Annike (Nike)

  • Germany
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  • Travel information

    I am currently

    At home

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    i´m around Dresden and Berlin atm

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  • Description

    Hello! my name is Nike.
    at the moment I am studying in Dresden but it almost got a routine that after some months in the city I want to be on a farm or close to nature, working with materials and observing the outside. Well I am grateful I can study what I want, I am a painting and sculpture student but I am eager to explore more.
    I am a nature child, i cant imagine myself without nature and i enjoy so much exploring and observing the plants and animals and weather. I grew up close to foxes and forests and plants and insects - probably most adventurous places to be And I think it´s the best morning you can have , crawling out of the sleepingbag after surviving the night and everything is waking up around you.
    I like to draw, read, make and hear music, to paint and write and to learn. In Dresden I organize a projectbased space for art exhibitions, poetry readings, discussions, cooking together, doing small concerts experimental music, live electronics, noise, classical stuff and experimental movie; its called the Käferklause ( - a room dedicated to bugs and to pay tribute to those important little fellows due to the fact that there is the largest extinction of species atm.
    I enjoy a nice community around me of respect and acceptation and vegetables :)
    Since around 8 years I travelled around many countries and worked at several places; some self sufficient farms, some places without water and stuff, some fancy places I know quite a lot about gardening, herbs, doing basic woodwork and construction things and in general im good trying my best to help you and to learn skills. See you!

    (just for interested people: here is a small website with drawings I did: )

  • Interests

    Vegetarian or vegan
    Self development
    Politics / Social justice
    Plant care
    Performing arts
    DIY & crafts
    Events & social
    Drawing & painting
    Cooking & food
    Art & design
  • Languages spoken

    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    French: Beginner

  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    Some knowledge of:  

    DIY and building projects
    Life at a Farmstay
    Eco Projects
    Helping around the house
    Animal Care
    Art Projects
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    General Maintenance
    Helping with Computers/ Internet
  • More details about your skills

    I did a lot of different workaway in different countries. I spend over half year in norway especially up north lofoten, Svalbard and nepal, austria, romania and did some workaway in estonia, turkey, Iran and georgia
    It was all so different but good experiences. My favorite work is with plants, soil and animals but in general im happy to help you in any way, let's check it out . Many of the places have been self sufficient farms working with animals and plants. It was quite hard physical work but I experienced very often this amazing come together of different humans building a community and the value of human and non-human beings. I love to work with the ground and with seeds _My mothers garden is huge, she is growing ancient vegetables and fruits we have over 150 different tomatos- some are black or with little stings! I helped her a lot so i know some organic gardening and working with the different seasons. She is using for example microorganisms for the ground and ferments them by herself. I’m very interested in medical herbs and gained quite some knowledge about plants and how to use them as tinctures and oils when the body needs to be remembers to get healthy and strong again .Well from my father i learned basic welding and more craftmanship, how to use axe ad saw.
    Another workaway was more creative work what I enjoy also so much . I experienced the circle of sheep and washing the wool, brush the wool , spinning the wool on the wheel and weaving it to carpets. I am studying painting so i know something about pigments and colours . I worked quite a while in a stained glass atelier, restoring ancient windows, cutting glass , painting on the glass, soldering lead frames.
    Well and I love making music , playing cello and electric guitar and in general every wood or stone is quite nice to make music with, I write quite a lot and I like to go on smaller or bigger adventures, climbing on friendly trees I see , collecting nettles for spinach, parasol for dinner, improvising music and sleeping outside in nature and in general observing the little beings and the plants insects and bugs just chillin next to them!

    I can share the things I have and my companion.

  • Age


  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies
      no nothing

    • Special dietary requirements


