Posts tagged with: "travelling with kids"

  • about 8 min
Meet the single mom who took her little one on a big Workaway adventure to pursue her dream

There's no better classroom than nature, and this applies to both children and grown-ups! With a dream of starting her own permaculture farm, Fenia didn’t let the role of being a single mother stop her, and together with her son Adam, they embark on a series of farming adventures through Workaway.

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  • about 9 min
Family travel tips: on the go with kids in tow

The prospect of international travel with kids may seem a bit daunting — especially when they’re still very young — but let us reassure you that you don’t have to give up your nomadic lifestyle as a parent. Travelling with kids in tow just means that you’ve got to plan your trips a little differently! Read these useful advice and hacks on how to make your kids’ travel experience as satisfying and memorable as your own.

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  • about 7 min
Worried about travelling with kids? Use these top tips!

Travelling with kids or “en famille” is the perfect opportunity for you to leave behind the routine and responsibilities of work and school and spend some “quality time” together. A great idea in principal, but it is sometimes difficult to meet the expectations of all family members and really make the most of your time together.

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