
  • Finland
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Badges (2)

Good Workawayer

Profile information

  • Travel information

    I am currently

    At home

    Activities i am interested in:

    At the moment home in Finland. Always open for new adventures and meeting other workawayers, so don't hesitate to message me!

  • Description

    Hey, nice that you're reading my profile!
    I'm Karla from Helsinki, Finland. After finishing my high school last winter, I've been chasing my dreams around the world. Right after my school I did mu very first workaway in Vienna, Austria and it got me excited to travel and work abroad. Because I'm not sure what I want to study later, I believe an academic break and exploring different cultures and lifestyles will help me to understand what I want to do with my life! Or not, but atleast I'm living my life to the fullest ;)

    I'm easygoing, brisk and polite person with lots of enthusiasm and motivation to grow and see the world. I'm interested in many things like nature, sports, creative arts, human interactions and animal caring. One of my best strengths is definitely optimism. I never say no to new challenges, I always want to believe the best of everyone and try to leave possible prejudices behind me so I can face the situations open-minded! With workaway, I hope I can improve my skills as well as learn totally new ones and help others with them.

    Since I was a kid, I have always dreamed of moving abroad! Even though I really enjoy life in Finland, I feel like it's now or never to make my dreams come true. Life is short and world is wide. Better to make some action than wait around at home, right?! That's why I have hopped into some amazing adventures very spontaneously, like moving to Portugal in January 2023! These kind of spontaneous turns in my life have turned out to be the best decisions, so I want to continue exploring the world with this kind of mindset!

    I would love to meet new people, lifestyles and cultures via workaway and be part of amazing, unforgettable projects! I'm more than happy to help you with any kind of project and stay as short or as long as you need me to! So if you're are a host, looking for someone passionate and willing to learn, you have found the right person! If I don't have previous experience of the job you want me to help with, don't worry, I'm fast learner ;-)

  • Interests

    DIY & crafts
    Art & design
    Water sports
    Sailing / Boating
    Adventure sports
    Self development
    Vegetarian or vegan
    Events & social
    Team sports
    Winter sports
    Yoga / Wellness

    show more
  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Finnish: Fluent
    Swedish: Intermediate

    More details about my language interests
    I would love to teach and share Finnish language and culture! I don't have a official degree of education or teaching, but I have a lot of self taught experience with kids and adults. I am also super interested in learning new languages! At the moment trying to learn German independently :')

    Find a language buddy

  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    I'm interested in:  

    Charity Work
    Life at a Farmstay

    Some knowledge of:  

    Animal Care
    Art Projects
    General Maintenance

    Able to teach about:  

    Helping around the house
    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Being an elderly companion
  • More details about your skills

    Despite my young age, I have a lot of experience with people and different jobs. I have been in a scout all my life and there learned and improved my social skills. But no, don't worry, I'm not just some cookie-selling, shy outdoor person ;) ... Scout is much more than that, at least for me! It has given me many great values, stories and friendships! There I have had different positions where I've been able to work with people of all ages and backgrounds. Learning great communication skills has helped me a lot in my daily and work life. Scout has also thought me patience, ability to work with everyone even in harder situations and good team work skills.

    Because of my long scout background I really enjoy spending time outside. I don't mind getting my hands dirty or getting wet in the rain, it just makes me feel alive! I have a small allotment where I grow cucumbers, herbs and flowers during summers. I also have a dog, named Lysti, and with her we play, hike and swim a lot. Owning a dog has shown me that everyday life's small things really matters. That's why I want to help other and bring joy to their daily life. I would love to learn more about planting and farm life!

    I have also worked in many different jobs including customer service tasks. At the moment I work remotely for casting service. Earlier along my studies I worked as a waitress/barista in a cafe. There I got a chance to show that I'm responsible and a great team worker, but also able to work independently and handle stressful situations. I have also worked in a clothing shop, bakery, restaurant and even in a cow barn. First half of 2023 I spent in Portugal working in big international company. Ask anything about my previous jobs, I will gladly answer and tell more about my expertise!

    I really want to create new experiences and memories that I can look back to when I'm older. I like new challenges and getting out of my comfort zone so that I can grow up to be more open-minded and brave. If I get an opportunity to move abroad or do something cool, I don't think twice, I go for it :D

    I'm not scared of working hard because I want to achieve my dreams! My friends would describe me as a altruistic and caring person who wants to help other and make the world better place for everyone. I know I have a lot to offer so hopefully I can be your workaway helper!

  • Age


  • What else ...

    I really enjoy nature and outdoor activities, for example biking and hiking. I swim all year in the sea and have I tried out surfing, which I enjoy super much! Besides those hobbies, my everyday life also includes sports, baking, music and other arts, friends and traveling.

    Since I was a kid I have traveled quit a lot. I find traveling super inspiring and exciting because it allows me to explore and learn as well as gives me directions to my own life. I don't only wanna see tuorist attractions, but also wanna be part of locals life and culture. I want to understand and appreciate new ways of living and thinking. With workaway, I hope I find my way to places I might not otherwise find.

    One of the most important value in my life is family and friends. I have grown up in a supportive environment where I've gotten to be completely myself. That's why I also value equality, kindness and justice. I try to maintain and promote those in my own everyday life and make other people smile with my impact.

    There is so many other things that I would love to share with you about me, my skills and what I can offer you as a workawayer, so feel free to message! Keep smiling :-D

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies
      Pollen and cats, but with corret allergymedecine it will not be a problem!

    • Special dietary requirements
      I prefer vegetarian food, but will taste everything new!



