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Art project in nature, Sintra, Portugal

  • 17 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad: 18 may 2024



 Estancia mínima:  1 mes o más



  • Descripción


    Hello, my name is Jayan and I have an Arts project in the middle of nature that I want to move forward with. Its in a beautiful and quiet land in front of a magical forest, at 20min by car from Sintra. There is an outside dance floor to do activities like dance, yoga, spectacles, events. And a little tiny house to do also activities and therapy. There is my camper van , and a very cool outside hot shower in the middle of nature and a compost toilet. Here you will sleep with the sound of the ocean (lightly) and wake up with the birds.

    The project is about to provide a safe and healthy space for artist and therapist to practice in nature, aswell as an healthy network to collaborate, as Mother Earth is our best medicine and teacher, we can find great inspiration within it and support an other kind of consciousness for elevate the frequencies on earth.

    Im looking to find someone to support me on this journey for 1 year at least (ideally), from now on until end April 2025. as I am going to be abroad most of the time, I need someone to be there and take care of the space, repairing little things if needed on the land, clean the space, and welcoming friends that want to use the space for their sessions / activities. it would be between like 1-3 hours or so per day (probably even less), you just need to be there to receive friends so it takes you 5 min. and normally its like 2-3 friends coming per day, each around 1 h for their activities, means you have 3x 5min of ''work'' to open the space for them. you are free to do what you want in between the people are using the space for their session, you just have to be there to welcome them to enter & to leave the space, at least in the beginning . Then it could be discussed to find another autonomous system. So for 1 year you have a land for you that you can live for free, with all installations in that you can use for your own activities and living space, in exchange of maintaining the space safe and clean. I would be present in May to finish the construction in the land but sometimes I will be away also working during the day and I need someone to be present there during the day while im working, and then I have to go abroad, and would continue to be present by distance for the well being of the space.
    So ideally I would love to have someone going there now in April already and stay for 1 year.

    AND I look also : to find a WORKAWAYERS TEAM to help me in June ( it should takes 2 weeks to finish all maximum) to finish the construction in the land. I need people with skills, because I don't know about construction work, I did all last year with professional workers. So ideally carpenter, and people that would know how to build a roof for the dance floor , I thought about doing something with Bambu, its to protect from the sun and a bit the rain but its an open dance floor. the roof need to be strong with solid fixation structure because this area have a lot of strong wind. so I need people with that kind of skills :) It is nothing dangerous, we would use scale tu go up 1,m80 hight to fix the bambu. I have probably 2 professional workers coming for help for the structure of the roof. Anyway I need people that know about that kind of work. someone coming with me to buy the materials and also creative people that would help me to make the space a bit more organic and beautiful :) So for those people helping for finishing the construction , if you have your own van to sleep that's the ideal, otherwise we would need to organize a campsite, if you have your own tent to sleep in the land please take it , so this would avoid that I have to buy 10 tent and don't know what to do with it after that... if you really don't have a tent and yoga mattress + your own sleeping bag, I will organize to buy what is necessary to sleep comfortably :) and I would prepare good meals & drinks for the whole teams, good music and vibes :) Thanks in advance for those brave souls that would help me out on this <3. A security insurance will be made this month for the security of everyone on the construction.

    About the one person I look to stay in my space, at first I just want to open the space for people to do their therapies and yoga class, but in the summer depending how it goes maybe we will start a fews event's there, but not too much this year, like spectacles, workshop, concerts. If you know about organizing events that would be great! if you know great people like artist or therapist you could also bring them here to do their event's! Notice that this is a family/friends space event's related.

    Ideally the person has his own camper van so you can live in it in the land. Because I would like to take my camper van with me when I go abroad, so you couldn't live in it. If I don't find someone with a camper van we can still discuss about other options to live there. When im there in may, a part from the 2 weeks of work to finish the construction, I would like to be by myself sometimes in the land in the evening when I come back from work until morning when I live for work. so that's why also ideally the person have his own van and can move out in the night sleep with it somewhere around. Because the land is not that big but I ll explain that in mp. Solution there is always :)

    the place need some construction help, such as carpenter help, build a door and windows, build the roof of the dance floor! so if you have some knowledge on that or friends that could help that would be a bonus but really not a mandatory! I will do another announce to find workers to help finish the construction on the land !

    The person I look for is :

    on a shamanic path, very self-aware of her/him self , his own behavior, patterns, wounds, have a solid emotional awareness. Do you receive frequently therapy such as regressive therapy, NLP , or coaching, or shamanic treatment or other kind of therapies, to be always working on you to become your best version. You are aware of your inner child wounds and you have a solid healing base with them. You are autonomous to regulate your emotions and find back harmony in times of disharmony. Do you practice meditation, and already have experienced the feeling of unity trough it, to be connected to a tree, to be connected to Mother Earth, to be connected to the whole universe and all being living there. You see others souls as your brother's & sister's with equanimity. So you are living as much as possible with peace, unity, and kindness, and avoid duality states. you are aware that you are the only person responsible for the reality you live in, what ever reality it would be, and that others are a mirrors that you can use for your growth. There is no pattern of victim, executioner, savior here. You have a deep sense of respect for you and for others, and you act with harmony , consciously, to not harm anyone. in case there is a conflict, do you know how to manage it with assertitivity , love and care. Do you have solid boundaries, and know how to put limits to others. You know how to take a step back and take care of your own reactions instead of projecting them on others .

    You have a non-judgmental attitude and you are aware that judgments only comes from the wrong place! from inner wounds not healed that we are projecting on others. so if you see yourself having this kind of thoughts or behavior , do you work continuously on yourself to overcome this limitation.

    You possess a solid capacity of discernment, what does it mean ? It mean that you are able to recognize quick who you have in front of you, with a solid intuition and gut feeling. Do you know that This have nothing to do with the mind, a lot of people tell bullshit or try to manipulate, you should be able to recognize quickly those that want to play and those that are living in the truth. So you possess a solid body awareness.
    You know how to focus in what you want with your intention, and let go what is not necessary, so the energy we are creating get not infected with ''virus'', but stay in a good harmony of love.

    You already had an experience at least (unfortunately or maybe fortunately ;)) with a narcissistic perverse, or a very manipulative person, or a person close to you had and you are very aware of how works this dynamics so you won't fall in any games like that.

    You are open and ready to be challenged on the way, and to cooperate, wether on your old beliefs, wether on what ever appear to always elevate yourself as a soul & spirit, to be the change we would like to see in this world. Free and open to challenge me aswell, with a clear and non -violent communication, so I can also continue to elevate my spirit to his best!

    You are flexible, and you are able to accept people for who they are with their own limitations and programs and see beyond them, and support them to growth with love, out of duality state!

    I look to have an open and heartfull communication, were we can share about our feelings easily and being received without judgment, to know that we are all perfectly imperfect on our process, as much as we are willing to progress!


    Why those qualities are so important? because the project im building is about truth. Its to provide inspiration and motivation for people to change and become their best version! To look always deep inside us, to heal ourself so we can heal the world, To be compassionate about others, to support people with care and without judgments, to protect the earth and all beings on it. Manipulative people and players won't have their place here, neither people that are pretending to be something they are not. Humility is a very good quality to have. The project has a specific energy and need to follow this guide line, its not what ever event's with what ever people that will just create more confusion. This project is to guide people to go out their own limitations and to be able to recognize aswell people living the truth from the heart and those who want to play with the spiritual world for their own profit. is about helping people to elevate the consciousness on earth. providing education <3. have you ever been abused by a ''guru'' or a shaman that you admired and realized how fake it was ?! this have nothing pleasant. we would like to avoid this kind of thing ;) of course we are not here to judge noone, even fake ''guru'' have their own limitations and are on their process of healing, its okay, but there is some limits, and to access this place I want people to be humble regarding who they are and the process they are in and able to have real compassion for others. It is also unpleasant to have sometimes tons of event's with an unpleasant mixture of energy just to make money... I want here to provide a real sacred and safe space for spiritual and artistic growth and network around here and with the world! There is no judgment for noone, I accept everyone on their path, even manipulative people have their own wounds and programs and deserve compassion, but they have to be already on a solid journey of healing regarding it before they can access this sacred space!

    If you feel that my project is resonating with your heart, and that you are on a good path regarding what im looking for, I'm really looking forward to hear from you ! Im not looking to find someone perfect, just someone with a deep sense of unity , so where ever you are on your journey, if you resonate with those qualities , you are welcome to send a message :)

    with LOVE, Jayan

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Proyectos artísticos
    Ayuda en proyectos ecológicos
    Construcción y bricolaje
    Ayuda doméstica
    Mantenimiento general
  • Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de las NU
    Fin de la pobreza
    Hambre cero
    Salud y bienestar
    Educación de calidad
    Igualdad de género
    Agua limpia y saneamiento
    Energía asequible y no contaminante
    Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
    Industria, innovación e infraestructura
    Reducción de las desigualdades
    Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
    Producción y consumo responsables
    Acción por el clima
    Vida submarina
    Vida de ecosistemas terrestres
    Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas
    Alianzas para lograr los objetivos
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    make new connections, organize events, do your own activities there and growth in your own business, resting in a beautiful place in nature, practice yoga & meditation, growth as a person & spirit, eco-construction

  • Ayuda


    Im looking to find someone to support me on this journey for 1 year at least (ideally), from now on until end April 2025. as I am going to be abroad most of the time, I need someone to be there and take care of the space, repairing little things if needed on the land, clean the space, and welcoming friends that come over sometimes to use the space for their sessions / activities. it would be between like 1-3 hours or so per day (probably even less), you just need to be there to receive friends so it takes you 5 min. and normally its like 2-3 friends coming per day, each around 1 h for their activities, means you have 3x 5min of ''work'' to open the space for them. you are free to do what you want in between the people are using the space for their session, you just have to be there to welcome them to enter & to leave the space, at least in the beginning . Then it could be discussed to find another autonomous system. So for 1 year you have a land for you that you can live for free, with all installations in that you can use for your own activities and living space, in exchange of maintaining the space safe and clean. I would be present in June to finish the construction in the land but sometimes I will be away also working during the day and I need someone to be present there during the day while im working, and then I have to go abroad, and would continue to be present by distance for the well being of the space.
    So ideally I would love to have someone going there now in April already and stay for 1 year.

    at first I just want to open the space for my friends to do their therapies and yoga class, but in the summer depending how it goes maybe we will start a fews event's there, but not too much this year, like spectacles, workshop, concerts. If you know about organizing events that would be great! if you know great people like artist or therapist you could also bring them here to do their event's! THIS IS A FAMILY & FRIENDS EVENT'S RELATED.

    the place need some construction help, such as carpenter help, build a door and windows, build the roof of the dance floor! so if you have some knowledge on that or friends that could help that would be a bonus but really not a mandatory! So I look in this announcement to find : ONE (or 2 if its a couple ) person to take care of my space for 1 year. AND I look also : to find a workawayers team to help me in June ( it should takes 2 weeks to finish all maximum) to finish the construction in the land. I need people with skills, because I don't know about construction work, I did all last year with professional workers. So ideally carpenter, and people that would know how to build a roof for the dance floor , I thought about doing something with Bambu, its to protect from the sun and a bit the rain but its an open dance floor. the roof need to be strong with solid fixation structure because this area have a lot of strong wind. so I need people with that kind of skills :) someone coming with me to buy the materials and also creative people that would help me to make the space a bit more organic and beautiful :) So for those people helping for finishing the construction , if you have your own van to sleep that's the ideal, otherwise we would need to organize a campsite, taking your tent to sleep in the land :) and I would prepare meals for the whole teams, good music and vibes :) Thanks in advance for those brave souls that would help me out on this <3

  • Idiomas hablados

    Francés: Fluido
    Inglés: Intermedio
    Portugués: Intermedio

  • Alojamiento


    you have a land for you with shower and toilet, a tiny house to practice yoga, music, etc. an outside dance floor , and ideally your own camper van! if you do not, we will organize for you to sleep in a caravan. You are responsible for your own food and all you need in your daily life. Im only providing a place to stay In nature and possibilities to growth as a spirit :)

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    you are totally free and independent in your free time, the land is 10min walk from bus transport to go in Sintra it takes 30min. in sintra you have train station to go in Lisbon. Its 10 min walk from the beach, you can enjoy to walk on the coast at 5 min from the land and have amazing oceans view (you are on the top of the ocean) and do your meditations there, its a super powerful and energizing place! Here there is a lot of spiritual activities going on, retreats, events that you could also join! Sintra mountains is amazing to do hiking, Sintra is a mix of mountains forest and ocean, it have a particular spiritual energy! I just love this place to be deeply in touch with my soul, do introspection work, arts, a big resting place for your spirit!

  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    personally I was using my prepaid SIM card with WTF and shared it on my computer and it was working perfectly fine there! otherwise, there is a router in the house in the land that is possible to have a cable to come until my land for you to use. the best is to have someone that work from home actually because the best is to have someone on the space to welcome people

  • Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    your camper van can stay in my land. only during April to June during the night sometimes it has to go somewhere else, there's plenty of space around the land its not an issue! I look mainly to have someone with his own camper van to sleep in it

  • Podría aceptar mascotas

    Podría aceptar mascotas

    pets are welcome, cats or dogs or... ? :)

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?


  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    1-3 hours per day 5 days per week

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 274921141655



Come to visit Portugal and join me in my Life Project in Beja, Portugal
A Retreat Centre in a valley where 2 rivers join, near to the Serra da Estrela Mountains of Portugal