Blog posts by Workaway

  • about min
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Travel photography - "Finca Family" (Spain)

This sustainable horse rescue initiative is more than just rescuing our beloved four-legged friends - it's also about building a tight-knit family with fellow volunteers and living together in harmony!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Breakfast with donkeys" (Germany)

Look which unexpected guest decided to join us for breakfast this morning...none other than a friendly donkey with a big appetite! Sharing is caring, and here at this Workaway in Germany, everyone - no matter their shape or size - is welcome to join!

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  • about 2 min
Record, Share & Win Money with Workaway's Video Competition

We're excited to introduce our upcoming Workaway video competition, where we invite all workaway members to share their best videos with us. Whether you've captured breathtaking sceneries, fascinating cultures, amazing experiences shared with people you met along the way, or anything in between when you are on your Workaway trip, we want to see it all!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Gentleman reading a newspaper and little Indian girl" (Agra, India)

We might not remember every sightseeing spot we visited, but we’ll definitely always think of the people who made our journey all the more special! Check out our favourite travel moments of the month.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Meditative painting" (Vietnam)

The simple joys of painting and meditating, combined with the stunning views of Vietnam’s spectacular mountains? We’re ready to embrace this slow yet fulfilling way of life on our next adventure!

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  • about 6 min
Why taking a gap year is the best investment you’ll make in your life

Not sure about taking the risk of going on a gap year? Think gap years are only for college students, or teenagers with no goal in life? Here are 7 perfect reasons for you to start packing and embark on a year-long adventure abroad!

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  • about 5 min
Top 7 New Year resolutions that will turn your 2024 around

Travel more, learn something new, help others, be happier, meet more new people, stay connected with your loved ones, get fitter and eat healthier… this year, why not shake things up by focusing on this one best thing we can do for a change?

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Selling the Harvest" (Philippines)

Come enjoy all this fresh produce together… and maybe join in on the next harvest too! Experiences like this is what makes it so special to travel immersively.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Volunteering on a coconut farm" (Sri Lanka)

It’s raining coconuts in Sri Lanka! Just kidding… but we’re definitely getting our fill of the freshest fruits and veggies on this incredible Workaway, and enjoying them in the best possible way — with our host family and fellow buddies!

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  • about 10 min
Why You Should Choose A Homestay For Your First Workaway

Choosing your first Workaway is unquestionably exciting, especially when you have 170 countries and 50,000 projects to choose from! So you're feeling inspired to join Workaway and find your home away from home but unsure where's the best place to start? Here are a few top tips to make the most of your experience- by choosing a homestay for your first Workaway. As someone who did exactly that, I’ll explain why choose a homestay for your first Workaway…

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  • about 4 min
Earn Badges to Show Off Your Workaway Achievements

Workaway Badges are digital symbols of your accomplishments and experiences on the Workaway platform. If you're a seasoned globetrotter, or a first-time explorer, Workaway Badges provide a fun and engaging way to track your progress and share your story!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Cheers from Laos" (Vang Vieng, Laos)

Exploring more hidden gems with our travel tribe in Oct 2023's Workaway photo competition! If you're waiting for a sign to discover someplace new and different, here it is right here...

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  • about 3 min
Workaway news: connect with your volunteers via the Workaway host app!

Hey, Workaway hosts -- we've made an app just for you! Hosts can now plan their exchanges and update their listings just by a few simple taps on their smartphone, and discover features such as live notifications, handy tips and inspiration from the Workaway community...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Beduin tea at the desert" (Wadi Rum, Jordan)

Here we are, just casually enjoying tea and admiring the sunset in the vast Arabian desert… Check out this months photo competition winner!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "That feeling once you have put the clay on the walls" (Greece)

Take a look at the winner of our photo competition for August 2023, beaming with joy while covered in mud as they work on an eco-friendly building project in the Greek countryside!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Playing and learning in Chiapas" (Mexico)

Check out our July 2023 photo competition winner who captured travellers coming together with open hearts, and creating magical spaces to connect, grow and learn from each other.

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  • about 8 min
12 great yoga experiences for travellers around the world

Imagine just unwinding your body and resting your mind, while being surrounded by good energy in a spiritual environment… now that’s paradise for us. And lucky for us, we can enjoy the relaxation of doing yoga, while at the same time travelling and discovering the world!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Workaway Buddies" (Kenya)

What we appreciate the most about our travel community is that our connection reaches beyond borders and timezones. Check out more inspiring pictures from our June 2023 Photo Competition!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Harvesting olives using simple tools... brings people together!" (Albania)

Who knew a few sets of helping hands would bring on such a FRUITFUL experience? Take a look at May 2023's photo competition for more inspiring travel snapshots!

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  • about 10 min
  • 1 Comment
How to Workaway safely as a solo traveller

"Is Workaway safe?" I have lost count how many times I’ve heard this question. Now, I’m not here to sugarcoat solo travel and tell you it’s the safest thing in the world, but I am here to tell you that, with the right advice and support, you’ll realise travelling solo with Workaway is one of the best ways to see the world!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Taking care of huskies" (Norway)

It’s hard not to be grinning ear to ear when you’re surrounded by fluffy huskies every day! Check out April 2023's Travel Photo Competition for breathtaking adventures to inspire your next adventure!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "World of Wonder" (Croatia)

Jumping for joy and feeling on top of the world in the Croatian mountains with Workaway friends after a rewarding hike. Explore March 2023's Travel Photo Competition snapshots now!

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  • about 12 min
A different side of Aussie life: River barge adventure with a creative community

Meet host Sam, who has created a sacred space for people to communicate and connect in a profound, creative and cathartic way. This haven is in the shape of a huge barge, moored on Hawkesbury River north of Sydney. From here, the “crew” can take off along the river for adventures, interact with people from across the globe, to learn and to grow.

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  • about 3 min
Searching for the true meaning of travel in the Arabian desert

As workawayers, we just can’t help but look for unforgettable experiences and meaningful connections wherever our wandering feet take us. This time, we’re getting a peek into life in the Arabian desert, with the company of a local host and the travel tribe we’ve found along the way!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Pugliese life" (Italy)

You know you’re at the right place and with the right people when the world just glows around you! Check out February 2023's Travel Photo Competition snapshots and get inspired to your own adventures!

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  • about 9 min
Catching flights + feelings: 6 Workaway love stories to inspire you this Valentine's Day

These Workaway and travel love stories around the world prove that if you hit the road open-hearted, anything can happen. Love is the greatest adventure -- but Workaway is a great place to start!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Stuðlagil" (Sólheimajökulsvegur, Iceland)

Those enchanting sights and encounters that remind us what's waiting for us out there in the world... check out 2023's first Travel Photo Competition snapshots and get inspired to start the year with your own adventures!

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  • about 4 min
This side of Thailand: Bubble house paradise where dreams come true

Thailand is one of the most popular destinations for backpackers and we can absolutely see why! But away from the hustle and bustle of the tourist hotspots, is an eco-retreat hidden at the top of the Northern Thailand mountains, where people around the world gather to exchange their ideas and realise their visions together...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Catching Up With The Sun's Fire" (Siwa Oasis, Egypt)

Experiences like these beat anything we can find on TV! Workaway's last photo competition of 2022 features priceless moments like these that can only be found when travelling with amazing people...

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  • about 4 min
Christmas Gift Ideas for Every Travel Lover!

It’s nearly Christmas! For us travellers that would prefer an incredible experience abroad over any sort of gift you will find online, we're probably not gonna get our free world trip this year... but here's a of practical, affordable AND thoughtful Christmas presents that will be sure to come in handy for our adventures!

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  • about 7 min
Workaway for newbies: your top questions answered

You've just stumbled on, a website that lets you connect with hosts and travellers around the world, give back to local communities, and get free accommodation and food in exchange for a few hours of your help! That sounds like a dream, but how does it actually work??

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Juggling Joy" (Acacias, Colombia)

We've got our hands full with all the fun Workaway projects we get to choose from! Explore November 2022's travel photo competition to get a glimpse into your next adventure.

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  • about 3 min
Teaching in Morocco: an immersive experience in a bucket-list destination

When we think of Morocco, we think of its rich history and culture, vibrant views and glittering trinkets... so it's certainly easy to understand why the country is on so many travellers’ bucket list! But what if we say there’s something even more incredible waiting beyond our itinerary?

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  • about 5 min
Practical tips on how to teach abroad as a volunteer

Being a traveling teacher is definitely a rewarding experience that you simply cannot get as a tourist! By teaching abroad, you get to connect and exchange stories with students, as well as fully immerse into the culture of any destination you’re visiting. Excited about your volunteer teaching journey? Check out our top tips on how to start...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Hassan ball" (Casablanca, Morocco)

There's so many opportunities to connect with people on the road! October 2022's Workaway photo competition features incredible travel friendships and other adventures to inspire your next trip.

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  • about 4 min
Travel differently, discover more: Authentic farm stay experience in Catalonia

What if we say travelling is not just about visiting tourist attractions and staying in hotels, but a unique opportunity where we can learn about a different way of life, and even spend a week or month (or longer) in a local’s shoes, to create meaningful experiences and connections that can last for a long, long time?

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  • about 7 min
How to use your skills to travel the world for free: meet Leo, our Workawayer of the month

If you’re someone who loves children and travelling, here's a way your passions can cross paths! Meet Workawayer of the Month Leo, a traveller and babysitter who discovered that Workaway as an aupair is a brilliant way to travel immersively, connect with local cultures, and learn new languages...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Love across borders" (Koh Lanta, Thailand)

We know we're in the right place when we're surrounded by people who're just as adventurous as we are! Check out September's Workaway photo competition to discover your next destination, where you just might find your travel tribe too.

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  • about 5 min
How to travel the world as a language teacher

Being a language teacher is perfect for someone who enjoys travelling, exchanging cultures, and doing something rewarding. You get the freedom of travelling anywhere in the world, and can even earn money while you're at it! So how do we start? Check out our beginner's guide for all the answers and extra tips on how to start your journey...

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  • about 2 min
What is it like to Workaway as an older traveller?

Mention Workaway and a lot of people would imagine a backpacker in their 20s, running around tropical destinations in flip flops and partying in hostels. Almost every day we get asked, “am I too old for Workaway? Are there other workawayers my age or will I be the odd one out?” Meet Kim, a 55-year old traveller who is on her first Workaway adventure in Costa Rica!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Dance Paint" (Bálványos, Hungary)

Which Workaway project are you bringing your magic into next? August 2022's travel photo competition dives right into the vibrant moments we discover during our Workaway adventures. Check out more snapshots and get inspired to start your own!

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  • about 11 min
Meet the couple making the most of their mid-life with their Workaway adventures!

When Mike and Kara became empty nesters, these two leapt at the chance to have an epic adventure! Read on to find out more about this life-changing move, tips on how to extend a one-year trip into eight, and how they inspired their son to start travelling too...

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  • about 4 min
Eco-travel: 5 ways you can be a better traveller

Are you a conscious traveller who’s passionate about looking after Mother Earth, just as much as you love to discover new destinations? With the help of long-time traveller and workawayer Neri, we’ve compiled 5 easy ways we can travel more sustainably...

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  • about 5 min
Volunteering & Working Opportunities: Crew / sail around the world for free

Mention sailing and the chances are most of us will conjure up romantic images of wind in the hair freedom on the waves. If you are eager to discover the sailing / boating way of life– we think a grand adventure is about to begin!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Teamwork makes the dream work" (Agou, Togo)

This month, we're opting outside for our Workaway adventures! Enjoy a slice of nature with July 2022's travel photo competition, and check out all the meaningful opportunities out there...

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  • about 3 min
Solo Travel Friendships: 5 amazing #travelbff stories from around the world

There’s just something so magical about the friendships that happen on the road-- starting from strangers far away from home, you often end up sharing incredible experience as you discover new places together. To celebrate all these special travel moments we share with our friends, here are just a few of the many heart warming Workaway friendship stories that brought a smile to our faces!

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  • about 7 min
How to turn your digital nomad daydreams into a reality: Meet our Workawayer Sai!

Meet our latest workawayer of the month Sai, who not only works full time for a tech startup but is also diving head-first into a WIDE range of Workaway opportunities all over the globe!

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  • about 3 min
Conscious travel: Experience a different kind of Caribbean beach adventure

Have you been to many beautiful and remote places in the world, but somehow still feel as if something is missing? Are you looking for a way to travel where you can connect with the communities and be a part of it, or even give back a little?

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Crow's nest view" (San Pedro, Spain)

Every adventure becomes extra special when you're with the right people! Get a glimpse into June 2022's Workaway Photo Competition for more unique experiences around the world, shared with our travel tribe...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Good morning sunshine!" (Bluefields, Nicaragua)

There's so many one-of-a-kind adventures we get to discover when travelling as a workawayer! Falling asleep and waking up in the Caribbean sea, dog walking in snowy Finland, baking bread with your travel tribe... where to next?

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  • about 9 min
Be part of the tropical island dream for a better world and greener future!

Meet our host of the month Will, who moved from Bangkok to the island of Koh Lanta to fulfil his dream of creating a better world for his community and his country, Thailand. Read all about his sustainable education project, where workawayers learn how to build with mud, lead children's activities to promote sustainability, and live harmoniously with monkeys, lizards and snakes!

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  • about 6 min
Workaway Giving Back: Three incredible projects making a difference

Through our Workaway Giving Back project, we launched a small campaign where we took nominations from you for hosts who’ve done incredible work to make a positive change in their local communities with the help of workawayers. After some deliberation, we have selected three incredible hosts from three different parts of the world that we feel deserve a round of applause, and more importantly, an extra bit of financial support to help move their projects along!

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  • about 3 min
Workaway News: Plan your adventures with the improved favourite hosts list

How do you start planning your year-long Workaway adventure with so many different opportunities and amazing destinations to choose from? Not complaining about how we are all so spoilt for choice, but we found a great way to help you organize and plan your trips with our updated favourite hosts feature! Let us walk you through...

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  • about 9 min
Meet the workawayer travelling through 100 countries and building incredible friendships

Lei’s travel goals are ambitious to say the least - ten years, non-stop, through one HUNDRED countries! We managed to catch our latest Workawayer of the month for a quick chat about her unexpected encounters on the road, lifelong friendships she’s made along the way, and how to experience the world with a trusting heart…

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Pizzanight at the ecofarm" (Extremadura, Spain)

What delicious moments have you shared with your travel buddies? From pizza to cacao, get a taste of adventure with April's Workaway photo competition and discover your own dream projects!

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  • about 6 min
Workaway News: Celebrating 20 Years of Adventures and Memories

If one Workaway adventure teaches us one life lesson, imagine two decades of them! 20 years ago, David created Workaway in a small Spanish village, with the simple idea of cultural exchange between travellers and hosts. Fast-forward to 2022, and Workaway has now grown into a well-known worldwide network of travellers that can connect with local families, projects, and all sorts of diverse communities in over 170 countries across the world!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Deep jungle walk" (Koh Samui, Thailand)

It's all about the incredible hidden gems we discover, and who we discover them with! March 2022's Workaway photo competition features an extra dose of friends, nature, and awesome experiences we create on the road, to inspire our next adventure.

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  • about 2 min
How to travel long term for free by inviting your friends along!

Wanna bring your friends along on your Workaway adventure? Or know someone who'd love Workaway? We’re officially introducing your unique Workaway invitation link to you, where you can invite friends into the community as workawayers OR hosts. In return? You'll get to embark on your own adventure or to extend your travel for even longer!

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  • about 8 min
Just me, my dog, and the open road: meet Kristina, the workawayer who travels with her dog

Ever thought about taking your pet on your travels, just to be immediately put off by thinking about quarantines and vet visits?? Well meet animal welfare warrior and proud pet owner Kristina, who’s shown us it’s definitely ‘paws’ibe to bring your pet along on your adventures! Read on for more experiences and insights from our latest Workawayer of the month...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Can't Best This Vineyard for a Morning Yoga" (Viseu, Portugal)

Amazing things happen when we get off the beaten path... and here's just a few of the many wonderful experiences we've gotten to discover through Workaway! Check out February 2022's travel photo competition and get inspired to find your own path.

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  • about 10 min
Permaculture and finding your place in the world: meet Penny, our Workawayer of the Month

Penny left her job after catching the travel-volunteer bug in Kenya, and has gone on to share her insights in permaculture, water conservation and human connections through blogging AND hosting her own Workaway project! Read on to find out more about her stories as an experienced traveller, her adventures in sustainable farming, finding friends and family through immersive travel.

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  • about min
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Travel photography - "Being social is good for your mood. Let's have fun together!" (Millau, France)

Welcome 2022, and welcome workawayers! Our first travel photo competition of the year begins with outdoor adventures, new friendships, and of course creating incredible moments on the road. Share yours with us for a chance to be our next winner.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Hitchhiking in the desert: who never?" (South Atlantic Ocean, Namibia)

Our last travel photo competition of 2021 brings us to all the moments that have made our travels so special: new friends, breathtaking views, and cool experiences we'll remember forever! Start 2022 right by inspiring us with your travel photography...

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  • about 3 min
Spread the wanderlust and win some funds with our #WorkawayPhotoCompetition

Huge thanks to hosts and Workawayers that has shared their adventures through their lens! These amazing snapshots are the ultimate travel inspiration that feed our wanderlust and keeps us excited for new journeys.

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  • about 12 min
This international couple are creating a sustainable world through their travels!

Meet Felix from Germany and Jan from Thailand, an international couple who connected through travelling and fell in love with the world together! From discovering their passion for permaculture, off-grid living and giving back, they have now embarked on a journey to create a self-sustainable community for future generations to come…

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Nuestros perros, alistándose antes de ser entregados" (Machupicchu, Peru)

November 2021's travel photo competition features the amazing Workaway moments we've shared with friends we've met along the way... 'cos adventure is all about the connections we've made!

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  • about 4 min
Updates + Navigation Guide: Introducing Workawayer profile’s new look

If you’ve ever wondered how to show your best self to hosts and travellers, we’ve got some good news! We've updated the layout for your public profile and personal account page -- now it's easier than ever to showcase your personality and skills, as well as inspire others with your travel experiences, future plans and more!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Dancing 'The bravery'" (Cairo, Egypt)

Where my travel tribe at?! Sneak a peek into October 2021's travel photo competition and see how adventures can be anywhere, as long as you're with the right people...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Holiday on Horseback" (Otavi, Namibia)

What's on your Workaway bucket list? September 2021's travel photography features our next dream destinations and we can't wait to hop right on them!

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  • about 10 min
Meet the Workawayer who quit her Silicon Valley job to volunteer with dogs!

Viviane decided years ago that 2020 would be the year she’d quit her job as an exec at a Silicon Valley startup and adventure around the world. While with the pandemic things didn't go according to plan, she managed to adapt her dream and safely embarked on her simple but epic gap year as a workawayer!

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  • about 10 min
Volunteering & Van life: How to Make the Most of This Travel Trend

Following the pandemic, the soaring popularity of van life shows no signs of slowing down and there are many reasons why we've hopped onboard this travel trend too! Whether you're a van life veteran or clueless about camper vans, this guide covers why volunteering and van life is the perfect combination...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Island magic" (St. Croix, Virgin Islands U.S.)

Summer+Workaway=the perfect adventure! Explore August 2021's travel photo competition for our favourite summer travel moments, and get inspired to start your next trip!

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  • about 4 min
Find your community: Start connecting with like-minded travellers

Embarking on an adventure, however exciting it might be, can get daunting sometimes too -- so it makes a huge difference to know that there are lots of fellow travellers out there who are happy to hang out or help if we need it! We’ve launched a live TRAVEL FEED where we can catch up with our tribe in real time and stay up to date with all things Workaway...

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  • about 12 min
Meet the Workaway family that backpacked through 72 countries together

Have you wondered what it's like to go on a gap year with your entire family? This month, we're excited to introduce the Su family, who did just that and not only once, but THREE times. In total they backpacked through 72 countries including Workaways at a yurt camp in Mongolia, an NGO in Kazakhstan, a hostel in Egypt and a pomegranate farm in Israel – to name just a few!

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  • about min
Travel photography - " Foundation" (Hoima, Uganda)

July 2021's travel photography features the special moments we get when we travel with open hearts and helping hands. Come get a glimpse and get inspired to start your own Workaway adventures!

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  • about min
  • 1 Comment
Travel photography - " Forest meditation" (Beetsterzwaag, Netherlands)

Celebrating the moments, places and friends that help us grow into the people we are today! Explore our latest photo competition gallery, and get inspired to start your own Workaway adventure...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Mayan Work" (Chunhuhub, Mexico)

Adventure can happen anywhere as long as we stay curious and open-minded! Check out our latest travel photography and get inspired to discover your dream Workaways, whether they're across the world or just a short ride from home.

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  • about 8 min
A new way of life: creating magic with a multicultural eco-community at the Yucatan cenote

As Mayan civilizations regarded cenotes as being their principle life source, Kareen, our latest host of the month, has created a cenote-centered community in Yucatan, Mexico, where travellers from around the world come together to learn from each other's cultures in a peaceful and self-sustainable holistic bubble...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Jungle Cacao Abundance" (Samana, Dominican Republic)

Diving face first into all the hidden gems of the world! This month's travel photo competition features various snapshots of nature's gifts and surprising encounters on the road. Get inspired and start exploring too!

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  • about 9 min
From Morocco to Sweden, meet the workawayer who took a leap and found his second home

For many of us, volunteering abroad is already a huge step outside our comfort zone, so imagine going all out to choose a place and way of life that is the total opposite of where you grew up, on your very first Workaway... and then staying for four years? A true explorer at heart, Bahia travelled from his home country, Morocco, all the way to Sweden as a workawayer, to seek an adventure of a lifetime!

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  • about 11 min
Learn, heal and grow with this yogic community nestled in a forest valley of Australia

The stress of modern living plus a pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health among many of us. Being able to recharge and seek inspiration might seem challenging when we are all homebound, but Workaway host Indu's yogic community aims to offer just that! This refreshing haven is the perfect place to unwind, connect with nature, and transform for the better.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Longing for the secret sunwalked paths" (Tagounite, Morocco)

It's the incredible connections and learning experiences that give meaning to our adventures! Explore this month's travel photo competition for a glimpse into the unique Workaway experiences we can try next...

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  • about 4 min
How to use Workaway to find your travel BFF

While most of us have been anxiously waiting to get back on the road, why not look for alternative ways to satisfy our wanderlust, and make the most of our time by preparing for our next adventure? Find out how you could use some of our new site features to connect with fellow travellers and find your future bffs -- right here on the Workaway site!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Normal day at the job" (Baardskeerdersbos, South Africa)

We travel to discover the life we want, and then we build it with the help of our community and skills we've learnt on the road! Have a peek into all the possibilities we can live out while workawaying and get inspired to start your own adventure.

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  • about 8 min
Meet the single mom who took her little one on a big Workaway adventure to pursue her dream

There's no better classroom than nature, and this applies to both children and grown-ups! With a dream of starting her own permaculture farm, Fenia didn’t let the role of being a single mother stop her, and together with her son Adam, they embark on a series of farming adventures through Workaway.

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  • about 12 min
The Call of the Jungle: Wildlife rehabilitation in the unplugged Amazon

A magnificent conservation and wildlife rehabilitation centre in the heart of the Amazon, Bolivia, where gringos and monkeys find home among Workaway host Andrés and his volunteer tribe! Our latest Workaway host of the month brings us right into the unplugged jungles, and shares more on the harsh realities and priceless rewards of volunteering at this animal rescue project.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Huskies everywhere" (Inari, Finland)

Discover our community's favourite Workaway bucket list destinations... this month, Lapland! Get inspired with our latest travel photos and share your own to spread the wanderlust.

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  • about 9 min
Meet the father who enjoyed Workaway so much, his son followed in his footsteps!

Kenneth has been part of Workaway since 2010 -- yes, so he's been travelling and volunteering with us for a DECADE! From hostels on the beach in Puerto Rico to meditation centres in Taiwan, not only has he explored all over the world, but he’s encouraged his sons to follow in his footsteps with them also joining the Workaway community!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Finishing the job" (Yucatan, Mexico)

Ending the year with rest, laughter and lush nature, just the way we want it! December 2020's travel photography is full of good vibes and outdoor adventures, that we'll hopefully bring over to 2021...

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  • about 8 min
This permaculture classroom in Thailand is a sustainable paradise for all!

Xavier and Nathalie's family farm near Chiang Mai is a slice of paradise where workawayers get to discover new skills, interests, and a sustainable lifestyle! From Thai culture and cuisine, to yoga and aquaponics, our latest Workaway Host of the Month offers us much insight and inspiration on how to explore a different way of life...

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Sunday lunch in Italy (Brindisi, Italy)"

When you look back on your travels, what are the moments you cherish the most? Explore November 2020's travel photo gallery for our community's favourite Workaway experiences of the month, and get inspired to start your own adventure!

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  • about 7 min
Around the World on Two Wheels - Travel Tips for the Cycling Nomad

Ah, there’s no feeling quite as freeing and exhilarating than discovering a new place on your trusty old bicycle. Cycle touring has long been a primary form of exploration for some travellers, but with COVID19 sweeping away our existing travel plans, some of us have been turning back to our bikes as an alternative way of exploring new destinations!

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  • about 10 min
From the Caribbean to Colombia, meet the Workawayer travelling through her tastebuds

This month we chat with Gisela -- a vibrant, long-term workawayer and raw food chef who has lots of wisdom to share with solo female travellers, aspiring chefs, and those considering their first Workaway adventure! From making and tasting fresh chocolate in the Caribbean, to slowly exploring Colombia while taking care of dogs, let's get a glimpse into her adventures now...

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  • about 3 min
Workaway Travel App: Discover and connect with your travel tribe with our improved app

It’s been a while since we first launched the Workaway App for travellers, and we are happy to see our users enjoy the app! Hopefully, these fixes and new features will give our workawayers an even better app experience, and make it a helpful travel tool when you guys are busy exploring...

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  • about 11 min
A haven for dogs, cats and nature lovers: Animal Refuge on the Algarve, Portugal

Our latest Workaway host of the month is an animal lover who's realising his dream to provide abandoned animals with a second chance at finding health and a home -- with the help of workawayers! Surrounded by forest and the golden Algarve sands, this spacious, eco friendly animal rescue shelter in Portugal is the perfect place for nature lovers and animals alike.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Got your nose" (Schwarzsee, Switzerland)

Because going out and exploring nature is the answer to everything! There's so much to discover, whether it's across the globe or right around the block -- so get inspired by this month's travel photos and start your own adventure too.

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  • about 2 min
Workaway News: explore worldwide hosts on our new and improved site

Whenever wanderlust strikes, the first thing we do is definitely to check out all the amazing Workaway opportunities around the world! Designed with nomads like me and you in mind, we hope these new improvements will be make your search process a lot easier and faster. Lets walk you through it to get those Workaway plans rolling!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Ride home after a long working day" (Ballstad, Norway)

Explore September 2020's travel photography and get inspired to plan your next Workaway adventure! There's just so many meaningful projects to help at and incredible destinations to explore.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Erin The Night Fisherwoman" (Rajagiriya, Sri Lanka)

There's so many amazing places in the world that are waiting to be discovered! Check out this month's travel photography and get inspired to start your next Workaway adventure.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Hiking trip in the Swiss Alps" (Lengnau, Switzerland)

More than the tourist attractions, what we miss most is the new cultures and incredible connections that will last for a lifetime! Explore this month's travel photo competition now and get inspired for your next adventure.

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  • about 3 min
Workaway Site Update - Navigation Guide for Hosts

Let us walk you through the latest updates we've made on the Workaway website! Hopefully with these changes, you will now be able to navigate through the site more easily as a host.

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  • about 3 min
Workaway Site Update - Navigation Guide for Workawayers

Let us walk you through the latest updates we've made on the Workaway website! Hopefully with these changes, you will now be able to navigate through the site more easily as a workawayer.

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  • about 5 min
From traveller to home explorer: a workawayer's adventures in quarantine

Meet our latest Workawayer of the month, Zsuzsa, a shining example of how to keep the spirit of Workaway alive in the midst of quarantine. Bubbly and bright as ever, she tells us how she continues to be influenced by her Workaway experiences, how she draws support from her “host families” across the globe as well as indulging her wanderlust by contemplating future Workaway adventures waiting for her on the horizon!

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  • about min
  • 1 Comment
Travel photography - "Camping at home in quarantine" (Novo Hamburgo, Brazil)

Adventure can be anywhere - even at home under lockdown! Although we can’t explore new destinations abroad right now, we can still stay inspired with a bit of creativity and this month's travel photography to keep us excited and hopeful.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Geodesic dome structure for agriculture being covered" (Lagos, Portugal)

We can't wait to be out exploring new places and experiencing new things around the world again! Check out May 2020's best travel photography and enter our next photo competition to share your adventures & win our cash prize.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Feeling home everywhere" (St. Thomas, Virgin Islands)

So many places to explore and get lost in! Get inspired by April 2020‘s travel photography and plan your next Workaway adventure - and make sure to capture your favourite moments to share with us.

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  • about 3 min
Workaway team in quarantine: Our 20 Best Self Isolation Quotes

We know it’s easy to get stuck in the heaviness of everything that’s been going on lately around the world, so we wanted to bring you some positivity :).. These are some of our favourite quotes for when you need a little pick-me-up during quarantine!

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  • about 5 min
Workaway life during lockdown

None of us imagined the current global pandemic, but here we are. As travellers, hosts and workawayers this is a huge shift! However, we’re all in this together so we wanted to share a few tips on how to stay inspired even while in quarantine!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Farm life in Mongolia" (Mongolia)

Discover your next Workaway destination to add to your bucket list! While you're at it, you can also spread the wanderlust by entering our monthly photo competition (and get a chance to win our cash prize)!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Tea picking" (Hatton, Sri Lanka)

Browse through the wanderlust-inducing travel photography by hosts and workawayers, featuring exciting Workaway adventures around the world! Enter our monthly photo competition to share your travels & win our cash prize.

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  • about 3 min
What is a Workaway Ambassador?

Ambassadors are Workawayers like you and me, they are helping to build the community by showing that responsible and ethical travel has the ability to genuinely make a difference to the communities they visit through..Let these world travellers show you how travelling whilst volunteering through cultural exchange is not impossible, but in fact has the potential to define your life!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Diving in the clear waters of Brazil" (Goiás, Brazil)

Where will you Workaway adventures take you this year? From Brazil's dazzling waterfalls to Poland's snowy peaks, take a look at the endless possibilities offered in January 2020's travel photo competition, and get inspired to start your own too!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Guitar, fire, hut: workaway evenings." (Kanchanaburi, Thailand)

There's so many ways to explore the world - start through the lens of our Workawayers & hosts for a peek into the possibilities! Here are some of our favourite travel photos for the December 2019 photo competition of to get you inspired.

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  • about min
  • 1 Comment
Travel photography - "Northern lights viewing" (Hakkstabben, Norway)

Get lost in our favourite Workaway experiences, from petting goats and picking fruit, to seeing the northern lights! Enter our monthly photo competition for a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about 9 min
Career skills I learned during my Workaways that changed my life!

We chat with Milton who’s been curious about the world since a young age. He eventually packed up his bags, quit his job and started travelling the world! Through Workaway he picked up quite a few new skills, including some that got him his current job in Italy. We’re excited to see what other journey’s he’ll be taking!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Binding Light" (Costa Rica)

Here are some of our most wanderlust-inducing photos of October 2019, taken by our travel community. Explore some of the best images and entered into the Workaway travel photos competition for your chance to win the €100 prize!

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  • about 7 min
Marine conservation, sea sculptures and coastal cleanup in Norway!

A free-diving instructor, a sailor, a sculpture and a farmer – Børje is the host of a sculpture Workaway experience that works to save the environment! Whether by raising awareness with creative sculptures or actively removing marine pollution off the coast of Norway, he aims to make a real difference.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Villa Shardana" (Pula, Italy)

September 2019's travel photography is filled with vibrant moments out in nature to capture the last moments of summer! Where have you been exploring this month? Enter next month's photo competition for a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about 5 min
Go for your passions like Alice and see how life surprises you!

Going for your dreams or something you’re passionate about is not always that simple or easy – but nowadays with such a big world and lots places to see, there’s more opportunity than ever to take that leap of faith and go for your dreams! Alice shares with us how she took this leap for herself by following her passion, that eventually led her to finding true love…

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Natural SPA" (Iceland)

Have you dipped your toes into any new adventures this month? August 2019's travel photography features all the amazing scenery and experiences you can add to your bucket list. Get inspired and make sure to share your photos with us!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Farmlove" (Skagafjörður, Iceland)

From cuddling horses to exploring rainforests - will July 2019's travel photography inspire your next Workaway adventure? Enter workaway's monthly photo competition for a chance to win our cash prize!

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  • about 7 min
How this Workawayer built his freelance career while travelling the world

Chester from Singapore started out from going on short hiking trips while working for an ad agency, to creating a life between traveling, writing and hiking full time! We got to hear more about his journey so far around the world, the connections he had made through Workaway, and the new lifestyle he has found for himself.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "A trip with the kids. India." (Mussoorie, India)

Browse through June 2019's inspiring travel photography showing a sneak peek into all the special volunteering moments around the world. Enter our next photo competition for a chance to share your travels and win a cash prize!

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  • about 7 min
Uncover paths to paradise on the stunning Mamma Mia Greek island of Skopelos

This month we talk to host Heather from the Skopelos and share a slice of magical Greek island. Come uncover the beautiful well-trodden paths of the past, while enjoying the spectacular natural backdrop of Mamma Mia’s romantic island!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Sleeping Buddha" (Montaren-et-Saint-Médiers, France)

We loved May 2019's whimsical travel snapshots and unique Workaway experiences captured by our community! Explore some of the best images this month and enter the next competition for your chance to win our €100 prize.

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  • about 11 min
Dix avantages inatendus d’avoir des workawayers à la maison

Près plus de 15 ans comme hôte Workaway, je dois dire qu’il y a eu de nombreux avantages inattendus – des avantages auxquels je n’aurais jamais pensé. Voici comment les workawayers nous ont touché et, dans certains cas, ont eu un impact durable dans notre vie, de 10 des plus belles manières.

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  • about 9 min
  • 1 Comment
Diez Ventajas Inesperadas de Ser un Anfitrión en Workaway

Todos sabemos que es genial tener otro par de manos cerca, y como anfitriones a veces pensamos que tenemos una idea clara de en qué nos gustaría que nos ayudaran nuestros workawayers. Pero, tras 15 años como anfitriona en Workaway, ¡ha habido muchas ventajas inesperadas que nunca hubiera previsto!

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  • about 4 min
We have some Appy news for Workawayers! 😊

*Drumroll*…our new mobile phone app is now available for Workawayers! Check out the latest features, and download the app today to start discovering and connecting.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Waterfall day with our English students" (Cianjur, Indonesia)

See the world through Workawayer & host's lens - from splashing under the waterfall with your students to climbing coconut trees! Share your travel photography for a chance to win our €100 cash prize.

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  • about 9 min
  • 1 Comment
This couple from Brazil truly captures the beauty of “A World Without Walls”

Renata and Aline are a Workaway couple who’ve been travelling together since 2017. With their project, “a world without walls”, the duo is on a mission to inspire your next trip and challenge your perception of the world.

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Bottle walls making" (Tekirdağ, Turkey)

Have a glimpse into all the meaningful Workaway projects around the world with March 2019's travel photography and get inspired for your next adventure! Be sure to enter our monthly photo competition for a chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 4 min
5 ways to make your Workaway profile stand out

Let’s face it, these days it seems like we’re filling out online profiles for everything. From dating apps to career networks, it can be a bit overwhelming to find one more way to describe yourself. However, your Workaway profile can be different and we’re here to help! Follow our best tips for how to create a unique profile that will unlock countless opportunities. Adventure awaits!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Krabi Rock Cliff" (Krabi, Thailand)

Way to see the world from a different point of view! February 2019's photo competition showcases all the incredible scenery and people you can encounter while on the road... what will you discover on your next adventure?

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Camping in the desert" (Namibia)

What kind of adventure would you like to start the year with? From camping in the African desert, to harvesting pumpkins with your Workaway host's hobby farm... get inspired by this month's travel photography and start your own journey too!

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  • about min
Travel photography - "Christmas tree" (California, USA)

What's the most memorable adventures you've had in 2018? Discover our favourite travel photography showcasing the wonderful Workaway moments around the world, and share yours for a chance to win the €100 cash prize!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Tribes and smiles” (Tamil Nadu, India)

There’s so much magic around the world, and so many ways for us to explore it! Start through the lens of our workawayers & hosts, and get inspired by our favourite travel photography of November 2018.

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  • about 3 min
  • 1 Comment
Workaway news: Plan your travels and explore new places with a travel buddy

Whether you are craving some companionship after a solo soul-searching journey, or you prefer to explore the world alongside somebody else…this is the perfect tool for you. Perhaps you want to find a buddy to visit hosts together with, or just to explore the local area during your days off? Either way, we hope you can find wonderful friendships through Workaway that will go beyond Workaway!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Llama Farm” (Oberösterreich, Austria)

See the world through Workawayer & host’s eyes – discover our favourite travel photography showcasing the wonderful Workaway adventure moments around the world, and share yours for a chance to win the €100 cash prize!

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  • about min
“Discovering 4000 years old megalithic construction called Nuraghe” (Sardinia, Italy)

Explore the wonders of the world through our community! Here are some of the best travel photography in September 2018’s workaway photo competition – get some inspiration and and showcase your photography to win some travel funds too!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Nature pools are the best” (Sri Lanka)

Where would you like your Workaway adventures to take you? From tropical paradise in Sri Lanka to the edges of Ecuador, take a look at the endless possibilities offered in August 2018’s travel photo competition, and get inspired to start your own too!

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  • about 9 min
What is the Flyway Effect? A travelling couple charts their journey around the world

Brendon and Karson are a young travelling couple from the heart of the United States who both grew up in small towns with families who never dreamed of traveling anywhere beyond the U.S. So how did their families react when they decided to quit their jobs and adventure around the world for an entire year? They share their perspective on defying expectations and having experiences that last a lifetime.

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  • about 4 min
Workaway news: Stand out from the rest with your best Workaway profile

If a photo can speak a thousand words, then a video can do more! So give a bit of personality by uploading a personal video to your workaway profile, and show off all your achievements on the site with our new badges too.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Reaching the top of KYANJING RI after 5 days trekking – 4400m” (Nepal)

A celebration of July 2018’s travel photography and achievements of the Workaway community, from reaching new heights in Nepal to milking a cow for the first time! Get inspired to start your own globetrotting adventure!

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  • about 5 min
Dating someone with wanderlust: What is it like to fall in love with a traveller/ a workawayer?

The moment you realise you’ve fallen in love with a long term traveller and workawayer, you know it’s going to be nothing like the typical relationship you already know all too well…

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  • about min
  • 1 Comment
Travel photography – “Floating in the Dead Sea” (Israel)

What is it like to float in the middle of the Dead Sea, or learn to drive a tractor for the first time? Explore our favourite travel photography from June 2018, and share your best travel snapshots for a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about 13 min
The couple who caught the Workaway bug BIG TIME: 14 hosts in 13 months and not ready to stop!

Miguel and Mariana had been living together for 6-7 years when they suddenly decided to leave their beloved homeland behind to find a home away from home everywhere they went. Read about the epic story of how they make the transition from quitting their 9-5 jobs lives to become full-time Workawaying nomads!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Ella Bridge” (Ella, Sri Lanka)

Get lost in our favourite Workaway destinations, from the Ella Bridge to the arctic! Enter the photo competition that runs every month on for a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about min
“Catching a sunset on a slackline after a day of helping at the hostel.” (Lima, Peru)

We loved April 2018’s travel photography taken by workawayers and hosts on various adventures around the world! Explore some of the best images this month and enter the next competition for your chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 2 min
  • 1 Comment
Workaway news: Create your own Workaway map with pins

Whether you’re wanderlusting over a whole bunch of countries on your “to go” list at the same time, or already finalising your travels and ready to hop on the next flight, set your plans in motion by creating your own Workaway map with pins of your travel destinations!

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  • about 9 min
Experience a sustainable lifestyle in Sri Lanka amongst natural wildlife and local community

This big ol’ plantation-sized slice of paradise in Sri Lanka is not just a coconut estate! This month, host Tilak tells us how he created a haven of natural beauty and wildlife, while giving back to the local community and welcoming travellers to enjoy the village sustainably.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Manifestation against drilling next to the island” (Myre, Norway)

See the world through workawayer and host’s eyes – explore some of the best travel photography in March 2018’s workaway photo competition, and share your best snaps for a chance to win the €100 prize!

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  • about 9 min
The ultimate guide to visiting & protecting the world’s most amazing marine conservation sites

We’ve handpicked a list of Workaway hosts on exclusive locations across the globe, with amazing projects perfect for those keen to witness the beauty of the blue and play a part in marine conservation!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Martha is getting a cool cut” (Uganda)

The February 2018’s travel photography taken by Workawayers and hosts, featuring this heartwarming image for this month’s winner! Is there a better way to explore the world while giving back to local communities?

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  • about 3 min
Workaway news: highlight your accomplishments in your official Workaway reference letter

So, you’ve already checked off some Workaway adventures from your list and received some feedback from hosts you have stayed with. What’s next? Well, why not highlight your amazing accomplishments to future employers by adding your Workaway adventures to you CV? 🙂

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  • about 9 min
Meet the workawayer who swapped retirement for a lifetime of travel adventures!

After 52 years of employment and family life Daniel decided to sell his house, his car and all his possessions and fulfill his dream of travelling the world after retirement. Nowadays his sole possessions are in his backpack, but even after two years on the road Workawaying he has never looked back.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Chamonix Run” (France)

From spectacular trail running views to snapshots with your workaway family – will these wanderlust inducing travel photos inspire you to go on your own adventure? Enter our monthly photo competition for a chance to win a cash prize.

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  • about 6 min
How this creative family is using their recycled art to inspire the community to reuse & recycle

We had the pleasure of getting to know a lovely family living in the UK. Drawing on their experiences as journalists and travellers, they told us how they’re creating a new project that moves beyond recycling toward something even better. Get out some scissors and glue and tap into your inner child for this special interview!

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  • about 5 min
The workawayer who ran away from city life to live with huskies

After a two-year Workaway at a Norwegian husky farm, Marije gladly swaps city life with the companionship of 40 huskies and discovers the joys and strength it takes to go ‘back-to-basics’.

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  • about min
  • 1 Comment
“Workaweyers team / climbing the mountain after work” (Mount Roraima, Venezuela)

Browse through the beautiful travel photos submitted by workawayers and hosts in December 2017; from epic volunteer teams to magnificent waterfalls! Enter the competition that runs every month for a chance to showcase your travel photos across our social

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  • about 4 min
  • 1 Comment
Workaway news: Experience worldwide exchanges with Workaway TV

Happy 2018 from Workaway! Would this be the year of husky training in a Canadian cabin? Or would it be the year you build your first straw bale house with a community of earth-loving volunteers around the world? Check out our Workaway TV page to get a glimpse of what your own new year might look like, and see how you can get involved in our referral scheme to extend your subscription for free by sharing your adventures with friends!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Workaway in The Himalayas” (Sangla, India)

See the latest amazing travel photos taken by workawayers and hosts in November 2017; from the majestic Himalayan ranges to new workaway families! Enter the photo competition that runs every month on for a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about 5 min
The workawayer who discovered a passion for painting en-route and now can’t stop!

After ten months workawaying Aude is on a non-stop mission to leave a trail of inspirational murals behind her as she travels around the globe on a one way ticket. Some of her friends call her “an artwork machine“, because when she starts painting she is in the zone and there is no stopping her…!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “We looked for the concrete, we found the unreal” (Laguna Pirquinco, Chile)

Here are some of the varied and interesting shots taken by workawayers and hosts. Explore some of the best images and entered into the Workaway travel photos competition for your chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 4 min
Workaway news: start chatting with your personal Workaway advisor

Happy autumn from the Workaway team! If you’re a regular visitor of the site, you might’ve noticed that your profile page has gone through a huge makeover! To keep the site even more user-friendly, remember we have introduced a “Help” section to your Workawayer profile page? Members can easily access tips on how to improve their profile, message hosts, as well as some extra information from the team.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Follow your Dreams” (Bali, Indonesia)

Get lost in the most amazing Workaway destinations on earth, from the Balinese paradise to the incredibly beautiful Cenote and cow cuddles in an idyllic farm! Enter our photo competition that runs every month for a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Someone Loves the Pom Pom” (Greenland)

Winners and commended images from the photo competition in August 2017 on – get inspired for your own journey or travel photography!

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  • about 8 min
  • 1 Comment
Van life: Meet the nomadic couple who built their own mobile home

Since we dare to bet that you have daydreamed about leaving your day-to-day life behind and driving off into the sunset at least once, we couldn’t wait to share Workawayers Norbert and Dóra‘s story with you. This young, adventurous architect-journalist pairing from Hungary didn’t just hit the road, they decided to do so in a mobile home that they built themselves! We caught up with the couple for a peek into their van life.

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  • about 6 min
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Stay on a sheep farm in South Africa “Where the land meets the sky”

This month, we caught up with Hester who lives on a sheep farm in South Africa with his family. His vivid description of the beautiful landscape and the history of the region are out of this world. After just a glimpse of seeing the farm through his eyes, we know you’ll be dreaming of visiting soon!

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  • about 4 min
  • 1 Comment
5 Universal life lessons you’ll learn from your Workaways

A while ago we introduced you to Workawayers of the month, Shahnaz & Francois, a husband-and-wife duo who volunteered their way around the globe. Adventures like theirs aren’t just gonna become memories that will last a lifetime, but are also the best way to learn. And luckily for us, Shahnaz is willing to pass on some of the wisdom she has accumulated on her travels.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Post Work Ritual” (Strängnäs, Sweden)

See the world through Workawayer & host’s eyes- explore some of the best travel photos in our monthly competition gallery, share your best travel photos for a chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 11 min
Meet the couple who are travelling the world by bike with their dog

We recently came across the story of workawayers Anna and Marcin, a Polish couple who are pretty much living the dream. They quit their jobs for a life of slow travel, cycled from their home country all the way to Greece – AND brought their dog along on their adventures! We just need to find out more about their awesome journey.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Milky Way Above Jetty” (New South Wales, Australia)

Totally in awe with the beauty of the universe! Check out our favourite snapshots of June 2017’s travel photo competition, get inspired to start your own workaway adventure and capture your journeys for a chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 5 min
  • 1 Comment
Dance and kitesurf with locals at one of the most beautiful beaches in Ecuador

This month, we talk with Juan who helps run a guest house in Ecuador on a remote beach in Santa Marianita. Drawing on his experience hosting over 100 Workaway volunteers (!), he shared valuable wisdom and his compassion for helping others. We’re already imagining the beautiful breeze coming off the waves and know you’ll be wanting to book a flight ASAP!

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  • about min
  • 1 Comment
Travel photography – “All volunteers are sitting in one boat” (Talara, Peru)

There’s so many ways to explore the world – start through the lens of our Workawayers & hosts! Here are some of our favourite travel photos for the May 2017 photo competition of

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  • about 8 min
This honeymoon couple quit their office jobs to live their dream of living off the land

When we were planning our honeymoon, we thought we can make the best of our round-the-world trip by experiencing the rural lifestyle as a farmer via workaway, as a test to make sure we weren’t just romanticizing the idea of living on a farm (especially because we were both working office jobs in New York City)! We were also hoping that the new skill set we would gain can really carry us through our big retirement plan of living on a ranch or a farm.

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  • about 5 min
  • 1 Comment
Grow a good life: learn to live on less on this beautiful farm in the Jordan Valley

“It is more than just a farm, it’s a way of life :). We really love what we do. We wake up every day at 4:00 AM with a smile on our faces, ready to start a new day. We feel lucky that we have a good life.” This month’s Workaway “Host of the Month”, a beautiful organic farm from the Jordan Valley reminds us to slow down and enjoy the view.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Sunrise at Pulpit Rock” (Forsand, Norway)

Explore spectacular spots and volunteer adventures through April 2017’s Workaway travel photo competition – and get inspired to embark on your own!

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  • about 5 min
It’s never too late to pursue your dreams of travelling the world

Well, we felt it’s not always the things in life that you do that you sometimes regret, it’s the things that you don’t do. If there’s something that you really want to do, just take a chance! You can always go home if it doesn’t work out. It was a bit scary thinking about it and we talked about travelling for about a year before we realised that the only thing stopping us, was us.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Traveling from one host to another” (Portugal)

Here are some of the varied and interesting shots taken by workawayers and hosts. Explore some of the best images and entered into the travel photos competition for your chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 6 min
Live and teach among the indigenous Achuar deep inside the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest

This month, we talk to Samira and Alan with this school project in a Ecuadorian Amazon village. Dedicated to helping protect indigenous culture in the heart of the Amazon, they need volunteers like you and me to help teach English in their remote village. We’re inspired by their project and know you will be too!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Arctic Sky” (Alta, Norway)

See the world through workawayer & host’s eyes- explore some of the best travel photographies in our monthly competition gallery, share your best travel photos for a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about 7 min
Workawaying and travelling Morocco as a solo female

In the beginning I was very insecure and almost anxious but soon I simply fell in love with this miraculous, mesmerizing, beautiful country. I thought I might feel limited, as I just cannot wear whatever I want like at home or I cannot move freely because of being a girl, especially as a solo female traveller, but this turned out to be just wrong…

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Give time, receive happiness” (Hsipaw, Burma)

See the latest amazing travel photos taken by workawayers and hosts; everything from the Northern Lights to natural thermal pools and a sunset on a desert! Enter our photo competition that runs every month for a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Walking on magic” (Ausangate, Peru)

Here are some of the varied and wonderful shots taken by workawayers and hosts during their travels. Explore some of the best images and entered into the Workaway travel photos competition for your chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 11 min
The story of the workawayer who travelled the world with almost no money

Travelling the world with almost no money might sounds like an impossible dream to many, but Workawayer Michael has tackled the challenge with only $15 left to his name, and he’s here to share his inspiring stories with us..

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  • about min
Travel photography – “#perfectlychilled” (Baños, Ecuador)

See the winner and all the commended shots from the workaway photo competition from November 2016. Explore more inspiring travel shots from hosts and workawayers from all over the world.

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  • about 6 min
Living the simple life in a farm community in Southern France

It’s been a whole year since we started interviewing our hosts, and what amazing people we have spoken to! This month is no exception with Geneviève and Erick from France, at their beautiful organic farm community.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “The Long Way Home” (Sapa, Vietnam)

We are amazed by the wonderful travel pictures taken by our workawayers and hosts involved in different projects all over the world. And we hope that this month’s photos can inspire your wanderlust to embark on some new adventures!

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  • about 5 min
This Workawayer Beautifully Photographed her Travels in Scotland

Can you believe it’s been over a year since we first started interviewing Workawayers from around the globe. What a beautiful experience to be a part of! And without further a do let’s jump into this months, and Celeste a photographer who has just returned from Scotland!

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  • about 6 min
Should I sign up as a host on workaway?

Am I too old to host on workaway? Or too young? Who would want to come to my area? What if I don’t speak English that well? Too much of this, not enough of that? Here’s a short list of potential self-doubts or preconceptions a new host might have with solutions to overcome them.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Calm before the storm” (Cuba)

Take a look at the latest wanderlust inducing travel photos taken by our workawayers and hosts; everything from the mesmerising Mongolian landscape to natural thermal pools and a magical Aurora in Iceland!

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  • about 7 min
Workawayer of the month: a solo female traveller’s adventures

As a solo female traveller and workawayer, you’re entirely thrown out of your comfort zone, and are a little awkward and vulnerable. Everything’s all on you and you alone to figure out; but that’s what stretches you and makes you grow.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Traditional costumes for tough living conditions” (Cusco, Peru)

See the world through Workawayer & host’s eyes- explore some of the best travel photos in our inspiring monthly competition gallery; from Bolivian salt flat to secret natural cave in Thailand… Share your best pictures for a chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 5 min
How this workaway family is taking a gap year travelling the world

Does family travel with young kids seem unrealistic to you? Have a look at the story of the Durand family, who left their home to pursue their dreams with Workaway, travelling across Asia harvesting the knowledge required to be able to build a self-sustaining farm when they get back.

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  • about 6 min
Voyager en famille au bout du monde et réaliser ses rêves

Partir au bout du monde en famille avec des enfants en bas âge vous paraît irréaliste ? C’est pourtant l’aventure que vit en ce moment la famille Durand, partie réaliser ses rêves avec Workaway à travers l’Asie, pour récolter en chemin les connaissances nécessaires à la construction d’une ferme autosuffisante à leur retour.

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  • about 4 min
How hosting travellers can benefit your kids

This month may be one of our favourite interviews so far. We sent 2 of our team members Shirley and James to Vietnam to discover hosts away from their laptops. Little did they expect to meet such an amazing 12-year old girl and our youngest ever host– ok, her family are the one that are actually hosting, but she loves Workaway so much we just had to interview her!

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  • about min
“Northern lights and candle lights are a pure magic” (Northwest Territories, Canada)

See the amazing travel photography taken by workawayers and hosts in July 2016, from incredible Northern lights to dips in lakes and fun with new found friends! Enter our monthly photo competition for a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about 5 min
The travel blogger & global citizen who’s volunteered across 3 continents

What does it mean to be a global citizen? Originally from the depths of rural Dorset, England, Workawayer Katie is now out in the big world exploring one country at a time.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Gardening in the Alps” (Switzerland)

Winners and commended images from the photo competition in June 2016 on – get inspired for your own journey or photography!

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  • about 9 min
How Workaway helped this couple’s long distance relationship

After years of long distance relationship and short-term travels together, we wanted to be in the same place again. Finding work abroad can be difficult though, and we were too broke to just travel long-term…

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Tribute Life” (Tanna, Vanuatu)

See the world through Workawayer & host’s eyes- explore some of the best travel photos in our monthly competition gallery, share your best pictures for a chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 10 min
Living in a Surf Camp in Costa Rica

After flying to Costa Rica and searching for the optimal land to putting this dream into reality, all the answers were found in this little piece of jungle in Tamarindo, Costa Rica. While building the camp, and surfing together every day, we began to feel something special was on its way.

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  • about 6 min
Taking a gap year in your 50’s

Not young enough for workaway? Never! Read about our “Workawayer of the month”, Sue and Adrian’s adventure, who are in their 50’s and finally fulfilling their dream of travelling and volunteering around the world…

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  • about min
Travel photography – “On My Bike” (Nepal)

See the latest travel photos taken by Workawayers and hosts and entered into the competition that runs every month on , everything from the Northern Lights to a chicken bus and a rainbow in the mountains!

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  • about 8 min
What is it like doing your first Workaway exchange?

This month we talk to Chloe, who’s currently on her first Workaway experience in Italy. We loved talking to her and getting an insight of what it is like to do your first ever Workaway exchange, and how the experience has inspired her to venture further out of her comfort zone.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Peaceful” (BC, Canada)

Some of the varied and interesting shots taken by Workawayers. See some of the best images entered into the travel photos competition in March 2016

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  • about 9 min
Workawayers help rescue farm and transform it into a community

Family owned for almost 600 years, the farm was traditional up to the 70s. Neglected after a community finished around 2000, it now has love provided by Devi & Ezra the youngest generation of their family : With the volunteers we found a sustainable way to keep our project going.

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  • about 7 min
How 19-year-old’s life changing Workaway trip gave him purpose

We talk to 19-year-old Jake who has just returned from his first life changing Workaway project in Guatemala. We loved talking to him and admire his courage and motivation! He really proves; ‘No Matter Your Age, Travel Has No Limit’!

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  • about 7 min
Colombia Language School: Connecting Travellers to Locals

Read all about an alternative Spanish language school in Medellin, Colombia, where the goal is to teach Spanish by connecting students with the locals, which for them is one of the most important aspects of meaningful travel.

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  • about 1 min
Be A Guest Writer for Workaway

Be a guest writer for, share your experience or expertise and promote yourself too. We’re looking for people with stories to tell!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Freedom! Three little girls at school in Africa” (Togo)

See the winner and all the commended shots from the photo competition from Feb 2016, some inspiring shots from all over the world

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  • about 8 min
This Solo Female Workawayer Bought a 1 Way Ticket to Argentina

This month we talk to a solo female traveller, Daniela from Czech Republic who quit her job after realising she wasn’t doing what made her happy, then bought a ONE WAY TICKET to Argentina to do a Workaway project all by herself!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Counting Stars” (Qeshm, Iran)

See the world through Workawayer & host’s eyes – explore some of the best travel photography in January 2016, share your best travel snapshots for a chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about 8 min
  • 1 Comment
A Globetrotting Couple’s Story with Workaway

Meet a couple who are busy globetrotting their way around the planet using Workaway as a way to stay with locals and connect with other cultures!

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  • about 5 min
Bring Out Your Inner Child – Workaway at a Play Lounge on Skiathos

Finding out more about a Workaway host on Skiathos where volunteers help with a children’s play lounge and bring the world to their door!

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  • about 8 min
An Epic Workaway Trip to Greenland that will Inspire Your Inner Adventurer

Thanks to Workaway this year I was fortunate enough to fulfill a lifelong dream of mine: experiencing life in a far-flung and remote place like Greenland (as well as seeing icebergs and glaciers up close and in person)!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Greenlandic Horse Transport” (Narsaq, Greenland)

An amazing image for December 2015’s winner of our photo competition, it provoked some discussion on social media! See the latest travel photography taken by Workawayers and hosts and get inspired for your own journey.

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  • about 6 min
Workaway Host of the Month: The Host that Saves Elephants

November’s Host of the Month comes from Chiang Mai, Thailand –  a lodge with elephants that touched our hearts with a recent video they shared…

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  • about min
Travel photography – “The Li river at sunset” (Yangshuo, China)

Taken under subtle lighting at dusk, the photo has undoubtedly succeeded in capturing Yanzhou’s stunning beauty at its best. We love the picture for being so much more than merely a postcard of the oriental landscape.

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  • about 9 min
The Couple Who Travelled The World on a 16 Month Honeymoon

Romance is alive and well and travelling around the world! Read about a newly-wed couple who have just completed a 16 month worldwide honeymoon.

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  • about min
“Taking a Short Break from Volunteer Work to Give DeeDee a Bath” (Chiang Mai, Thailand)

Here are some of the varied and interesting shots taken by workawayers and hosts. Explore some of the best images and entered into the Workaway travel photos competition for your chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Moving and beautiful Patagonia” (Torres de Paine, Chile)

Winners and commended images from the photo competition in September 2015 on – get inspired for your own journey or travel photography!

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  • about 6 min
This host’s whale watching camp is a dream come true for workawayers!

“There’s always a funny or heartfelt story each and every day. We often get to witness people experience whale watching or catching fish for the first time!”

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  • about 7 min
  • 1 Comment
The workawayer who fell in love with the world

This month we talk to Workawayer Kat from Australia who has not only found friendship and enrichment through Workaway, but also love…

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  • about 6 min
The 125-year-old mansion that transformed into a beautiful home for family and travellers

“The home has gone from an eyesore to a majestic beauty”… September’s host of the month looks at the magic behind their home restoration project.

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  • about 7 min
Finding a new way of life through Workaway

“I am not ‘travelling’ – I’m just choosing to be alive somewhere else.” September’s workawayer of the month features Trisha, a digital nomad working around the world, one Workaway project at a time!

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  • about min
  • 1 Comment
Travel photography – “Canada Wildlife” (Waterton, Canada)

Check out this spectacular image of Canadian wildlife, and more stunning images of August 2015’s Workaway photo competition! Share your Workaway adventures with us and get a chance to be featured in our next post.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Kids dancing in the street” (Kariba, Zimbabwe)

The right moment and perfect framing – here are some of our favourite shots taken by workawayers and hosts during their travels. Explore the snapshots of July 2015’s Workaway travel photos competition and find out how you can win the €100 prize!

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  • about 6 min
  • 1 Comment
Unleash your creativity at this arthouse and B&B in Italy

“I adore how networks like Workaway allow us to find mutually-beneficial relationships, which allow us to thrive creatively and culturally. Of course it saves travellers money, and it also allows them to really get immersed in the lifestyle of another culture, rather than just peering in at it from the outside!”

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  • about 8 min
The best way to explore the world is through hands-on exchanges!

“I personally don’t want to just see the world, observe it, I want to participate in it.” Jamie, first workawayer of the month, shares his unique way of travelling – by fully immersing in local experiences and making the most out of them!

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  • about 6 min
Bringing the world to your classroom: English school in Tatal, Chile

Our first ‘Workaway host of the month’ goes to an English school in Taltal Chile, who has hosted more than 50 Workawayers in the last 2 years!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Niños” (Peru)

The winner of June 2015’s photo competition on goes to the cutest photo of all time!! Share your best travel snapshots and get a chance to win the €100 cash prize.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Geothermal springs at the top of the Copland track New Zealand” (New Zealand)

Browse through the beautiful travel photos submitted by workawayers and hosts in May 2015! Our travel photo competition runs every month on; get a chance to showcase your photography across our social profiles, and to win some travel funds!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Sandboarding in Peru” (Peru)

See our favourite Workaway snapshots taken by volunteers and hosts in April 2015; share your best travel photos for a chance to win the €100 cash prize!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Concert for cows”

Winners and commended images from the photo competition in March 2015 on – get inspired for your own journey or travel photography!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Cows on the beach”

Superb shots taken by Workawayers and hosts! See some of the best images entered into the travel photos competition in February 2015.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Who or What Guards?” (Croatia)

This is what it’s like to enjoy every moment of your life, the “Workaway” way! Check out the best shots of our travel photo competition in January 2015 and get inspired to embark on some new adventures.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Swingers in Penang” (Malaysia)

Here are some of the varied and wonderful shots taken by workawayers and hosts during their travels! Take a look at our favourite Workaway travel photos of December 2014 and see how you can get a chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Happy horse exercising” (BC, Canada)

There’s so many ways to experience the world – start through the lens of our Workawayers & hosts! Here are some of our picks for the November 2014 photo competition of

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  • about 5 min
  • 1 Comment
5 of the most fantastical Workaway destinations

Horse-drawn gipsy caravan, cave dwelling in Petra, tree house, private yacht… these are what dreams are made of! Here are five inspirational Workaway destinations which speak to our “inner child” and beckon us with a story-tale appeal that’s impossible to resist.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Sitting on the edge of the world, Norwegian style” (Norway)

With courage and wanderlust, the whole world is yours to explore! Check out these wonderful images from October 2014’s travel photo competition for some inspiration to start your own Workaway journey.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Working hard” (Spain)

The great places you end up at on a Workaway exchange – have a sneak peak through the winners and commended images from September 2014’s travel photo competition! Showcase your photography across our social profiles, find out how to win the grand prize.

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  • about min
  • 1 Comment
Travel photography – “Workawayers in Sweden” (Sweden)

Happy volunteers and hosts for the win! Here are some of the varied and interesting shots taken by our community; explore some of the best images and entered into August 2014’s Workaway travel photos competition for your chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Future heavyweight champion”

Check out our favourite Workaway snapshots taken by volunteers and hosts in July 2014; get ready to start your own adventure and share your best travel photos for a chance to win the €100 cash prize!

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  • about min
Travel Photo Competition Winners – May 2014

Take a look at the wanderlust-inducing travel photos from this month's competition taken by our workawayers and hosts; there’s nothing like a good photo that captures the happiness of travelling and meeting new friends all over the world!

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  • about min
Travel photography – “Alice Spring sunset from Anzac hill” (Australia)

See the world through Workawayer & host’s eyes – explore some of the best travel photos in our monthly competition gallery, share your best travel photos for a chance to win the €100 prize.

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  • about min
Travel photography – “A day off from my Workaway in Ecuador” (Ecuador)

The first Workaway travel photo competition winners! We all love a good snapshot that celebrates your favourite travel moments – check out our picks for March 2014 and find out how to share your adventures to win the grand prize.

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