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Meu próximo destino:
Australia - desde Abr 2024 até Mai 2025 Ver tudoDescrição
There are multiple things in this life that both motivate and bring me happiness, but I’d have to say helping people, traveling, and being out in nature are some of my top picks. Helping people has always been a passion of mine. Growing up I would always be the person to make sure everyone around me was doing good and if anyone needed help I’d be the first one to jump in and help them. This passion motivated me to pursue an education in psychology to better understand the human psyche and to help others who may be struggling to live the best life they can. Kindness is something that motivates me as well because you never know how far that kindness will go or who will need it the most. I strive to live my life with kindness and an open heart no matter how tough the world can be. Traveling is definitely my number one passion after spending time with people I love. Traveling allows me to go out and explore new culture, history, language, people, and natural landscapes. I love to learn new things and am constantly adapting my outlook on life when I experience new cultures and ways of life. I love to connect with new people from all around the world. Traveling also lets me explore the beautiful nature that is unique to every place. I love to camp, hike, and be outside it brings me a lot of happiness to disconnect and enjoy the natural beauty this world has to offer.
Yoga/bem-estarMontanhasIdiomasFotografiaEscreverEsportes de invernoEsportes aquáticosVida na estradaSustentabilidadeAtividades ao ar livreMascotesNaturalezaMúsicaHistóriaCaminhadaJardinagemEventos e socialFazendaDançaFaça você mesmoCulturaArquiteturaLivrosCulinária e comidaTrabalho beneficenteCampingPraiaAnimaisEsportes de aventuraIdiomas
Inglês: FluenteMais detalhes sobre meu interesse em idiomas
I would love to help others learn English and I would love to be able to learn a new language at the same time. I am a native English speaker and am very interested in other languages so, for me learning a language would be an amazing opportunity. As well as having the opportunity to help others learn EnglishHabilidades e conhecimento para compartilhar ou aprender
Tenho interesse em:
Projetos ambientaisVida na fazendaTrabalho beneficenteProjetos artísticosIdiomasConhecimento de:
JardinagemEnsinoProjetos de construção/faça você mesmoCuidar de animaisManutenção geralPoso ensinar:
Fazer companhia para idososCuidar de crianças/atividades criativasCriar/cozinhar refeições caseirasAjuda a cuidar da casaHotelaria/turismoQuais são suas habilidades?
I am a very adaptable person who can handle a lot of different tasks. I learn quickly and am wiling to go above and beyond to get the job done and done well. My expertise is definitely with human interaction and communication. I am very outgoing person so being able to interact with others is very easy for me. I also am a very hands on and innovative person, if there is a problem I can find a way to fix it. Being hands on is very important to me as it allows me to learn and gives things to do, I like to be active with work more so than just to sit and work. Having one of my passions being nature I love to be outside and with animals, I’m also not afraid to get dirty if the job requires it. I am very easy going, love to learn, so whatever the task may be you can trust that I will do my best to learn the most efficient way to get my job done. I have traveled around America, Australia and Europe and have had to use these skills to navigate my way around as a solo traveler. I have a bachelors degree in psychology and sociology and have worked in many different fields such as psych work, customer service, hospitality, and human recurses.
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I am an avid lover of music, singing and dancing. I love all genres of music an am always listening to music. I can sing a bit but unfortunately do not know how to play any instruments. Yet that is definitely something I’d love to learn in my life. I love karaoke and going out dancing with friends. I like to be active outside whatever it may be such as a nice walk, swimming, playing basketball or another type of hands on game.
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PenicillinDietas especiais
She generally sleeps late and often would not come upstairs to us until midday or early afternoon, but after this would work for the afternoon, help with (or… read more
She generally sleeps late and often would not come upstairs to us until midday or early afternoon, but after this would work for the afternoon, help with (or… read more