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Actividades que me interesan:
I'm going to Jaisalmer, India from 21-29 September, send me a message if you want to join!
I am born and raised in Singapore, but I have also spent time living in many different parts of the world, including London, Beijing, Boston, Trondheim and Oslo. The best parts of my childhood were always the annual trips I would go on with my family, I wouldn't be able to sleep with the excitement of exploring a new place. Clearly travel has always been something I am passionate about!
I have been to more than 20 countries so far and I plan to do a lot more travelling while I am still able to! If you are a visitor to Singapore, I am also happy to show you around. I have been a buddy for exchange students in my university so I am used to interacting with people from all over the world.Intereses
EscrituraTecnologíaDeportes de equipoSostenibilidadAutodesarrolloFotografíaMascotasArtes escénicasActividades al aire libreNaturalezaMontañaPelículas y televisiónIdiomasHistoriaSenderismoFitnessCiclismoCulturaCocina y alimentaciónTrabajo de caridadAcampadaLibrosArquitecturaAnimalesDeportes de aventuraIdiomas
Idiomas hablados
Inglés: Fluido
Chino (mandarín): Fluido
Norwegian: Intermedio
Español: PrincipianteMás información sobre tus intereses idiomáticos
I'm happy to teach English or Chinese (Mandarin), both of which I grew up speaking at a native level. After working in Norway for a year, I have also gotten to an intermediate level and am taking classes twice a week for the fall. I have also taken beginner Spanish in university.Habilidades y conocimientos que quiero compartir o aprender
Me interesa:
Vida en una granja
Ciertos conocimientos de:
Mantenimiento general
Cocinar para toda la familia
Puedo enseñar:
Ayuda doméstica
Cuidado de animales
Trabajo de caridad
Ayuda con ordenadores/Internet
Que habilidades tienes?
I am a software engineer, I have two years of experience developing web applications, so if you need someone to improve your website or do anything programming-related I would be happy to take it on.
I am a pleasant and social person, I would be great with hospitality roles like welcoming guests at a reception and making them feel comfortable.
I am active on social media so I am familiar with how the algorithms work and I would be happy to offer my help with social media marketing for your business.
Other than that, I am good with cooking and cleaning and happy to help with chores around the house! This spring I also spent a week in Tennessee with Appalachian Service Project, where I worked in a team to rebuild the floor of a house that had collapsed due to termites. I learnt to work with different construction tools and picked up basic construction knowledge. I am also really great with animals -- I volunteer at a cat shelter in my free time and have a dog of my own.
If any skills you require aren't listed, I'm a fast learner with a positive attitude and I'm sure I'll find ways to contribute to your home!Edad
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I'm a big football fan, I support Liverpool FC in the English Premier League but I usually get a season ticket for whatever the local team is.
I love going to the cinema and watching independent thought-provoking films. My favourite movie is Parasite.
I am planning to visit Jaisalmer, India in the last week of September!Más información
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