Information du profil
Information de voyage
Actuellement, je suis
à la maison
Les activités qui m'intéressent :
art, theatre, performing arts, cinema, psychology, etymology
I am Ritsa Gözde who is 26 years old and an actress. I have different origins cause of my family and it taught me a lot. Firstly, I learned how to respect all the people from different countries, religions, and ideas. My family is from different parts of the world. But I was born and raised in Turkey. I grew up with a lot of delicious food and that's why learned different cuisines and cultures. In the end, living with all these different -and also some of them really near to each other- cultures for my entire life created this girl. I'm appreciated.
When I did my exchange in Portugal I opened another world's door. So I can say that decision was one of the milestones of my life. That experience fed my freedom and artistic way. I'm appreciated.Centres d’intérêt
PhotographieAuto-stopCampingCyclismeVidéographieVie en vanMontagneFitnessSports d'aventureRandonnéeSports nautiquesVoile / bateauYoga / bien-êtreDev. durableVégétarien ou véganDev. personnelSports d'équipeCuisine et alimentationPlageDanseMusiqueÉcritureArts du spectacleFilms et téléLanguesÉvénements/vie socialeCultureBlogsLivresArt et designLangues
Langues parlées
Anglais: Courant
Turc: Courant
Allemand: Débutant
Italien: Débutant
Portugais: DébutantPlus de détails sur les langues qui m'intéressent
Italian and PortugueseCompétences et connaissances que j'aimerais partager ou apprendre
Ça m'intéresse :
S’occuper des animauxJ'ai des connaissances :
Éco-projetsAccueil / tourismeTravail associatifAide informatique / InternetAider dans une fermeJe peux apprendre aux autres :
Préparer les repas / cuisiner pour la familleLanguesProjets artistiquesEnseignementBaby-sitting et jeux créatifsQuelles sont vos compétences ?
* I went to teacher training high school and I took some lessons about teaching and education psychology. I could be a teacher but I didn't choose that way.
*If you've got a kid/kids I can teach them whatever I know. For example, we can do short plays with them or we can do drama.
*I've got a drama certificate from Turkey for teaching. (Also my university department is Performing Arts - Acting too)
* I started to play the piano in 2012 but I'm not calling myself as a good player.
* I have a license on badminton and archery.Âge
Autres infos...
All the photos on my profile are from my previous Workaway experiences.
Informations complémentaires
Permis de conduire
ONION and CAT FUR (by the way that's not a big problem to live in the same house but it can be a real problem if the cats will enter the place anytime where I will sleep. I know all of these because I lived before with cats)Régime alimentaire spécial
I can not eat onion. I'm allergic to that.
unfortunately she had to cut short her stay due to dramatic… read more
unfortunately she had to cut short her stay due to dramatic… read more