Séjours chez l'habitant, volontariat et vacances-travail : destination Cambodge

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Mis à jour 


  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Aidez dans une école/association dans la campagne à Lolei près de Siem Reap au Cambodge
Hello! My name is Sovannarith, and I am the founder and director of a children’s charity located in the countryside near Siem Reap (Lolei Village). I speak English and am committed to helping our children develop essential skills, with a strong ......


  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
Help with eco-tourism projects in Sen Monorom, Cambodia
Hello, my name is Sam Nang and I am the founder of a Community Development Project in Sen Monorom, Mondulkiri province, in eastern Cambodia. My project focuses on promoting sustainable eco-tourism in the area through working with the local minority, ......


Vivez dans un beau resort de bungalows et enseignez l'anglais ou l'espagnol près de la plage d'Otres au Cambodge
Dear Workawayers, You are welcome to come stay in your own bungalow with private bathroom close to Otres beach in exchange of courses. We are running, onsite, a lovely Hotel / Restaurant with a friendly Khmer team. There, you will be eating ......


  • Projet durable
    Projet durable
  • Échange linguistique
    Échange linguistique
Besoin de professeurs de yoga et massothérapeutes à Kampot, Cambodge
We're a small Women's Empowerment Project that offers rural women ongoing training and opportunities through the operation of Social Enterprises as well as working with their extended families and communities on Sustainable Development. We employ 11 ......


  • Échange culturel
    Échange culturel
Help with the finishing touches to a small building project in Battambang, Cambodia
We are a small familly, Franco Khmer with 2 boys (11-16). 5the elder is not at home since March, he decided to go have his own life to the nearby temple as a boudhist Monk. I am working in the show business industry in Europe, so I am sometimes ......