How to make a good Workawayer profile

Here you have a chance to express yourself and explain why you’d be a great volunteer. Your profile is what hosts refer to when receiving your email and is a great way of introducing and showing who you really are. Not sure what to say? Here's a few ideas to get you going...

Tell us about yourself:

Are you an adventurous person? A happy-go-lucky sunshine? A wild no limits adrenaline addict? A contemplative philosopher? An artist? A computer freak? Not sure? Have a little think... how do others see you, think of all the positive things about yourself and jot them down.

Why do you want to travel to the country (or the specific region) you are planning to go to? You could also write a bit more about your hometown if it explains more about what makes you the unique person you are.

Are there any causes or visions that you really believe in? Maybe there are some objectives or goals that you are trying to achieve? What about your hobbies and your favourite pastime?

How have you participated in Workaway? If you are new to the site, maybe there is a story you could relate to tell us and hosts some of your travel/volunteer experiences?

Be creative, imaginative, and have fun! Take a look at other Workawayer's profiles if you still can't decide what to write.

What skills do you have?

Maybe you want to talk about your education to help those who view your profile understand more about the special knowledge you have?

Your occupation or studies show the practical skills you possess. What languages do you speak? Could you teach the world your native language?

Remember, you do not have to be a super genius to use your skills, whatever type of help you could offer will always benefit someone out there who needs your assistance.

If you are confused or can't think of what you are good at, try to remember some of the things you have done in your life. Such as your bedroom wall that you painted blue, that squeaky metal chair you fixed, even the toilet flush you repaired, that cool exclusive gadget you programmed for your Dad, or the many likes and the reblogs you get on your Tumblr post.

When none of the above applies, chances are you've cut your brother's hair, taken your grandma out for a walk, given your dog a shower, planted some herbs on your terrace, or made some great cocktail party food that everyone loved on your best friend’s birthday.

It is all about sharing the amazing things you've done or seen in your life. And if you are keen to learn something new, do not hold back that you want to spread your enthusiasm and positive energy to everyone who views your profile.

Your profile photo:

You don’t have to be a model to have a good photo. A suitable profile photo is all about attitude and presenting the best side of yourself and who you are. Like it or not, it is the single most important thing to get right in your profile. Here's our top tips for making a good profile photo:

  • Show your face and SMILE :)
  • Don't upload a formal passport style photo
  • Try to be doing something practical or fun in the photo; Show your skills, your hobbies, what you're really good at.
  • Make sure the photo is not out of focus or over / under exposed
  • Don't upload a photo that has low resolution
  • Double check to make sure it's rotated in the right direction ;)

A few other tips to make your profile useful.

Remember to only include countries that you intend to visit. If you know that you will be going to one or two countries and only applying to hosts there then it’s best to only include these in your country list. You can always update this information if and when you decide to go elsewhere.

You can set your travel dates in your profile, be sure to do this so that you appear when hosts are searching. If you are available immediately, the last minute Workawayer list is ideal for you to put yourself on.

Lastly, verifying yourself with your Facebook profile really can help to increase confidence in your profile (only the number of friends you have is displayed to hosts.)