Julia & Rayk

  • Germany
  • Login to see last activity

Badges (2)

Good Workawayer

Profile information

  • Travel information

    We are currently


    Activities we are interested in:

    hiking, photography, sightseeing, snorkeling

  • Description

    Hi, my name is Julia, I'm 36 years old and I have a diploma in education, special education and social work. For 5 years I worked with children with special needs or behavior difficulties and their parents, after that I worked the last two years for social services to help people with disabilities to get the help they need to live independently. Rayk is 39 years old and an industrial mechanic who has also lots of experience with special mechanical engineering and logistics. In his last job he built special scanners for museums and universities.
    We really loved our work but we always wanted to see the world, so in August 2015 we decided to take a very big step. We quit our jobs, sold almost everything we had, packed our backpacks and went off to Southeast Asia and Southern Africa! After almost one year of traveling we went back to Germany, but the travel bug got us again and since February 2022 we are on the road again!We spend lovely 5months in Greece, then a 6week workaway stay in northern Spain, where we worked at a donkey sanctuary. From September 2022 to end of August 2023 we experienced beautiful Costa Rica. We did a 6 week workaway stay on the Pacific side of the country, and a 10months stay on the Carribean side, which was truly amazing. But now it is time to get moving again and see more of the world!
    Everyday is something special and one of the things we love most is meeting so many inspiring people from different countries. Also, we really love food and especially Rayk is very brave and loves to try new things, especially spicy stuff. We are both vegan/ vegetarian.
    We have been a couple for almost 16 years and married for two and we really make a good team.
    I'm very outgoing and active and in general a very happy person. Rayk is calm and reliable, but also he is the one with the courage! We always take care of each other and we both know about working hard.
    What else is there to say? Oh, we really love animals, any kind, but we especially love dogs and cats and farm animals!
    If you have any questions, please contact us and ask! We'll be happy to answer as soon as possible!

  • Interests

    Self development
    Plant care
    Events & social
    Cooking & food
    DIY & crafts
    Vegetarian or vegan
    Sailing / Boating
    Outdoor activities

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  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Beginner

    More details about my language interests
    We would like to learn Spanish.

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  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    Eco Projects
    Charity Work

    Some knowledge of:  

    General Maintenance
    Animal Care
    Helping with Computers/ Internet
    DIY and building projects

    Able to teach about:  

    Babysitting and creative play
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Helping around the house
  • More details about your skills

    We both love animals, so taking care of them is great fun for us. We have experiences with dogs, cats and farm animals (donkeys, horses, ponys, chicken and ducks including medical treatment) and we've worked as dog- and catsitters and farmhands before. Before we started traveling I went horsebackriding on a regular basis and know most about their care. Rayk has been horsebackriding with me twice and really showed some talent!
    In general we just love to spend time with animals, play with them and see them happy. In Malaysia we volunteered in a cat shelter with over a hundred cats and we really learned a lot there. The donkey sanctuary in Galicia, Spain gives shelter to over 60 donkeys, horses and ponys plus cats, dogs and chicken. The work there was truly amazing and we loved every minute of it.
    In Costa Rica our work consisted of maintaining the properties, some building projects and dogcare and hospitality work. We took care of the guests and the casitas and made sure they had the best stay with us possible. We both love to cook and always enjoy trying out new recipes and I should think we are not half bad!
    Rayk knows his way around a toolbox and is able to fulfill general maintenance tasks and building projects while I'm his assistant and the organizer between the two of us.
    We are both very interested in gardening, but except for helping Rayks father in his garden and a little garden work in Spain we don't have much experience. We'd love to learn more!
    Both of us have a drivers license and we both carry an international drivers license. Since driving scooters in Southeastasia and a car in South Africa last year, we are not afraid to drive in foreign countries or on "the wrong side of the road", so running errands is no problem for us. We regularly took the car in Costa Rica to help the owners of the property with buying tools and building materials as well as grocery shopping.
    We both speak English fluently and have no problems with communication especially because we are very outgoing and love to meet and interact with new people. In Costa Rica we learned a lot of Spanish and Julia is in the middle of a beginner language course, but we are still very much at the beginning of our Spanish speaking adventures.
    Both of us love to learn new things and are open for new experiences.

  • Age

    37 & 40

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements



