Help us with our animals and a DIY project in Sopetran Antioquia, 40 km from the city of Medellín, Colombia

  • Favourited 19 times
  • Last activity : 15 Sep 2024



 Min stay requested: No minimum



  • Description


    Our endeavor is to build and decorate spaces that generate harmony with organic designs from nature, we take advantage of the great abundance we have of recycled wood and transform it into unique pieces for decorating spaces. We are located in Sopetran Antioquia, 40 km from the city of Medellín Colombia, they call it the land of fruits. Great biodiversity from 500 to 3,800 meters at sea level
    Nuestro emprendimiento es construir y o decorar espacios que generen armonía con diseños orgánicos de la naturaleza , aprovechamos la gran abundancia que tenemos de madera reciclada y la transformamos en piezas únicas para decoracion de espacios . Estamos ubicados en sopetran Antioquia a 40 km de la ciudad de Medellín Colombia , le dicen la tierra de las frutas . Una gran biodiversidad desde los 500 hasta los 3.800 metros a nivel del mar

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    We have built our space adapting to nature and respecting the home of so many animals that accompany us every , we are open to teaching our experience with wood and open to learning from you
    Nuestro espacio lo hemos construido adaptándonos a la naturaleza y respetando el hogar de tantos animales que nos acompañan día a día, estamos abiertos a enseñar nuestra experiencia con la madera y abiertos a aprender de ustedes

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    We are looking for people who have experience with wood. But we thank anyone who wants to contribute their will to this great project that also includes bioconstruction and painting.
    Estamos buscando personas que tengan experiencia con madera . Pero agradecemos a quien quiera aportarnos con su voluntad a este gran proyecto que también incluimos bioconstrucción y pintura

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    Spanish: Fluent

    This host offers a language exchange
    La teoría siempre es importante , pero combinarla con la práctica se crea la sabiduría , nos gustaría practicar más otros idiomas y poder relacionarnos con personas de todo el mundo 🌍

  • Accommodation


    We provide accommodation in a country house, with a beautiful view of the mountains, you will have transportation to the service and breakfast included.
    Brindamos hospedaje en una casa de campo , con una vista hermosa de las montañas , tendrán transporte al servicio y el desayuno incluido

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Sopetran has beautiful rivers, forests and mountains to show the world, many interesting stories to tell and we can provide you with a motorcycle so you can move around in your free time.
    Sopetran tiene ríos , bosques y montañas hermosas para mostrarle al mundo , muchas historias interesantes que contar y podemos facilitarles una moto para que puedan moverse en sus tiempos libres

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    En nuestro espacio contamos con una excelente señal de internet 🛜

  • Space for parking camper vans

    Space for parking camper vans

    Tenemos un espacio con parking grande y protegido para cualquier tipo de carabana

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets

    This host has said they are willing to accept those travelling with a pet.

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?

    More than two

  • ...

    Hours expected

    3-5 horas diarias por 5 días de la semana

Host ref number: 399378763538



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