
Life landscapers and adaptive spirits welcome to our seaside community in Portovenere, Liguria , Italy

  • Favourited 394 times
  • Last activity : 12 Sep 2024



 Min stay requested: at least 2 weeks



  • Description


    Buongiorno a Tutti, thanks for reading us!

    We favour responsable and skilled individuals and lovely couples with an interest in old country houses and gardens...apply if :
    -you have some experience and eagerness to experiment with construction, building and are at your ease around basic tools;
    -you have been said at least one time more then necessary to be a TIDY person: (no tools left behind, your spaces kept clean and tidy and a steady smile in your eyes...
    - you are an enthusiastic CAMPING and OUTSIDE LIFE fan and have experience with it;
    - don't mind sharing your spaces, meals, working times wih people you don't know (yet);

    Address us with our actual names in your message and show us that you went through the COMPLETE description and are making a well pondered choice.Tell us why you'd like to stay with us!

    Openings are available for positive, adaptive outdoor lovers , with good dexterity and sense of humour.
    Accomodation is very frugal : Tents,a basic kitchen and basic toilet, imagine a sort of domestic camping in the backyard of your house.Come prepared also for rainy weather, splendid seaside sunlight and RED SUNSETS!

    We seek responsable outdoors lovers with an interest for CARPENTRY ,LANDSCAPING and GARDENING SKILLS, wanting to have their bodies and souls nurtured amongst centennial olive trees and beautiful views above the Gulf of Poets , sourrounding the lively citly of La Spezia, at the border between Liguria and Toscana, Northern Italy,,,

    Add the "Magic Word" that you will find at the end of this description in the SUBJECT of your e-mail to show us that you have read and are comfortable with the kind of context we offer.

    ---------------------------------WI-Fi is intermittent and slow to work (should this be a priority for your stay)--------------

    Projects are physical and very rewarding and results are visible on a short term. Everything around you will THANK YOU really loudly! Physical dexterity and a certain kind of manuality, other than those old fashion social skills (respect your space and others') are mustsof the community.
    Add to your lightweight luggage your own inspiration and working skills to connect with this precious and unique place and leave a long term footprint of your creativity. SELFIE STICKS are banned and will be chopped with a chainsaw. Yes,really!

    The view on the Porto Venere bay is stunning and the whole atmosphere very calm and pleasent.
    This is our idea to share our home with people ready and willing to embrace our vision, not just a house.
    Sparkle our and your interest and curiosity with your existing skills and give us reasons to welcome you with a "Golden Retriever smile (without the drool :O)" on our faces! Check out places and distances on a map to make sure you know where we (and YOU! ) are and the shape of this region without the constant use of a browser... We deeply value and embrace your positive, energetic and enthusiastic contribution to help us protecting and conserving a precious heritage.

    Portovenere is a millennial seaside village nestled in an UNESCO protected area and located between the Cinque Terre and the Poets Gulf. We offer an opportunity to live and explore these areas from a different perspective; nothing to do with "doing" the Cinque Terre on a busy day with thousends of people costantly around you...
    An ancient house made of stones on the top of the hill outside the village with views on the sea, surrounded by hundreds of olive trees, many dear and interesting friends, a family of donkeys and a few cats.

    This is our family of four: Giacomo the loud Italian; Agnès, his pensive and methodic french partner and their two inquisitive kids, born in Florida during their 11 years spent there.
    During your stay, you will meet and work also with other members of the family, who will be glad to share their experiences; our parents live on the same property and are active in maintaining both house and atmosphere.

    We constantly crave for pleasant, energetic and trustworthy people, to join us and help maintaining the house and the property surrounding it. The house and the land around it are in need of daily energetic, physical work and affection. We favour people more interested in culture, arts and nature than "selfie clicking" crowds.
    Think about your daily use of social media, number of 'posts' and "messages" received and ponder if you need to read futher and apply...please.

    COUPLES with experience and a sane interest (and energy ) for landscaping, gardening and general maintanence work are welcome to join us and stay in a small cottage (if available during your stay) with everything needed to make this a memorable stay. Social skills, an interest for a genuine HUMAN INTERACTION and the ability to adapt are a MUST.
    International, energetic and mature couples with experience in gardening, landscaping and outside living are a PLUS.
    Playing an instrument is considered a PLUS PLUS as we often like to sit outside with friends and neighbours and relax with music and fire.
    Being a professional and offering professional help in your branch will be much appreciated, as long as you are willing to LISTEN and see what we want to accomplish.
    YES, also young, motivated and respectful individuals are most welcome, knowing that this is NOT a place for partying and everything that normally goes with it and a budget is required for your food and transportation.

    Both parts will have a few days TRIAL period, meaning that if not more than happy and in line with expectations, we will carry on on separate paths.

    Throughout the year a help of flexible 5 hours per day for 5 days a week is needed with different tasks, depending on your skills and what is needed in the house and the garden. The house, the trees and the property in general require continuous loving care. You will be often required to work on some tasks indipendently and on your own, therefore good organizing skills are required.

    Now, the ideal profile...
    1 Functions WITHOUT his or her smartphone for longer than 5 hours a day for 5 days ;
    2 Is a proactive and responsable individual who sees things and anticipates us (yes, surprise us with your skills and ideas) when something needs attention;
    3 adapts to different situations ( a rainy day, a lazy day, a very intense day and so on) proposing also projects in line with conditions:
    4 is able and keen to keep CLEAN AND TIDY at all time the cottage (just outside smoking with no butts around, no international hostel dorm atmosphere with heaps of things around the house, no, non, nein , HET )...

    The list could be very long but we are sure you know the drill by now...
    You will be able to experience this place and its surroundings and practice your italian, french, english and german, if needed. Spanish is also spoken by part of the family. SILENCE is not spoken but widely understood and generally appreciated.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Language practice
    Help with Eco Projects
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Farmstay help
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    This is a typical italian family with all its members used to be with and welcome deserving and living people from all over the world. Expect availability, warmth and care commisurated to your EFFORTS , SKILLS and RESPECT for our beloved family and Home.

    We have relax searching guests and world discovering kids on the premises: DRUGS and ALCOHOL INTOXICATION will be a reason for the donkeys to kick undesirable guests out (alternatevely the local police ,400 meters away, will do it with all the consequences).

    The village, the NAtional Park and its surroundings are incredibly rich of history and traditions and our family has profound roots in this place; if you are willing to blend in, there is plenty to see and learn.
    A suggestion: read about these places before you come.

    Ah...And the magic word is " OLIVI!"

    We firmly believe and enforce the HAPPY CAMPER RULE: places and people should be left behind in a better condition after our stay. This applies also for the place you will be living in that will have to be kept CLEAN and TIDY at all times.
    We strive to do it and expect you doing the same.
    Lastly (READ TWICE) : coming here and costantly post pictures on social networks of our place, kids, family , you together etc will very much DISPLEASE our donkeys.

    If not able to ( just!? ) BE, DO and EXPERIENCE rather than post (and brag), there are thousends of others options.
    Better to be clear from the very beginning...

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    All skills are appreciated, there is room and need for all your inspirations, but you ARE EXPECTED to be able to use properly a broom and sweep floors willingly,createvely and efficiently ( yes, you have read well).

    Removing weeds, buidling walls with rocks, carpentry, plumbing,swimming pool maintanenance are just a few of the skills required and much appreciated...

    Most of the help is done outside and we tend to favour MORNING PEOPLE given the nature of the tasks, therefore come with suitable working gear. DO COME with suitable working clothing ( closed shoes, long pants etc, please...and remember that the priority for all is always to work safely (we will provide goggles, gloves, ear protections etc).

    Plan to generally start the day with a list of tasks that we have prepared together in advance and then complete the work either by yourself or with our help, depending upon conditions) .
    We are glad to welcome you, knowing that this place will naturally draw your best intentions.

    Please let us know ahead if you have experience and particular abilities or skills and we will be glad to combine them with some of the ongoing projects.
    We are located on a hill that is pretty easy to reach by bus or car from La Spezia and Portovenere, but the house is FULL of steps everywhere, therefore good dexterity and practical skills are a must.

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Fluent
    French: Fluent
    Italian: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    Italian, french , english , german and spanish are spoken fluently on the premises depending on the time of your arrival. I f you are willing to improve your language skills, there will be for sure a chance to do it!

  • Accommodation


    You are required to keep living areas assigned CLEAN AND TIDY AT ALL TIMES, this is part of your daily work outside the working time. Therefore APPLY JUST if you are sure to be able to adapt to this rule because it's something that you would do anywhere.

    A shared place in a tiny house ( only if available at the time of your stay) with bathroom depending upon availability.

    A TENT in the garden:
    Starting from March to October , most of the cottages are rented out and you will have at your disposal an area with toilet and outside kitchen that you can use and care for and keep in fabolous condition, just like yourself...

    A VAN in our parking lot with a view:
    If you are with your Van and are a Respectful and CLEAN Nomad, we will be glad to have you parking inside the property and use an outside toilet and kitchen.

    Bicycles and Kayaks are available if you want . We welcome couples as there is place for two adults and RESPONSIBLE kids used to be outside or inside and NOT constantly glued to a screen or device ( there is work also for the little ones with our cats and donkeys). We expect kids to take part to the chores. Yes. Kids will also be able to help and play and learn outside and play and practice languages with ours.

    When possible, you will share meals with us (we are NOT vegetarians,vegans,crudists etc ) although good food is pretty cheap here and you will be able and required to get and buy the groceries you prefer.
    Count and PLAN on eating and buying food by yourself , in the cottage there is plenty of space to cook and experiment depending upon seasons.
    During working days and hours when we work together, meals will be mostly served and shared with us.

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Portovenere (check it out on a map) , is about a hour or so from most of the most visited places in Italy (and the Planet !?)
    There are buses and trains from La Spezia to Portovenere , about 12 km away, MAKE SURE TO BUY A CODE 03 BUS TICKET before you board the bus and validate it to avoid very expensive fines!!! The closest airport is Pisa, about 90 km away from La Spezia Centrale Train Station.
    From the house you can start directly your hike to some of the most beautiful trails that will take you to the Cinque Terre,the Palmaria Island and the entire Gulf ( Genova , Pisa, Firenze, Milano are all in about 2 hours trip radius)
    We have many friends living in sorrounding places and will invite you to meet them while you stay here.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads


  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans


  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets


  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 4-5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 971935357993

Feedback (59)



These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:


Small farmhouse help in the countryside in Tuscany, Italy
Join a Sicilian-German family and be part of our eco-project near Taormina, Italy