
  • United States
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Super Workawayer

Profile information

  • Travel information

    I am currently


  • Description

    First, let me say that I am a full-time traveler. This is not a two week or one month break from my "real life", this IS my real life. I am traveling the world learning and sharing knowledge, experiencing all the beautiful cultures and different ways of living in preparation for following my own homestead dreams one day. I like to commit to at least two weeks up front but am always looking for projects where the connection could become a month or more. I want to connect with your project and contribute in a meaningful way.

    Second, I travel with a small, well-behaved dog. He is well socialized with children and pets and has done very well in his introduction to farm animals. He will expect to be allowed indoors but if that doesn't work for you we can discuss. However, him being allowed in my sleeping quarters is a requirement of our stay. Please let us know if this does not work for you.

    I have extensive experience working and volunteering on organic farms. I have a particular love for striving to live sustainably with traditional methods and enjoy discovering how different people manifest that for themselves. My formal education was in horticulture but my true love is regenerative agriculture (especially food forests!). My work experience ranges from administrative to program management from training to coordinating from volunteer management to business consulting from cooking to customer service. My volunteer work has been mostly on small family farms with a few hostels/resorts, education centers and sailboats mixed in. I have been around the block a few times and I am more than eager to share whatever skills I have to assist your projects.

    Now, here's my attempt to sum myself up in a few sentences:

    I am a lover of nature and all things out-of-doors.

    I believe that we were created to live in harmony with our environment.

    We vote with our purchases/life choices and I try every day to be responsible with mine.

    I am a work in progress. Some days I am centered and thoughtful. Some days I am scattered and lost.

    I am drawn to Eastern philosophies, spiritualism, and natural medicines.

    I am a long-term traveler, having been on the road since 2017. I enjoy wandering and view being lost as the start of my next adventure.

    I am an animal lover. There are times I do not wish to converse with people but there is NEVER a time when I do not want to hang with my dog (or any animal for that matter).

    I value true connection over mindless chatter.

  • Interests

    Water sports
    Yoga / Wellness
    Van life
    Sailing / Boating
    Self development
    Plant care
    Outdoor activities
    Movies & TV
    DIY & crafts

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  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent

    More details about my language interests
    I always try to learn a bit of whatever language is spoken wherever I am. I have yet to become fluent in anything besides English but I try to learn enough to be respectful.

    Find a language buddy

  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    I'm interested in:  

    Babysitting and creative play
    Being an elderly companion

    Some knowledge of:  

    DIY and building projects
    General Maintenance
    Animal Care
    Art Projects

    Able to teach about:  

    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Life at a Farmstay
    Eco Projects
    Helping around the house
    Charity Work
    Helping with Computers/ Internet
  • More details about your skills

    I love food! To grow it. To process/preserve it. To cook it. To share it with others.
    As such I love learning and sharing ways to do any of the above. I am especially passionate about baking.

    I love plants whether that means growing for food or beauty. I believe we have a responsibility to grow organically, in harmony with Mother Nature, as such I seek out and share knowledge about organics, permaculture, biodynamics, regenerative farming, and self-sustainable living principles.

    I am technologically capable and have many business skills. I love start-ups and the passion that they bring out of entrepreneurs. I have varied experience from managing to volunteering with NGOs and small businesses.

    I am creative, especially with repurposing materials. I love to work with my hands on tactile projects (painting, carpentry, etc). I am very interested and seeking further knowledge about natural building techniques. I know my way around most power tools, am quite good with a paint brush/roller, and enjoy carpentry, although I am far from an expert in any of these fields.

    I am one of those weird people who loves to clean. Whether you appreciate someone who knows how to keep shared areas tidy or you are looking for someone to deep clean and organize the shed that has not seen light in many years, I am ready and willing to dig in!

    I am a social person with natural leadership and organizational skills. As much as I thrive in group dynamics I also very much enjoy time on my own away from the distracting energy of others.

    I have an inquisitive mind; I am ready and eager to learn.

    I am not afraid of hard or dirty work.

  • Age


  • What else ...

    I am an open book. If there is something you wish to know about me, please ask! :)

    Last, but most certainly not least, I have a four-legged travel companion from the Philippines with the misnomer Big Boy "BB". He loves meeting new doggy friends, is tolerant of cats, and is learning to appreciate farm animals. He is very shy with humans but never aggressive. He wants to be your friend but he needs time to get used to your scent. He does, however, have a special place in his heart for young children who haven't quite figured out how to keep their food off the floor. He is my constant companion. We are a package deal. If he is not allowed to sleep inside your home then I ask that you provide us a space to sleep outside.

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements
      I am a plate-tarian. I eat whatever is on my plate. ;)



