
  • France
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Good Workawayer
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Profile information

  • Travel information

    I am currently


  • Description

    I am a 27yo French woman, currently at a stage in my life when I want to take the time to learn and discover!

    Involved in environmental and social transition through my academic and work career towards social entrepreneurship, I would now like to discover other ways to support and get involved in societal transitions while getting to know me and the world better
    Volunteering abroad for various projects seems like a good starting point !

    I'd say I am a determined, optimistic, eager to learn, used and kean to get out of my comfort zone person :)

  • Interests

    Politics / Social justice
    Sailing / Boating
    Self development
    Plant care
    Outdoor activities
    Events & social
    Cooking & food
    Charity work
    Adventure sports
  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    French: Fluent
    German: Intermediate
    Spanish: Beginner

    More details about my language interests
    I see languages as a good way to discover and understand other cultures! Not particularly used in teaching languages I know, I would love to try, and to discover your languages as well Eager to practice other languages in general

    Find a language buddy

  • Skills and knowledge I'd like to share or learn

    I'm interested in:  

    Life at a Farmstay
    Animal Care
    General Maintenance

    Some knowledge of:  

    Charity Work
    Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Helping around the house

    Able to teach about:  

    Helping with Computers/ Internet
  • More details about your skills

    Due to my work and academic career I'd first bring my project management skills, and more broadly my knowledge on entrepreneurship
    I'm proficient in computer use (office bureautique, various softwares...)
    I am able to lead workshops, meetings, courses
    I know some tools to help out collective intelligence.
    Always happy to engage in creative thinking, morre specifically collectively!

    More broadly and linked to the kind of projects I would be looking for, I am able to handle basic tools and have the basic knowledge of DIYs/odd jobs/handy work (painting, handling of hammers, screwdrivers, shovels...)
    Absolutely not afraid of carrying loads or "getting my hands dirty" as I have read on some posts, quite the contrary!

    I quite enjoy cooking (as eating is a big part of my life), especially for and with people as a way to connect and spend a good time. Without being a chef I like to think that is quite tasty! Would be happy to show you French recipes among others :)

  • Age


  • What else ...

    To broaden the description : Nature and animal lover, outdoorsy, somewhat athletic even though I'd rather say that sports in general take up a large part of my life without being an expert in any field (hiking, running, climbing, diving, biking, skiing, sailing..) heroic fantasy books fan, music lover

    I like to have a balance in my life between 2 kind of energies, chill & enthusiastic excitment !
    I like being both alone and surrounded with people with whom I can spend good times : sharing, talking, boardgaming, dancing, aperoing, debating...

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements
      I do not eat a lot of meat as I prefer knowing its provenance and how it was produced, although I like it and would not consider myself as vegetarian ; I am not the best lactose processor but I am a true French person ergo cheese (and salted better) lover



