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Help me start up my own little farm on Crete in a village called Choudetsi close to Heraklion, Greece

  • 248 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad : 20 sept 2024



 Estancia mínima:  Sin mínimo



  • Descripción


    I am starting up my own little organic farm thing, since 2015, on Crete after having travelled and volunteered three years myself.

    The place is an olive grove of 1,6 ha (4 acre) with about 220 olive trees. I have planted fruit trees and vegetable gardens. I have 7 geese. Here are also two friendly dogs and a cat.

    The soil is very poor here and i'm trying to regenerate the soil by applying permaculture principles. Anyone with experience on this is always welcome.

    I prefer last-minute travellers because very often those who write me far in advance tend to change their plans and cancel, but you can always try:) and when i say last-minute i mean today or within a week, not much more. I am also willing to discuss with people who wish to stay long-term, a few months at least.

    Shower is outside. I have a solar water heater for the shower so on a sunny day even in winter you can have a warm shower.

    I don't have wifi here but I can turn on limited hotspot from my phone if you need to check email. There's wifi in the nearest café 5 minutes walk away.

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Ayuda en proyectos ecológicos
    Construcción y bricolaje
    Cuidado de animales
    Ayuda en una granja
    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Mantenimiento general
  • Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de las NU
    Fin de la pobreza
    Hambre cero
    Salud y bienestar
    Educación de calidad
    Igualdad de género
    Agua limpia y saneamiento
    Energía asequible y no contaminante
    Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
    Industria, innovación e infraestructura
    Reducción de las desigualdades
    Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
    Producción y consumo responsables
    Acción por el clima
    Vida submarina
    Vida de ecosistemas terrestres
    Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas
    Alianzas para lograr los objetivos
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    It is in a village called Choudetsi or Houdetsi, 20 km south of Heraklion. There is a lot of things to explore around. It's 5 min walk to a cafe with wifi, a bakery and a grocery store, and 10 min walk to the village square with a restaurant traditional tavernas and cafes. Beautiful hiking routes as well. For bathing it is 40 min walk to a large lake or 10 min walk to a hotel with outdoor swimming pool free to use if you just buy a coffee or drink in the cafe.

    In the summer there are music seminars in the village, many international musicians, lots of people and free concerts every friday.

  • Ayuda


    In december it's olive harvest. Pruning is in early spring some time, depending on the weather.
    Other times of year it's garden work, cutting wood, soil regeneration works etc...
    + cooking and shopping for us of course:)

    This year we plant a food forest, maybe we'll dig a new pond and work on expanding the garden and food forest. Further, there are always things to do and new projects coming up.

    Hope to see you here:)

  • Idiomas hablados

    Inglés: Fluido
    Norwegian: Fluido
    Slovak: Fluido
    Alemán: Principiante
    Greek: Principiante
    Portugués: Principiante

  • Alojamiento


    There are two yurts, a caravan and two small wood cabins. I also have a big family tent and a small tent to put up when needed.

    The biggest yurt has a wood stove and a kitchen, this functions as common area. The smaller yurt has a double and a single bed and a gas heater. The caravan has a gas heater, beds for two and kitchen, the wood cabins has double beds and gas heaters.

  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Este anfitrión puede proporcionar un sitio para autocaravanas.

  • Podría aceptar mascotas

    Podría aceptar mascotas

    Este anfitrión dice que acepta a viajeros con mascotas.

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    Más de dos

  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 149465498826

Comentarios (103)


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Intercambio cultural:


Help at our beautiful family farm with many animals, vegetables and fruits on Evoia island, Greece
Se voluntario y aprende o ayuda con tecnicas de premacultura en la hermosa area Peloponnesa de Grecia