& Taryn

  • United Kingdom
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  • Description

    Hi my name is Aidan, I am really excited to get out into the world, meet some more amazing people and see some cool things. I spent my last 2 summers volunteering at Buddhist and environmentally conscious festivals. While working at these places a found that I really love a community sort of vibe, with everyone being really caring and loving towards each other. I love being outside and seeing what nature has to offer. I'm obsessed with bugs and all things that move basically, I am really excited to see what nature can show me in different parts of the world. I like to play guitar and occasionally sing if I'm feeling comfortable. I would love to learn some new skills in a hands on approach, I believe that there is so much to learn from everyone and I wish to be a sponge to soak up all the knowledge and skills that I can. I'm especially interested in learning more about permaculture and building things of all sorts. I wish someday to have all the skills necessary to have my own place off the grid and to live off the land.

    Hi my name is Taryn, I am on a new journey of exploration and adventure and I’m super excited for what is next! I have been working at a small independent holistic and crystal shop for the past few years, as well as being a reiki practitioner. I enjoy being outdoors and spending my time in nature. I love fossil hunting, exploring the woods and learning about trees and plants. I am also learning how to play to the guitar and how to speak Spanish. Over the summer months I volunteered at a few conscious festivals which I really enjoyed. During this time I have been inspired by many of the interesting people I met. These had a huge impact on the way I saw life and I had a realisation, that life is for living, who’d have thought!!

    I hope that my Workaway experiences will enrich my life and teach me lots of new skills! As well as making new friends and connections.

    Thanks for reading 🙂

  • Interests

    Plant care
    Cooking & food
    DIY & crafts
    Outdoor activities
    Yoga / Wellness
    Adventure sports
  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Beginner

    More details about my language interests
    We are both very keen on improving our Spanish. We are both almost complete beginners apart from what we could learn on Duolingo. We are both happy to help out with teaching English as part of the exchange.

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  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    Eco Projects
    Life at a Farmstay
    Art Projects
    Charity Work

    Some knowledge of:  

    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
  • More details about your skills

    Aidan: I have previously worked as an air conditioning engineer assistant so I have experience with working on a building site, using different tools. I have spent lots of time outdoors so which has led to me gaining a good knowledge of nature and bush craft. I volunteered at a rehab for over a year where I gained an invaluable skill in authentic communication with people, I also gained experience in housekeeping from this role. I have done lots of private work in peoples gardens, helping with things from weeding and planting to building ponds and sheds. I play guitar and Chess which I am very keen to share with other people. I love to cook and keep fit which I think is always more fun with other people. I am a massive animal person and I have spent a lot of my life caring for all sorts of animals from cats and dogs to snakes and insects.

    Taryn: Most of my jobs have included working with the public, which has allowed me to pick up lots of great communication skills. I love chatting to different people, learning from them as well as teaching too. I enjoy keeping fit and active, I completed my first half marathon this year which was a huge achievement for me as I wouldn’t never have considered myself to be a runner until this year. I also enjoy the gym and hiking. In the last couple of years, I have had my own creative business, sculpting and painting ornaments and décor items and I currently have another passion/business which is reiki and crystal healing. As well as Aidan, I am a huge animal lover, I have been around animals all my life, they bring me so much joy! I also have experience in housekeeping, team management, problem solving, bar work, and I have a UK driving license.

  • Age

    27 & 27

  • What else ...

    We both are learning to play the guitar so we would love to be able to have a few jam sessions. We would love to be shown some hikes around the area

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements



