Alojamiento con familias, voluntariado y vacaciones trabajando en Ecuador

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  • Proyecto sostenible
    Proyecto sostenible
  • Intercambio lingüístico
    Intercambio lingüístico
Help around the finca in San Pedro de Vilcabamba Loja, Ecuador
We are in our mid fifties enjoying a retired peaceful life surrounded by nature. Need basic help around the farm We enjoy growing a large variety of organic plants....fruits and vegetables. The Finca is close to Vilcabamba Ecuador and you will be ......


  • Proyecto sostenible
    Proyecto sostenible
  • Intercambio lingüístico
    Intercambio lingüístico
Help on the land and with building cabins at our project near Puyo located in the lush Ecuadorian jungle
Our project is located in the exuberant Ecuadorian jungle. It is located one hour from the city of Puyo. The objective is the construction of cabins, construction of trails, cultivation of medicinal plants. It is a cultural area of Kiwcha Indian ......


  • Proyecto sostenible
    Proyecto sostenible
  • Intercambio cultural
    Intercambio cultural
Help us with an eco project and plant an abundant tropical food forest in Mashpi, Ecuador
Its a family farm located in the beautifull bioregion of El choco, one of Ecuador biodiversity hotspots, our farm is close to Mashpi reserve, we are surrounded by cloudforests and our main focus in the farm is ecological restoration with ......