Selma & Hannah

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Good Workawayer
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  • Reiseinformationen

    Wir sind gerade

    unterwegs auf Reisen

    Tätigkeiten, die uns interessieren:

    Outdoor Advtivities, cultural Immersion, community Engagement, creative pursuite, but mostly open to what there is to offer!

    Unser nächstes Reiseziel:

    Queenstown, New Zealand - von Apr 2024 bis Sep 2024
    Alle anzeigen
  • Beschreibung

    Hello fellow Workawayers and hosts,

    I am Selma, currently travelling with wonderful Hannah, both 26 years old and longtime friends of over 10 years. We're excited to share with you what motivates us and brings us happiness.

    First and foremost, we find immense joy in connecting with people from different backgrounds and cultures. Sharing stories, experiences, and laughter over a cup of tea is one of life’s greatest pleasures for us. Whether it’s learning about someone’s life journey or exchanging cultural insights, these interactions enrich our souls and broaden our perspectives on the world.

    We also have a particular taste for projects that are environmental. We're passionate about contributing to initiatives that promote sustainability and protect our planet. Whether it’s participating in eco-friendly practices, conservation efforts, or sustainable living projects, we're eager to lend our hands to any environmental cause.

    Another source of happiness for us is being outdoors and getting our hands dirty. Despite having lived in cities for most of our lives, we’ve discovered a newfound passion for gardening and manual labor during our travels. There’s something incredibly fulfilling about working with the earth, nurturing plants, and seeing the fruits of our labor (quite literally!). It’s a reminder of the simple joys in life and the beauty of the natural world.

    Additionally, forming genuine connections and making lasting friendships is something we value deeply. Our experience helping a lady in Bowen, Australia, with her house was not just about the tasks at hand; it was about the bonds we formed and the memories we created together. Maintaining these connections long after our work was done brings us immense happiness and fulfillment.

    Overall, we’re motivated by the opportunity to learn, grow, and contribute positively to the lives of others. Whether it’s through lending a helping hand, sharing stories, or simply being present, we strive to make a meaningful difference wherever we go.

    We’re looking forward to connecting with like-minded individuals and embarking on new adventures together through Workaway. Let’s create unforgettable experiences and make the world a little brighter, one interaction at a time.

  • Interessengebiete

    Heimwerken & DIY
    Darstellende Künste
    Leben im Camper-Van
    Film & Fernsehen

  • Sprachen

    Gesprochene Sprachen
    Englisch: Fließend
    Französisch: Fließend
    Italienisch: Grundkenntnisse

    Mehr Infos zu meinen Sprachinteressen
    Ciao a tutti!I have my sights set on the charming streets of Italy, where I can indulge in mouthwatering pasta, sip on fine wine, and bask in the warmth of the Mediterranean sun.To prepare for my Italian adventure, I've decided to immerse myself in the language of amore. That's why I'm eagerly learning Italian, one "Ciao" and "Grazie" at a time. And who knows, maybe one day I'll be fluent enough to charm the locals with my impeccable accent and my knack for making pasta puns.But for now, I'm excited to embark on this linguistic journey and explore the world through the lens of a new language. So, whether you're saying "Ciao" or "Arrivederci," know that you'll be greeted with a smile and a hearty "Buongiorno!"And remember, if life gives you lemons, make limoncello!A presto,Selma.

    Einen Sprachpartner finden

  • Bereiche, die uns interessieren oder in denen wir anderen etwas beibringen können

    Interessiert uns:  

    Karitative Arbeit

    Bereits etwas Erfahrung vorhanden  

    Heimwerker- und Bauarbeiten
    Zubereiten / Kochen von Mahlzeiten für die Familie
    Mithilfe auf einem Bauernhof
    Betreuung von Tieren

    In der Lage, anderen etwas beizubringen:  

    Handwerkliche Arbeiten
    Tourismus / Gastgewerbe
    Hilfe mit Computer /Internet
  • Was könntest du arbeiten?

    Despite our young age, We've gained valuable experiences and knowledge through our careers and personal pursuits.

    Gardening and Outdoor Skills:

    - We have a genuine passion for gardening and outdoor activities, which we've cultivated during our travels over the past year. From planting and tending to vegetables and flowers to landscaping and lawn care, we feel at home working in outdoor environments.
    - Our commitment to environmental sustainability extends to our gardening practices, where we prioritize eco-friendly methods such as composting and the little permaculture knowledge we have.

    DIY and Building Projects:

    - While we may not be a professional builder, we're handy with tools and have successfully completed DIY projects in the past. Whether it’s simple repairs around the house or more ambitious building endeavors, We approach tasks with enthusiasm and a willingness to learn.
    Our experience includes basic carpentry, painting, and minor household repairs, allowing us to contribute effectively to a wide range of building projects.

    Interpersonal and Communication Skills:

    - With my professional experience in project management in the VFX industry, I've honed strong interpersonal skills and the ability to collaborate effectively as part of a team. I strive to be open-minded, to put empathy first, and have a positive attitude whatever the situation.
    - Fluent in English, we are comfortable communicating with people from diverse backgrounds, facilitating cultural exchange and fostering meaningful connections.
    - Hannah, my travel partner, was a journalist, bringing strong writing skills to the table. Her ability to craft compelling narratives and communicate effectively adds depth to our team.
    - My love for movies means I have a treasure trove of recommendations to share.

    Adaptability and Problem-Solving Abilities:

    - My career in project management has equipped me with a strong sense of adaptability and resilience, allowing me to thrive in new environments and navigate challenges effectively.
    I like to think I'm a quick learner and resourceful problem solver, able to think on my feet and find creative solutions to unexpected situations.

    We are excited about the opportunity to apply our complementary skills and contribute to meaningful projects during our Workaway experiences.

  • Alter

    26 & 26

  • Was noch ...

    Let me share a bit more about myself and my dear friend, Hannah. Together, we form a dynamic duo fueled by a shared love for adventure, storytelling, and the simple joys of life.

    Our journey through Middle-earth began long ago with the pages of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic saga, "The Lord of the Rings." From the rolling hills of the Shire to the towering peaks of Mordor, we've embarked on countless quests. Our mutual admiration for Tolkien's masterpiece is not just a love for fantasy but a bond forged through shared imagination and the power of storytelling.

    Music is another cornerstone of our friendship, weaving its melodies through the fabric of our lives. Whether we're strumming uks under the stars or belting out our favorite tunes (doesn't stop me from being a terrible singer) on road trips, music has a way of bringing us closer together and igniting our spirits with its magic.

    Traveling is our shared passion, fueling our wanderlust and thirst for new experiences. From the bustling streets of Manila to the serene shores of Croatia, we've traversed the globe together, collecting memories like precious souvenirs along the way. Each journey is not just an adventure but a celebration of our friendship and the bond that unites us.

    Reading is a sanctuary, where we lose ourselves in worlds of imagination and possibility. From gripping tales of adventure to thought-provoking works of literature, we find solace and inspiration in the pages of books, eager to explore new realms of knowledge and wisdom.

    Hannah and I share a special bond. As old friends, we've weathered life's storms together, guiding each other through triumphs and challenges with unwavering love and support. Our friendship is a tapestry where one can find laughter, tears, and countless stories waiting to be told.

    So, whether we're embarking on a quest through Middle-earth, strumming melodies by the campfire, or losing ourselves in the pages of a good book, one thing is certain – our friendship is an adventure worth cherishing, and I'm grateful to have Hannah by my side as we journey through life together.

    Looking forward to connecting with fellow adventurers and creating new memories together!

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