Help me to improve my languages in Santiago, Chile

  • Favourited 50 times
  • Last activity : 20 Sep 2024



 Min stay requested: 1 week or less



  • Description


    Hi, I'm Alex, I have a house that I like to share. I love to receive travelers and travel when possible, share my life, show you my favorite places and learn languages among other knowledge. I tell you that I have lived with more than 21 nationalities and 50 people, I consider myself open-minded and I love to learn from the ways and stories of people, in my space you will not lack anything, the spirit of the trip, internationalist solidarity, the love for the land are the flags of my ship that is still afloat in my heart, you will have the privacy and comfort and all the facilities that living in the center of a commune offers

    Transportation (stop) at 3 minutes
    Libertadores metro (30 minutes by bus)
    Lagoons and rivers by bicycle.


    Hola soy Alex de Santiago de chile !✌🏽 tengo un casa que me gusta compartir. me encanta recibir viajeros y viajar cuando se puede , compartir la historias y experiencias de viaje ,mostrarte mis lugares favoritos y aprender idiomas entre otros saberes. Te cuento que he convivido con mas de 22 nacionalidades y más 100 personas en 5 años , Me considero de mente abierta y me encanta aprender de las formas y lugares de origen de las personas, el espiritu del viaje , la solidaridad internacionalista, el amor por la tierra son la banderas de mi barco que sigue a flote en mi corazon , tendrás la privacidad y comodidad básica y toda las facilidades que ofrece vivir en el centro de una comuna.

    Trasporte ( paradero) a 3 minutos
    Metro libertadores( 30 minutos en bus)
    Lagunas y rios en bicicleta.

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Art Projects
    Language practice
    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Help around the house
    General Maintenance
    Help with Computers/ Internet
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    I am currently working on a nomadic project selling books at concerts associated with the idea of food autonomy and social struggle. I can teach you qualified welding in 1-2-3g, mosaic and its various techniques. Exchange language and cooking classes, collaborate with travel tips and if there is time, go on a tour To the main parks or viewpoints of Santiago and Colina,

    you can also visit the river of my Community, which has a path that goes up to the Colacalan hill and crows full of native fauna and flora (and in winter you can visit the snow!!) There is also the possibility of renting horses or paragliding in my area, we can also coordinate bike rides in Santiago or the hill and I have facilities to travel for the day to the beach on weekends economically. In short, we can have a good cultural exchange and learn a lot from both. I wait for you !!✨👌✌🏽

    Estoy actualmente con un proyecto nómade de venta de libros en recitales asociado a la idea de la autonomia alimentaria y la lucha social . Te puedo enseñar soldadura calificada en 1-2-3g , mosaico y sus tecnicas variadas . Intercambiar clases de idiomas y de cocina, colaborarte con tips de viajes y si hay tiempo salir de tour A los principales parques o miradores de santiago y colina,

    tambien se puede conocer el rio de mi Comuna , el cual tiene un sendero que sube hasta el cerro colacalan y canta gallo lleno de fauna y flora nativa( y en invierno se puede visitar la nieve!! ) Tambien está la posibilidad de arrendar caballos o tirarse en parapente en mi zona , así mismo podemos coordinar cicletadas en santiago o colina y tengo facilidades para viajar por el dia a la playa los fines de semana de forma economica .
    En fin podemos tener un buen intercambio cultural y aprender muchísimo de ambos .

    Te espero !!✨👌✌🏽

  • Help


    Mainly language and domestic help if required.

    Principalmente idioma y ayuda domestica

  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Beginner
    French: Beginner

    This host offers a language exchange
    Quiero aprender más inglés y francés y te puedo ilustrar perfectamente en mi idioma nativo español

  • Accommodation


    Shared house / Armchair sofa with blankets and very clean sheets, with good ventilation and a large thick veil that allows privacy and the accommodation of all your things. I currently live with two more people (women), young and alternative environment.

    Casa compartida /camarote con frasadas y sabanas , con buena ventilacion y un gran velo grueso que permite la privacidad y el acomodo de todas tus cosas actualmente vivo con
    dos personas más ( mujeres ) , ambiente joven y alternativo .

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    We can cycle to the river, artistic fairs, protests, go hiking, my house is 30 minutes from the Libertadores subway and 5 minutes from downtown. Banks, ATMs, medical emergencies, fairs and commerce.

    Podemos salir a ferias artisticas,protestas,hacer senderismo, mi casa queda a 30 min del metro libertadores y a 5 minutos del centro . Bancos,cajeros,urgencias médicas,ferias y comercio.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • Can host digital nomads

    Can host digital nomads

    Buena señal de internet. Todo lo necesario para que trabajes con tu computador

  • Can possibly accept pets

    Can possibly accept pets


  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Máximo 2 horas al día, 4 días a la semana

Host ref number: 331228975576

Feedback (21)


These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:


Get involved in a community-life experience helping with a free English language school in Taltal, Chile
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