their a van into a camper. He has a passion of this that he would like to indulge and learn. He also has experience making websites

    Alex is a 30 year old Swede. She is a certified massage therapist (classic Swedish massage) and Yoga teacher (total of 300h whereas 200h in compliance with Yoga Alliance).

    This spring (2023) we bought a van, a Citroen Jumpy, that is called "Cricket", and slowly over the summer we converted it into our little home on wheels.

    We are hard working as individuals and as a team. We are not afraid of getting our hands dirty and love throwing ourselves into tasks. We are reliable and dependable. We have worked a variety of jobs over the years, from hospitality, retail, office, festival work, scaffolding, and Scott has been a postman in Sweden in the winter time! (20kg of post on a bike in knee deep snow!) - If that doesn't highlight our work ethic - I am not sure what else will!

    We are both very happy-go-lucky people. We enjoy meeting new people and laughter. We like to joke around, and make light most situations. Both of us prefer the more simpler aspects of life. Sitting around a campfire, going for hikes and reading. We spent last spring and summer mainly at our allotment growing some simple veggies.

    We are eager to meet and work with new people. Learn and develop new skills. Experience parts of the world we would have never and dreamed of.

    Current location: Girona, Spain.
    We are currently travelling down the Spanish east coast.

  • Interests

    Outdoor activities
    Politics / Social justice
    Charity work
    Art & design
    DIY & crafts
    Movies & TV
    Self development
    Vegetarian or vegan
    Yoga / Wellness
    Van life

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  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Swedish: Fluent

    More details about my language interests
    We are both happy to help anyone if they would like to improve their conversational English. We are both very interested in trying to pick up some French and/or Spanish.

    Find a language buddy

  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    DIY and building projects
    General Maintenance
    Life at a Farmstay
    Helping around the house
    Art Projects
    Eco Projects
    Charity Work
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals

    Some knowledge of:  

    Helping with Computers/ Internet
    Animal Care
  • More details about your skills

    Dog-sitting and walking.
    Painting and decorating.
    Rudimentary and basic static websites.

    Dog sitting and walking
    Yoga teacher.
    Diploma in massage therapy.
    Excellent at putting together Ikea flat-pack furniture!

  • Age

    35 & 30

  • What else ...

    We are currently in a "Skitgubbe" (card game) championship. At the moment Scott is currently winning!

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies
      Penicilian and Cats

    • Special dietary requirements
      Try to eat a vegetarian diet as much as possible.


