Brian & Karen

  • Australia
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Top Workawayer

Profile information

  • Travel information

    We are currently

    At home

    Activities we are interested in:

  • Description

    Brian is a Civil Engineer by profession and a recently retired Construction Manager with a large Construction Company in Australia.
    Karen is a qualified Florist but has a gardening business when in Australia.
    We used to live 6 months in Perth, Australia and 6 months in the UK/Europe where we lived in Falmouth, Cornwall until recently.......when Covid arrived.
    We are basically on holiday everywhere but we like to keep busy and would like to help someone out, meet new people and see a bit more of the countryside.
    We are both hands-on people and don't mind hard work. I've renovated all the houses I've lived in and built the last one from the ground up. There's probably not much I can't do in the building trade (body willing) and I'm also a fair mechanic.
    Hobbies are mainly nature walks when in Cornwall but in Australia I do long safaris into the bush with my Defender. Karen loves to get into Floral Art at the drop of a hat (when in civilisation).
    We have both travelled extensively throughout our lives, mainly on a shoe-string by preference.
    We are both omnivores but happy to go vegetarian if that's the norm. Moderate drinkers but non-smokers.
    We are not interested in any big city locations and would prefer a country location with hiking opportunities and some sort of project work rather than just cleaning and baby fact, forget the baby-sitting altogether. We are not really interested in housekeeping/cleaning host's B&B/Gites full time.

  • Languages spoken

    French: Intermediate
    Spanish: Beginner

  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    Eco Projects
    Animal Care
    Life at a Farmstay

    Some knowledge of:  

    Helping with Computers/ Internet
    Helping around the house

    Able to teach about:  

    DIY and building projects
    General Maintenance
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
  • More details about your skills

    Brian can do anything relating to building trades, plumbing, electrics, bricklaying, carpentry, arc welding and basic mechanics.
    Karen's forte is gardening/floristry.
    We are both pretty good cooks.
    We are not really interested in housekeeping/cleaning host's B&B/Gites full time and forget baby-sitting altogether.

  • Age

    71 & 63

  • What else ...

    We're both into board games, Risk, Sequence, cards.
    We both do a bit of yoga (Japanese) but Karen more than I to be honest.
    We are both pretty fit.

    As a footnote and COVID related we were kidnapped by the Australian Government and were not allowed to travel out of the country for a while so our European plans were somewhat curtailed last year. We're now fully vaccinated and are back in Oz doing a trip around Australia.

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies
      hay fever

    • Special dietary requirements



