& Sol

  • Großbritannien
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  • Reiseinformationen

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  • Beschreibung

    We’re Ellie and Sol, we met at the beginning of university and have been together for 3 years. In July of 2023 we both graduated from Newcastle university (UK). From August 2023 onwards we are taking some time away from academia and fast-paced life and get more in touch with down-to-earth living; experience new places, cultures, and people. We want to see more of this world, and decide what we want to do with our future.

    Both of us have become increasingly interested in the natural world. Together we’ve gotten into a bit of foraging and mycology (growing our own oyster mushrooms). We also have been helping to run our university’s Bee Society, which involved caring for three lovely honey bee hives. Food is another thing that we both love; we’re confident in the kitchen and eager to learn more.

    So far we've visited three workaways. We stayed at an organic farm and permaculture project in Norway for six weeks, doing gardening, vegetable harvesting and planting, beekeeping, cooking and cleaning and much more. Afterwards we visited Cyprus, first in the South, where Sol created a website for a local bakery, and then in North where we've spent another six weeks on a permaculture farm. Needless to say we've become quite handy in the garden and have had plenty of experience with practical tasks.

    Ellie (21): I am really into all things to-do with biology - my degree is in Biomedical Genetics. I also love to wild swim and hike and would be into anything active. I have always been into baking, but more recently I have got into preserving and would really like to learn more!

    Sol (23): After spending three years working with computers for my degree I've began to tire of doing digital work somewhat. I've thoroughly enjoyed working with nature and doing practical tasks at our workaway experiences so far, and most of my free time is spent trying to teach myself to play the guitar.

  • Interessengebiete

    Yoga / Wellness
    Heimwerken & DIY
    Kochen & Backen
  • Sprachen

    Gesprochene Sprachen
    Englisch: Fließend
    Deutsch: Grundkenntnisse
    Französisch: Grundkenntnisse

    Mehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
    Ellie: I am interested in learning new languages, and would try and learn anything you would be willing to teach! I would love to improve my German and French particularly, as my mother is fluent in these. Sol: Languages were never my forte in school, but I would be excited to try again and learn some basics of whatever is on offer.

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  • Bereiche, die uns interessieren oder in denen wir anderen etwas beibringen können

    Interessiert uns:  


    Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden  

    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Betreuung von Tieren
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Handwerkliche Arbeiten

    In der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:  

    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Tourismus / Gastgewerbe
    Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
  • Was könntest du arbeiten?

    Sol: I like to think that I’m practically minded, I’ve always helped out with DIY around the house, and I love to tinker with things. My parents have recently moved to an old farm-house so visiting has involved plenty of fixing up, taking down, and general manual labour tasks like chopping wood and gardening. I also have experience with hospitality and service, having worked in both a pub and a cafe. As mentioned before I am very comfortable with computers, I’ve always played tech-support for friends and family.

    Ellie: Having worked both in a laboratory and in admin I am very skilled with keeping anything organized. The same rules as baking generally apply to wet lab research; keep everything clean, follow the protocol precisely, and manage your time well! I find that I can translate aspects of these key skills into many different roles.
    I am also always trying to be confident and engaging with new people, so to practice I have got back into public speaking. I will presenting at my second conference in spring!
    When I was growing up I spent a lot of time looking after animals; ranging from small pets, to farm, to exotic animals. My favorite farm animals to take care of are chickens and pigs, and of the exotic animals I found the skunk and wallabies to be very lovely. I would be happy to help to care for any animals if I was shown how you manage them, except for horses on account of being too allergic.

  • Alter

    22 & 24

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